subroutine chooser c---- Note added 4/21/03 c---- plabel set to 'ig' (for 'ignore') means that this c---- particle should not be subject to any cuts, so that the c---- total cross-section comes out correctly when the BR is removed implicit none include 'constants.f' include 'masses.f' include 'ewcharge.f' include 'zcouple.f' include 'vegas_common.f' include 'zerowidth.f' include 'removebr.f' include 'bbproc.f' include 'nwz.f' include 'process.f' include 'flags.f' include 'heavyflav.f' include 'nflav.f' include 'nodecay.f' include 'stopscales.f' include 'scale.f' include 'facscale.f' include 'nlooprun.f' include 'b0.f' include 'colstruc.f' include 'stopbmass.f' include 'fourthgen.f' include 'anomcoup.f' include 'srdiags.f' include 'clustering.f' include 'frag.f' include 'plabel.f' include 'interference.f' include 'couple.f' include 'part.f' include 'hdecaymode.f' include 'breit.f' include 'mcfmplotinfo.f' include 'lastphot.f' include 'new_pspace.f' include 'dm_params.f' include 'swapxz.f' include 'verbose.f' include 'runstring.f' include 'vdecayid.f' include 'ipsgen.f' include 'nuflav.f' double precision wwbr,zzbr,tautaubr,gamgambr,zgambr,Rcut,Rbbmin, . alphas,cmass,bmass double precision br,BrnRat,brwen,brzee,brznn,brtau,brtop,brcharm integer nproc,mproc,j,nqcdjets,nqcdstart,isub,notag,ilomomenta character*100 pname character*1 order character*72 string double precision f0q,f2q,f4q double precision Vud,Vus,Vub,Vcd,Vcs,Vcb common/cabib/Vud,Vus,Vub,Vcd,Vcs,Vcb common/bitflags/f0q,f2q,f4q common/Rbbmin/Rbbmin common/Rcut/Rcut common/nproc/nproc common/BrnRat/BrnRat common/nqcdjets/nqcdjets,nqcdstart common/isub/isub common/notag/notag common/ilomomenta/ilomomenta common/qmass/cmass,bmass data hdecaymode/'xxxx'/ do j=1,mxpart plabel(j)='' enddo do j=1,50 mcfmplotinfo(j)=-1 enddo string='process.DAT' open(unit=21,file=string,status='old',err=43) call checkversion(21,string) if (verbose) write(6,*) 'Chooser:process chosen by nproc=',nproc do j=1,600 read(21,*,err=44) mproc,pname,order if (nproc .lt. 0) then write(6,*) mproc,pname endif if (mproc .eq. nproc) go to 42 if (pname .eq. 'EOF') go to 44 enddo goto 44 42 continue if (verbose) then write(6,*) write(6,*) '*************************** f(p1)+f(p2) --> *****'// . '*************************************' write(6,*) '* ',pname(19:100),' *' write(6,*) '*************************************************'// . '*************************************' write(6,*) endif close(unit=21) c--- check no. of momenta appearing in LO process, fill ilomomenta common block if (index(pname,'p3') .gt. 0) ilomomenta=3 if (index(pname,'p4') .gt. 0) ilomomenta=4 if (index(pname,'p5') .gt. 0) ilomomenta=5 if (index(pname,'p6') .gt. 0) ilomomenta=6 if (index(pname,'p7') .gt. 0) ilomomenta=7 if (index(pname,'p8') .gt. 0) ilomomenta=8 if (index(pname,'p9') .gt. 0) ilomomenta=9 if (index(pname,'p10') .gt. 0) ilomomenta=10 if (index(pname,'p11') .gt. 0) ilomomenta=11 if (index(pname,'p12') .gt. 0) ilomomenta=12 plabel(1)='pp' plabel(2)='pp' c--- the default behaviour is to remove no branching ratio BrnRat=1d0 c--- set up most parameters call coupling notag=0 nqcdjets=0 isub=0 bbproc=.false. nodecay=.false. nfonly=.false. caonly=.false. fourthgen=.false. rescale=.false. doipsgen=.false. c--- default is no interference