subroutine dk2uqqb_QQb_gs(p,msqc) implicit none ************************************************************************ * Author: R.K. Ellis * * November, 2011. * * calculate the subtraction term for radiation in the * * anti-top quark decay for the process * * * * q(-p1)+qbar(-p2) = nu(p3)+e+(p4)+b(p5) * * +bbar(p6)+e-(p7)+nubar(p8)+g(p9) * * * * Top is kept strictly on-shell although all spin correlations * * are retained. B-quark is taken to be either massless or massive * * * ************************************************************************ include 'constants.f' include 'masses.f' include 'ptilde.f' include 'qcdcouple.f' include 'alfacut.f' double precision msq(-nf:nf,-nf:nf),msqc(maxd,-nf:nf,-nf:nf), & p(mxpart,4),q(mxpart,4),omz,z,fac,ptDpg,pbDpg,ptDpb,pwsq,xr, & y,ymax integer j,k logical incldip(0:maxd) common/incldip/incldip ndmax=1 do j=-nf,nf do k=-nf,nf msqc(1,j,k)=0d0 incldip(1)=.true. enddo enddo c--- special dipole for radiation in top decay call wtransform_generic(p,7,8,6,9,q,pbDpg,ptDpg,ptDpb) pwsq=2d0*(q(7,4)*q(8,4)-q(7,1)*q(8,1)-q(7,2)*q(8,2)-q(7,3)*q(8,3)) c--- form of subtraction depends on whether b-quark in decay is massless or not if (mb .lt. 1d-6) then c----- massless case omz=ptDpg/(ptDpb+ptDpg-pbDpg) z=1d0-omz xr=dsqrt(pwsq/mt**2) ymax=(1d0+xr)**2*z*omz/(z+xr**2*omz) y=2d0*pbDpg/mt**2/(1d0-xr)**2 if ((z .lt. 1d0-aff) .and. (y .gt. aff*ymax)) then incldip(1)=.false. return endif fac=gsq*cf*(1d0/pbDpg*(2d0/omz-1d0-z)-(mt/ptDpg)**2) else c----- massive case c----- (no alpha-dependence at present) fac=gsq*cf*((mt**2+mb**2-pwsq)/(ptDpg*pbDpg) & -(mt/ptDpg)**2-(mb/pbDpg)**2) endif call qqb_QQbdku(q,msq) do j=-nf,nf do k=-nf,nf msqc(1,j,k)=fac*msq(j,k) enddo enddo return end