double precision function H4prenorm() c--- This function returns the appropriate renormalization factor for c--- the Higgs + 4 parton amplitudes c--- it includes: a) strong coupling renormalization c--- b) finite renormalization of Hgg effective coupling c--- c) finite renormalization of alpha-s in dred scheme c--- c--- Note that this function returns zero when checking the c--- (unrenormalized) results in the EGZ paper implicit none include 'constants.f' include 'b0.f' include 'epinv.f' include 'scheme.f' logical CheckEGZ common/CheckEGZ/CheckEGZ if (CheckEGZ) then H4prenorm=0d0 else H4prenorm=(-4d0*b0/xn*epinv+11d0/xn) if (scheme .eq. 'dred') then H4prenorm=H4prenorm+2d0/3d0 endif endif return end