contributions from identical fermions interference=.false. vsymfact=1d0 c-- Rbbmin is an additional variable, added so that the separation c-- between two b jets can be controlled separately from the Delta_R c-- cut between any other types of jet c-- Default behaviour: the same value as for the other jets Rbbmin=Rcut c----------------------------------------------------------------------- if ((nproc .eq. 1) .or. (nproc .eq. 6)) then case='W_only' mass3=wmass width3=wwidth n3=1 ndim=4 nqcdjets=0 mcfmplotinfo= (/ 34, (0,j=1,49) /) c---W^+ if (nproc .eq. 1) then C-- 1 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> W^+(-->nu(p3)+e^+(p4))' C-- ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> W^+ (for total Xsect)' (removebr=.true.) plabel(3)='nl' plabel(4)='ea' plabel(5)='pp' nwz=1 c---W^- elseif (nproc .eq. 6) then c-- 6 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> W^-(-->e^-(p3)+nu~(p4))' c-- ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> W^- (for total Xsect)' (removebr=.true.) plabel(3)='el' plabel(4)='na' plabel(5)='pp' nwz=-1 else call nprocinvalid() endif c--- total cross-section if (removebr) then call branch(brwen,brzee,brznn,brtau,brtop,brcharm) BrnRat=brwen plabel(3)='ig' plabel(4)='ig' endif c----------------------------------------------------------------------- elseif ((nproc .eq. 11) .or. (nproc .eq. 16)) then case='W_1jet' nqcdjets=1 ndim=7 mb=0 n2=0 n3=1 mass3=wmass width3=wwidth plabel(5)='pp' plabel(6)='pp' mcfmplotinfo= (/ 34, (0,j=1,49) /) if (nproc .eq. 11) then C-- 11 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> W^+(-->nu(p3)+e^+(p4))+f(p5)' c-- ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> W^+ (no BR) + f(p5)' (removebr=.true.) nwz=1 plabel(3)='nl' plabel(4)='ea' elseif (nproc .eq. 16) then c-- 16 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> W^-(-->e^-(p3)+nu~(p4))+f(p5)' c-- ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> W^- (no BR) + f(p5)' (removebr=.true.) nwz=-1 plabel(3)='el' plabel(4)='na' endif c--- total cross-section if (removebr) then plabel(3)='ig' plabel(4)='ig' call branch(brwen,brzee,brznn,brtau,brtop,brcharm) BrnRat=brwen endif c----------------------------------------------------------------------- elseif ((nproc .eq. 12) .or. (nproc .eq. 17)) then case='Wbfrmc' nqcdjets=1 ndim=7 n2=0 n3=1 nflav=4 plabel(5)='bq' plabel(6)='pp' mcfmplotinfo= (/ 34, (0,j=1,49) /) if (nproc .eq. 12) then c-- 12 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> W^+(-->nu(p3)+e^+(p4))+bbar(p5)' c-- ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> W^+ (no BR) + bbar(p5)' (removebr=.true.) nwz=1 plabel(3)='nl' plabel(4)='ea' elseif (nproc .eq. 17) then c-- 17 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> W^-(-->e^-(p3)+nu~(p4))+b(p5)' c-- ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> W^- (no BR) + b(p5)' (removebr=.true.) nwz=-1 plabel(3)='el' plabel(4)='na' endif c--- total cross-section if (removebr) then plabel(3)='ig' plabel(4)='ig' call branch(brwen,brzee,brznn,brtau,brtop,brcharm) BrnRat=brwen endif mass3=wmass width3=wwidth mass2=mb if (Vcb .eq. 0d0) Vcb=0.041d0 write(6,*) 'Setting Vcb=0.041 for this process' if (Vub .eq. 0d0) Vub=0.00347d0 write(6,*) 'Setting Vub=0.00347 for this