subroutine nplotter_VV(p,wt,wt2,switch,nd) c--- Variable passed in to this routine: c c--- p: 4-momenta of particles in the format p(i,4) c--- with the particles numbered according to the input file c--- and components labelled by (px,py,pz,E) c c--- wt: weight of this event c c--- wt2: weight^2 of this event c c--- switch: an integer equal to 0 or 1, depending on the type of event c--- 0 --> lowest order, virtual or real radiation c--- 1 --> counterterm for real radiation implicit none include 'vegas_common.f' include 'constants.f' include 'histo.f' include 'jetlabel.f' include 'masses.f' include 'outputflags.f' double precision p(mxpart,4),wt,wt2 double precision etarap,pt double precision y4,y5,pt3,pt4,pt5,pt6 double precision pt34,pttwo double precision pt45,pt56,m45,mt45,mtrans,Etll,MET double precision etvec(4),etmiss,r2,delphi,m34,m56,m3456 integer switch,n,nplotmax,nqcdjets,nqcdstart,nd character*4 tag integer i logical first common/nplotmax/nplotmax common/nqcdjets/nqcdjets,nqcdstart data first/.true./ save first double precision mthl,mthu !===== info for "peak" transverse mass plot mthu=hmass*1d0 mthl=0.75d0*hmass ************************************************************************ * * * INITIAL BOOKKEEPING * * * ************************************************************************ if (first) then c--- Initialize histograms, without computing any quantities; instead c--- set them to dummy values tag='book' y4=1d3 pt3=1d7 pt4=1d7 pt34=1d7 c---Intiailise photon y5=1d3 pt5=1d7 mt45=1d7 m45=1d7 pt45=1d7 pt34=1d7 pt56=1d7 c----Initialise jet values will not pass cuts in there is an NLO jet pt6=1d7 jets=nqcdjets goto 99 else c--- Add event in histograms tag='plot' endif ************************************************************************ * * * DEFINITIONS OF QUANTITIES TO PLOT * * * ************************************************************************ ! 121 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> H(--> W^+(nu(p3)+e^+(p4)) + W^-(e^-(p5)+nu~(p6))) [top, bottom loops, exact]' 'L' ! 122 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> H(--> W^+(nu(p3)+e^+(p4)) + W^-(e^-(p5)+nu~(p6))) [above + interf. with gg->WW]' 'L' pt3=pt(3,p) pt4=pt(4,p) pt5=pt(5,p) pt6=pt(6,p) y4=etarap(4,p) y5=etarap(5,p) pt45=pttwo(4,5,p) pt34=pttwo(3,4,p) pt56=pttwo(5,6,p) r2= (p(4,1)*p(5,1)+p(4,2)*p(5,2)) . /dsqrt((p(4,1)**2+p(4,2)**2)*(p(5,1)**2+p(5,2)**2)) if (r2 .gt. +0.9999999D0) r2=+1D0 if (r2 .lt. -0.9999999D0) r2=-1D0 delphi=dacos(r2) !--- mll cut m45=0d0 do i=1,4 if( then m45=m45-(p(4,i)+p(5,i))**2 else m45=m45+(p(4,i)+p(5,i))**2 endif enddo m45=dsqrt(m45) m3456=0d0 do i=1,4 if( then m34=m34-(p(3,i)+p(4,i))**2 m3456=m3456-(p(3,i)+p(4,i)+p(5,i)+p(6,i))**2 else m34=m34+(p(4,i)+p(3,i))**2 m3456=m3456+(p(3,i)+p(4,i)+p(5,i)+p(6,i))**2 endif enddo m34=dsqrt(m34) m3456=dsqrt(m3456) do i=1,4 if( then m56=m56-(p(5,i)+p(6,i))**2 else m56=m56+(p(5,i)+p(6,i))**2 endif enddo m56=dsqrt(m56) mt45=0d0 mt45=(dsqrt(dsqrt(pttwo(4,5,p)**2+m45**2)+etmiss(p,etvec))**2) ! endif etvec(:)=p(3,:)+p(6,:) c--- transverse mass Etll=dsqrt(max(0d0,(p(4,4)+p(5,4))**2-(p(4,3)+p(5,3))**2)) MET=dsqrt(max(0d0,etvec(1)**2+etvec(2)**2)) mtrans=MET+Etll c Etll=dsqrt( c . +(p(4,4)+p(5,4))**2 c . -(p(4,3)+p(5,3))**2) c MET=dsqrt( c . +etvec(1)**2+etvec(2)**2 c . +(p(4,4)+p(5,4))**2 c . -(p(4,1)+p(5,1))**2 c . -(p(4,2)+p(5,2))**2 c . -(p(4,3)+p(5,3))**2) c mtrans=dsqrt((MET+Etll)**2 c . -(p(4,1)+p(5,1)+etvec(1))**2 c . -(p(4,2)+p(5,2)+etvec(2))**2) ************************************************************************ * * * FILL HISTOGRAMS * * * ************************************************************************ c--- Call histogram routines 99 continue c--- Book and fill ntuple if that option is set, remembering to divide c--- by # of iterations now that is handled at end for regular histograms if (creatent .eqv. .true.) then call bookfill(tag,p,wt/dfloat(itmx)) endif c--- "n" will count the number of histograms n=nextnplot c--- Syntax of "bookplot" routine is: c c--- call bookplot(n,tag,titlex,var,wt,wt2,xmin,xmax,dx,llplot) c c--- n: internal number of histogram c--- tag: "book" to initialize histogram, "plot" to fill c--- titlex: title of histogram c--- var: value of quantity being plotted c--- wt: weight of this event (passed in) c--- wt2: weight of this event (passed in) c--- xmin: lowest value to bin c--- xmax: highest value to bin c--- dx: bin width c--- llplot: equal to "lin"/"log" for linear/log scale call bookplot(n,tag,'pt_nu_1',pt3,wt,wt2,0d0,100d0,2.5d0,'lin') n=n+1 call bookplot(n,tag,'pt_e_1',pt4,wt,wt2,0d0,100d0,2.5d0,'lin') n=n+1 call bookplot(n,tag,'y_e_1',y4,wt,wt2,-4d0,4d0,0.2d0,'lin') n=n+1 call bookplot(n,tag,'pt_W_1',pt34,wt,wt2,0d0,100d0,2.5d0,'lin') n=n+1 call bookplot(n,tag,'pt_e_2',pt5,wt,wt2,0d0,100d0,2.5d0,'lin') n=n+1 call bookplot(n,tag,'y_e_2',y5,wt,wt2,-4d0,4d0,0.2d0,'lin') n=n+1 call bookplot(n,tag,'pt_nu_2',pt6,wt,wt2,0d0,100d0,2.5d0,'lin') n=n+1 call bookplot(n,tag,'pt_W_2',pt56,wt,wt2,0d0,100d0,2.5d0,'lin') n=n+1 call bookplot(n,tag,'pt_ll',pt45,wt,wt2,0d0,100d0,2.5d0,'lin') n=n+1 call bookplot(n,tag,'mll',m45,wt,wt2,0d0,100d0,2d0,'lin') n=n+1 call bookplot(n,tag,'mll',m34,wt,wt2,0d0,250d0,5d0,'lin') n=n+1 call bookplot(n,tag,'mll_2',m56,wt,wt2,0d0,250d0,5d0,'lin') n=n+1 c call bookplot(n,tag,'m4l',m3456,wt,wt2,hmass-0.5d0,hmass+0.5d0, c & 0.05d0,'lin') c n=n+1 c call bookplot(n,tag,'m4l',m3456,wt,wt2,0d0,2000d0,20d0 c &,'log') c n=n+1 call bookplot(n,tag,'mt',mt45,wt,wt2,0d0,1000d0,20d0,'lin') n=n+1 call bookplot(n,tag,'delphi',delphi,wt,wt2,0d0,3.14d0,0.1d0,'lin') n=n+1 call bookplot(n,tag,'transverse mass', & mtrans,wt,wt2,10d0,510d0,10d0,'log') n=n+1 c--- Plots of mtrans in specific regions call bookplot(n,tag,'10 < m(trans) < 2010', & mtrans,wt,wt2,10d0,2010d0,20d0,'log') n=n+1 call bookplot(n,tag,'130 < m(trans) < 2010', & mtrans,wt,wt2,130d0,2010d0,20d0,'log') n=n+1 call bookplot(n,tag,'300 < m(trans) < 2020', & mtrans,wt,wt2,300d0,2020d0,20d0,'log') n=n+1 call bookplot(n,tag,'10 < m(trans) < 130', & mtrans,wt,wt2,10d0,130d0,5d0,'lin') n=n+1 c--- Plots of mtrans in specific regions call bookplot(n,tag,'.75 m_H < m(trans) < m_H', & mtrans,wt,wt2,mthl,mthu,1d0,'log') n=n+1 c--- Plots of m(3456) in specific regions call bookplot(n,tag,'10 < m(3456) < 2010', & m3456,wt,wt2,10d0,2010d0,20d0,'log') n=n+1 call bookplot(n,tag,'130 < m(3456) < 2010', & m3456,wt,wt2,130d0,2010d0,20d0,'log') n=n+1 call bookplot(n,tag,'300 < m(3456) < 2020', & m3456,wt,wt2,300d0,2020d0,20d0,'log') n=n+1 call bookplot(n,tag,'10 < m(3456) < 130', & m3456,wt,wt2,10d0,130d0,5d0,'lin') n=n+1 call bookplot(n,tag,'pt(W)', & pt34,wt,wt2,0d0,2d0,0.02d0,'lin') n=n+1 call bookplot(n,tag,'+INTEGRAL+ pt(W)', & pt34,wt,wt2,0d0,10d0,0.1d0,'lin') n=n+1 call bookplot(n,tag,'50 < m(3456) < 250', & m3456,wt,wt2,50d0,250d0,2d0,'log') n=n+1 ************************************************************************ * * * FINAL BOOKKEEPING * * * ************************************************************************ c--- We have over-counted the number of histograms by 1 at this point n=n-1 c--- Ensure the built-in maximum number of histograms is not exceeded call checkmaxhisto(n) c--- Set the maximum number of plots, on the first call if (first) then first=.false. nplotmax=n endif c return end