process' c----------------------------------------------------------------------- elseif ((nproc .eq. 13) .or. (nproc .eq. 18)) then case='W_cjet' c--- this process works best using the new PS generation new_pspace=.true. c--- this process works best using the new PS generation nqcdjets=1 ndim=7 mb=0 n2=0 n3=1 nflav=3 plabel(5)='bq' plabel(6)='pp' mcfmplotinfo= (/ 34, (0,j=1,49) /) if (nproc .eq. 13) then c-- 13 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> W^+(-->nu(p3)+e^+(p4))+cbar(p5)' c-- ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> W^+ (no BR) + cbar(p5)' (removebr=.true.) nwz=1 plabel(3)='nl' plabel(4)='ea' elseif (nproc .eq. 18) then c-- 18 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> W^-(-->e^-(p3)+nu~(p4))+c(p5)' c-- ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> W^- (no BR) + c(p5)' (removebr=.true.) nwz=-1 plabel(3)='el' plabel(4)='na' endif c--- total cross-section if (removebr) then plabel(3)='ig' plabel(4)='ig' call branch(brwen,brzee,brznn,brtau,brtop,brcharm) BrnRat=brwen endif c--- change W mass (after couplings and BRs already calculated) c if (runstring(4:8) .eq. 'mw_80') then c wmass=80.4d0 c elseif (runstring(4:8) .eq. 'mw200') then c wmass=200d0 c elseif (runstring(4:8) .eq. 'mw400') then c wmass=400d0 c endif c--- change charm mass c if (runstring(9:13) .eq. 'mc1.3') then c mc=1.3d0 c mcsq=mc**2 c elseif (runstring(9:13) .eq. 'mc4.5') then c mc=4.5d0 c mcsq=mc**2 c elseif (runstring(9:13) .eq. 'mc20.') then c mc=20d0 c mcsq=mc**2 c endif mass3=wmass width3=wwidth mass2=mc c----------------------------------------------------------------------- elseif ((nproc .eq. 14) .or. (nproc .eq. 19)) then case='Wcjet0' nqcdjets=1 ndim=7 mb=0 n2=0 n3=1 mass3=wmass width3=wwidth mass2=0d0 nflav=3 plabel(5)='bq' plabel(6)='pp' mcfmplotinfo= (/ 34, (0,j=1,49) /) if (nproc .eq. 14) then c-- 13 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> W^+(-->nu(p3)+e^+(p4))+cbar(p5) [massless]' c-- ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> W^+ (no BR) + cbar(p5) [massless]' (removebr=.true.) nwz=1 plabel(3)='nl' plabel(4)='ea' elseif (nproc .eq. 19) then c-- 18 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> W^-(-->e^-(p3)+nu~(p4))+c(p5) [massless]' c-- ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> W^- (no BR) + c(p5) [massless]' (removebr=.true.) nwz=-1 plabel(3)='el' plabel(4)='na' endif c--- total cross-section if (removebr) then plabel(3)='ig' plabel(4)='ig' call branch(brwen,brzee,brznn,brtau,brtop,brcharm) BrnRat=brwen endif c----------------------------------------------------------------------- elseif ((nproc .eq. 20) .or. (nproc .eq. 25)) then case='Wbbmas' swapxz=.true. write(6,*) 'mb=',mb nqcdjets=2 flav=5 bbproc=.true. plabel(5)='bq' plabel(6)='ba' plabel(7)='pp' ndim=10 n2=0 n3=1 mass3=wmass width3=wwidth mcfmplotinfo= (/ 34, (0,j=1,49) /) if (nproc .eq. 20) then c-- 20 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> W^+(-->nu(p3)+e^+(p4))+b(p5)+b~(p6) [massive]' c-- ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> W^+ (no BR) +b(p5)+b~(p6) [massive]' (removebr=.true.) nwz=1 plabel(3)='nl' plabel(4)='ea' elseif (nproc .eq. 25) then c-- 25 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> W^-(-->e^-(p3)+nu~(p4)) + b(p5)+b~(p6) [massive]' c-- ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> W^- (no BR) +b(p5)+b~(p6) [massive]' (removebr=.true.) nwz=-1 plabel(3)='el' plabel(4)='na' endif c--- total cross-section if (removebr) then plabel(3)='ig' plabel(4)='ig' call branch(brwen,brzee,brznn,brtau,brtop,brcharm) BrnRat=brwen endif c----------------------------------------------------------------------- elseif ((nproc .eq. 21) .or. (nproc .eq. 26)) then case='Wbbbar' write(6,*) 'mb=',mb nqcdjets=2 bbproc=.true. plabel(5)='bq' plabel(6)='ba' plabel(7)='pp' mb=0 ndim=10 n2=0 n3=1 mass3=wmass width3=wwidth mcfmplotinfo= (/ 34, (0,j=1,49) /) if (nproc .eq. 21) then c-- 21 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> W^+(-->nu(p3)+e^+(p4))+b(p5)+b~(p6)' c-- ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> W^+ (no BR) +b(p5)+b~(p6)' (removebr=.true.) nwz=1 plabel(3)='nl' plabel(4)='ea' elseif (nproc .eq. 26) then c-- 26 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> W^-(-->e^-(p3)+nu~(p4)) + b(p5)+b~(p6)' c-- ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> W^- (no BR) +b(p5)+b~(p6)' (removebr=.true.) nwz=-1 plabel(3)='el' plabel(4)='na' endif c--- total cross-section if (removebr) then plabel(3)='ig' plabel(4)='ig' call branch(brwen,brzee,brznn,brtau,brtop,brcharm) BrnRat=brwen endif c----------------------------------------------------------------------- elseif ((nproc .eq. 22) .or. (nproc .eq. 27)) then case='W_2jet' nqcdjets=2 plabel(5)='pp' plabel(6)='pp' plabel(7)='pp' ndim=10 n2=0 n3=1 mass3=wmass width3=wwidth mcfmplotinfo= (/ 34, (0,j=1,49) /) if (nproc .eq. 22) then c-- 22 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> W^+(-->nu(p3)+e^+(p4))+f(p5)+f(p6)' c-- ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> W^+ (no BR) +f(p5)+f(p6)' (removebr=.true.) nwz=1 plabel(3)='nl' plabel(4)='ea' elseif (nproc .eq. 27) then c-- 27 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> W^-(-->e^-(p3)+nu~(p4)) + f(p5)+f(p6)' c-- ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> W^- (no BR) +f(p5)+f(p6)' (removebr=.true.) nwz=-1 plabel(3)='el' plabel(4)='na' endif c--- total cross-section if (removebr) then plabel(3)='ig' plabel(4)='ig' call branch(brwen,brzee,brznn,brtau,brtop,brcharm) BrnRat=brwen endif c----------------------------------------------------------------------- elseif ((nproc .eq. 23) .or. (nproc .eq. 28)) then case='W_3jet' nqcdjets=3 plabel(5)='pp' plabel(6)='pp' plabel(7)='pp' ndim=13 n2=0 n3=1 mass3=wmass width3=wwidth mcfmplotinfo= (/ 34, (0,j=1,49) /) if (nproc .eq. 23) then c-- 23 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> W^+(-->nu(p3)+e^+(p4))+f(p5)+f(p6)+f(p7)' c-- ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> W^+ (no BR) +f(p5)+f(p6)+f(p7)' (removebr=.true.) nwz=1 plabel(3)='nl' plabel(4)='ea' elseif (nproc .eq. 28) then c-- 28 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> W^-(-->e^-(p3)+nu~(p4)) + f(p5)+f(p6)+f(p7)' c-- ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> W^- (no BR) +f(p5)+f(p6)+f(p7)' (removebr=.true.) nwz=-1 plabel(3)='el' plabel(4)='na' endif c--- total cross-section if (removebr) then plabel(3)='ig' plabel(4)='ig' call branch(brwen,brzee,brznn,brtau,brtop,brcharm) BrnRat=brwen endif c----------------------------------------------------------------------- elseif ((nproc .eq. 24) .or. (nproc .eq. 29)) then case='Wbbjet' write(6,*) 'mb=',mb nqcdjets=3 bbproc=.true. plabel(5)='bq' plabel(6)='ba' plabel(7)='pp' mb=0d0 ndim=13 n2=0 n3=1 mass3=wmass width3=wwidth mcfmplotinfo= (/ 34, (0,j=1,49) /) if (nproc .eq. 24) then c-- 24 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> W^+(-->nu(p3)+e^+(p4))+b(p5)+b~(p6)+f(p7)' c-- ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> W^+ (no BR) +b(p5)+b~(p6)+f(p7)' (removebr=.true.) nwz=1 plabel(3)='nl' plabel(4)='ea' elseif (nproc .eq. 29) then c-- 29 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> W^-(-->e^-(p3)+nu~(p4)) + b(p5)+b~(p6)+f(p7)' c-- ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> W^- (no BR) +b(p5)+b~(p6)+f(p7)' (removebr=.true.) nwz=-1 plabel(3)='el' plabel(4)='na' endif c--- total cross-section if (removebr) then plabel(3)='ig' plabel(4)='ig' call branch(brwen,brzee,brznn,brtau,brtop,brcharm) BrnRat=brwen endif c----------------------------------------------------------------------- elseif ((nproc .gt. 30) .and. (nproc .le. 35)) then case='Z_only' nqcdjets=0 nwz=0 mass3=zmass width3=zwidth n3=1 ndim=4 plabel(5)='pp' mcfmplotinfo= (/ 34, (0,j=1,49) /) if (nproc .eq. 31) then c-- 31 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> Z^0(-->e^-(p3)+e^+(p4))' c-- ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> Z^0 (for total Xsect)' (removebr=.true.) call checkminzmass(1) plabel(3)='el' plabel(4)='ea' q1=-1d0 l1=le r1=re if (removebr) then plabel(3)='ig' plabel(4)='ig' call branch(brwen,brzee,brznn,brtau,brtop,brcharm) BrnRat=brzee endif elseif (nproc .eq. 32) then c-- 32 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> Z^0(-->3*(nu(p3)+nu~(p4)))' plabel(3)='nl' plabel(4)='na' q1=0d0 l1=ln*dsqrt(3d0) r1=rn*dsqrt(3d0) if (removebr) then plabel(3)='ig' plabel(4)='ig' call branch(brwen,brzee,brznn,brtau,brtop,brcharm) BrnRat=brznn endif elseif (nproc .eq. 33) then c-- 33 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> Z^0(-->b(p3)+b~(p4))' call checkminzmass(1) plabel(3)='qb' plabel(4)='ab' q1=Q(5)*dsqrt(xn) l1=l(5)*dsqrt(xn) r1=r(5)*dsqrt(xn) elseif (nproc .eq. 34) then c-- 34 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> Z^0(-->3*(d(p3)+d~(p4)))' call checkminzmass(1) plabel(3)='qb' plabel(4)='ab' q1=Q(1)*dsqrt(3d0*xn) l1=l(1)*dsqrt(3d0*xn) r1=r(1)*dsqrt(3d0*xn) elseif (nproc .eq. 35) then c-- 35 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> Z^0(-->2*(u(p3)+u~(p4)))' call checkminzmass(1) plabel(3)='qb' plabel(4)='ab' q1=Q(2)*dsqrt(2d0*xn) l1=l(2)*dsqrt(2d0*xn) r1=r(2)*dsqrt(2d0*xn) else call nprocinvalid() endif c----------------------------------------------------------------------- elseif (nproc .eq. 36) then case='ttZbbl' nwz=1 ndim=16 n2=1 n3=1 mass2=mt width2=twidth mass3=mt width3=twidth bbproc=.true. mcfmplotinfo= (/ 34, 78, 345, 678, (0,j=1,46) /) c-- 36 ' f(p1)+f(p2) -> Z -> t(-->nu(p3)+e^+(p4)+b(p5))+b~(p6))+e^-(p7)+nu~(p8)' nqcdjets=2 plabel(3)='nl' plabel(4)='ea' plabel(5)='bq' plabel(6)='ba' plabel(7)='el' plabel(8)='na' plabel(9)='pp' if (removebr) then call branch(brwen,brzee,brznn,brtau,brtop,brcharm) BrnRat=(brwen*brtop)**2 plabel(3)='ig' plabel(4)='ig' plabel(5)='ig' plabel(6)='ig' plabel(7)='ig' plabel(8)='ig' nqcdjets=0 bbproc=.false. endif c----------------------------------------------------------------------- elseif ((nproc .ge. 41) .and. (nproc .le. 43)) then case='Z_1jet' nqcdjets=1 nwz=0 ndim=7 mb=0 n2=0 n3=1 mass3=zmass width3=zwidth plabel(5)='pp' plabel(6)='pp' mcfmplotinfo= (/ 34, (0,j=1,49) /) if (nproc .eq. 41) then c-- 41 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> Z^0(-->e^-(p3)+e^+(p4))+f(p5)' c-- ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> Z^0 (no BR) +f(p5)' (removebr=.true.) call checkminzmass(1) plabel(3)='el' plabel(4)='ea' q1=-1d0 l1=le r1=re if (removebr) then plabel(3)='ig' plabel(4)='ig' call branch(brwen,brzee,brznn,brtau,brtop,brcharm) BrnRat=brzee endif elseif (nproc .eq. 42) then c-- 42 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> Z_0(-->3*(nu(p3)+nu~(p4)))-(sum over 3 nu)+f(p5)' plabel(3)='nl' plabel(4)='na' q1=0d0 l1=ln*dsqrt(3d0) r1=rn*dsqrt(3d0) elseif (nproc .eq. 43) then c-- 43 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> Z^0(-->b(p3)+b~(p4))+f(p5)' call checkminzmass(1) plabel(3)='qb' plabel(4)='ab' q1=Q(5)*dsqrt(xn) l1=l(5)*dsqrt(xn) r1=r(5)*dsqrt(xn) endif c----------------------------------------------------------------------- elseif (nproc .eq. 44) then c-- 44 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> Z^0(-->e^-(p3)+e^+(p4))+f(p5)+f(p6)' c-- ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> Z^0 (no BR) +f(p5)+f(p6)' (removebr=.true.) case='Z_2jet' call checkminzmass(1) ndim=10 n2=0 n3=1 nqcdjets=2 plabel(3)='el' plabel(4)='ea' plabel(5)='pp' plabel(6)='pp' plabel(7)='pp' q1=-1d0 l1=le r1=re nwz=0 mass3=zmass width3=zwidth mcfmplotinfo= (/ 34, (0,j=1,49) /) c--- total cross-section if (removebr) then plabel(3)='ig' plabel(4)='ig' call branch(brwen,brzee,brznn,brtau,brtop,brcharm) BrnRat=brzee endif elseif (nproc .eq. 45) then c-- 45 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> Z^0(-->e^-(p3)+e^+(p4))+f(p5)+f(p6)+f(p7)' c-- ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> Z^0 (no BR) +f(p5)+f(p6)+f(p7)' (removebr=.true.) case='Z_3jet' call checkminzmass(1) ndim=13 n2=0 n3=1 nqcdjets=3 plabel(3)='el' plabel(4)='ea' plabel(5)='pp' plabel(6)='pp' plabel(7)='pp' q1=-1d0 l1=le r1=re nwz=0 mass3=zmass width3=zwidth mcfmplotinfo= (/ 34, (0,j=1,49) /) c--- total cross-section if (removebr) then plabel(3)='ig' plabel(4)='ig' call branch(brwen,brzee,brznn,brtau,brtop,brcharm) BrnRat=brzee endif c----------------------------------------------------------------------- elseif (nproc .eq. 46) then c-- 46 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> Z^0(-->3*(nu(p3)+nu~(p4))+f(p5)+f(p6)' case='Z_2jet' ndim=10 n2=0 n3=1 nqcdjets=2 plabel(3)='nl' plabel(4)='na' plabel(5)='pp' plabel(6)='pp' plabel(7)='pp' q1=0d0 l1=ln*dsqrt(3d0) r1=rn*dsqrt(3d0) nwz=0 mass3=zmass width3=zwidth mcfmplotinfo= (/ 34, (0,j=1,49) /) c--- total cross-section if (removebr) then plabel(3)='ig' plabel(4)='ig' call branch(brwen,brzee,brznn,brtau,brtop,brcharm) BrnRat=brznn endif elseif (nproc .eq. 47) then c-- 47 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> Z^0(-->3*(nu(p3)+nu~(p4))+f(p5)+f(p6)+f(p7)' case='Z_3jet' ndim=13 n2=0 n3=1 nqcdjets=3 plabel(3)='nl' plabel(4)='na' plabel(5)='pp' plabel(6)='pp' plabel(7)='pp' q1=0d0 l1=ln*dsqrt(3d0) r1=rn*dsqrt(3d0) nwz=0 mass3=zmass width3=zwidth mcfmplotinfo= (/ 34, (0,j=1,49) /) c--- total cross-section if (removebr) then plabel(3)='ig' plabel(4)='ig' call branch(brwen,brzee,brznn,brtau,brtop,brcharm) BrnRat=brznn endif c----------------------------------------------------------------------- elseif (nproc .eq. 50) then c-- 50 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> Z^0(-->e^-(p3)+e^+(p4))+b~(p5)+b(p6) (massive)' c-- ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> Z^0 (no BR) +b~(p5)+b(p6) (massive)' (removebr=.true.) case='Zbbmas' call checkminzmass(1) write(6,*) 'mb=',mb bbproc=.true. nqcdjets=2 plabel(3)='el' plabel(4)='ea' plabel(5)='bq' plabel(6)='ba' plabel(7)='pp' q1=-1d0 l1=le r1=re ndim=10 n2=0 n3=1 mass3=zmass width3=zwidth mcfmplotinfo= (/ 34, (0,j=1,49) /) flav=5 nflav=4 c--- total cross-section if (removebr) then plabel(3)='ig' plabel(4)='ig' call branch(brwen,brzee,brznn,brtau,brtop,brcharm) BrnRat=brzee endif elseif ((nproc .ge. 51) .and. (nproc .le. 53) . .or. (nproc .ge. 56) .and. (nproc .le. 58)) then case='Zbbbar' call checkminzmass(1) bbproc=.true. mb=0d0 nqcdjets=2 plabel(5)='bq' plabel(6)='ba' plabel(7)='pp' q1=-1d0 l1=le r1=re ndim=10 n2=0 n3=1 mass3=zmass width3=zwidth if (nproc .le. 53) then flav=5 nflav=4 else flav=4 nflav=3 endif mcfmplotinfo= (/ 34, (0,j=1,49) /) if ((nproc .eq. 51) .or. (nproc .eq. 56)) then c-- 51 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> Z^0(-->e^-(p3)+e^+(p4))+b(p5)+b~(p6)' c-- ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> Z^0 (no BR) +b(p5)+b~(p6)' (removebr=.true.) c-- 56 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> Z^0(-->e^-(p3)+e^+(p4))+c(p5)+c~(p6)' c-- ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> Z^0 (no BR) +c(p5)+c~(p6)' (removebr=.true.) plabel(3)='el' plabel(4)='ea' q1=-1d0 l1=le r1=re c--- total cross-section if (removebr) then plabel(3)='ig' plabel(4)='ig' call branch(brwen,brzee,brznn,brtau,brtop,brcharm) BrnRat=brzee endif elseif (nproc .eq. 52) then c-- 52 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> Z_0(-->3*(nu(p3)+nu~(p4)))+b(p5)+b~(p6)' plabel(3)='nl' plabel(4)='na' q1=0d0 l1=ln*dsqrt(3d0) r1=rn*dsqrt(3d0) elseif (nproc .eq. 53) then c-- 53 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> Z^0(-->b(p3)+b~(p4))+b(p5)+b~(p6)' plabel(3)='qb' plabel(4)='ab' q1=Q(5)*dsqrt(xn) l1=l(5)*dsqrt(xn) r1=r(5)*dsqrt(xn) endif elseif (nproc .eq. 54) then c-- 54 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> Z^0(-->e^-(p3)+e^+(p4))+b(p5)+b~(p6)+f(p7)' c-- ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> Z^0 (no BR) +b(p5)+b~(p6)+f(p7)' (removebr=.true.) case='Zbbjet' ndim=13 bbproc=.true. mb=0d0 nqcdjets=3 plabel(3)='el' plabel(4)='ea' plabel(5)='bq' plabel(6)='ba' plabel(7)='pp' q1=-1d0 l1=le r1=re n2=0 n3=1 mass3=zmass width3=zwidth flav=5 nflav=4 mcfmplotinfo= (/ 34, (0,j=1,49) /) c--- total cross-section if (removebr) then plabel(3)='ig' plabel(4)='ig' call branch(brwen,brzee,brznn,brtau,brtop,brcharm) BrnRat=brzee endif c----------------------------------------------------------------------- elseif (nproc/10 .eq. 6) then case='WWqqbr' call readcoup nqcdjets=0 plabel(7)='pp' nwz=1 ndim=10 mb=0d0 n2=1 n3=1 mass2=wmass width2=wwidth mass3=wmass width3=wwidth mcfmplotinfo= (/ 34, 56, (0,j=1,48) /) c--- include singly resonant diagrams if zerowidth=.false. , but only c--- as long as anomtgc=.false. too srdiags=((zerowidth .eqv. .false.) & .and. ( anomtgc .eqv. .false.)) c--- zero srdiags for CDFdijet calculation c if(runstring(1:10).eq.'cdf_Wdijet') then c srdiags=.false. c endif if ((nproc .eq. 61) .or. (nproc .eq. 69)) then c-- 61 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> W^+(-->nu(p3)+e^+(p4)) +W^-(-->e^-(p5)+nu~(p6))' c-- ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> W^+ + W^- (for total Xsect)' (removebr=.true.) if (nproc .eq. 69) then c-- 69 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> W^+(-->nu(p3)+e^+(p4)) +W^-(-->e^-(p5)+nu~(p6)) [no pol]' case='WWnpol' write(*,*)'Setting zerowidth to true for process 69' zerowidth = .true. endif plabel(3)='nl' plabel(4)='ea' plabel(5)='el' plabel(6)='na' l1=1d0 c--- total cross-section if (removebr) then plabel(3)='ig' plabel(4)='ig' plabel(5)='ig' plabel(6)='ig' call branch(brwen,brzee,brznn,brtau,brtop,brcharm) BrnRat=brwen**2 endif elseif (nproc .eq. 62) then c-- 62 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> W^+(-->nu(p3)+e^+(p4)) +W^-(-->q(p5)+q~(p6))' c--- note: scattering diagrams are NOT included, only couplings change case='WWqqbr' nqcdjets=2 plabel(3)='nl' plabel(4)='ea' plabel(5)='qj' plabel(6)='qj' plabel(7)='pp' l1=dsqrt(xn*2d0) elseif (nproc .eq. 63) then c-- 63 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> W^+(-->nu(p3)+e^+(p4)) +W^-(-->q(p5)+q~(p6)) []' case='WWqqdk' nqcdjets=2 plabel(3)='nl' plabel(4)='ea' plabel(5)='qj' plabel(6)='qj' plabel(7)='pp' l1=dsqrt(xn*2d0) elseif (nproc .eq. 64) then c-- 64 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> W^-(-->e^-(p3)+nu~(p4))+W^+(--> q(p5)+ q~(p6))' c--- note: scattering diagrams are NOT included, only couplings change case='WWqqbr' nqcdjets=2 plabel(5)='qj' plabel(6)='qj' plabel(3)='el' plabel(4)='na' plabel(7)='pp' l1=dsqrt(xn*2d0) elseif (nproc .eq. 65) then c-- 65 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> W^-(-->e^-(p3)+nu~(p4))+W^+(--> q(p5)+ q~(p6)),[]' c--- note: scattering diagrams are NOT included, only couplings change case='WWqqdk' nqcdjets=2 plabel(5)='qj' plabel(6)='qj' plabel(3)='el' plabel(4)='na' plabel(7)='pp' l1=dsqrt(xn*2d0) elseif (nproc .eq. 66) then c-- 66 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> W^+(-->nu(p3)+e^+(p4))+W^-(-->e^-(p5)+nu~(p6))+f(p7)' c-- ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> W^+ + W^- + f(p7) (for total Xsect)' (removebr=.true.) case='WW_jet' nflav=4 nqcdjets=1 ndim=13 plabel(3)='nl' plabel(4)='ea' plabel(5)='el' plabel(6)='na' plabel(7)='pp' plabel(8)='pp' l1=1d0 c--- total cross-section if (removebr) then plabel(3)='ig' plabel(4)='ig' plabel(5)='ig' plabel(6)='ig' call branch(brwen,brzee,brznn,brtau,brtop,brcharm) BrnRat=brwen**2 endif endif c----------------------------------------------------------------------- elseif ((nproc .ge. 70) .and. (nproc .le. 80)) then case='WZbbar' call checkminzmass(2) call readcoup plabel(7)='pp' ndim=10 mb=0 n2=1 n3=1 mass2=zmass width2=zwidth mass3=wmass width3=wwidth mcfmplotinfo= (/ 34, 56, (0,j=1,48) /) c--- include singly resonant diagrams if zerowidth=.false. , but only c--- as long as anomtgc=.false. too srdiags=((zerowidth .eqv. .false.) & .and. ( anomtgc .eqv. .false.)) c--- Zero srdiags for CDFdijet calculation c if(runstring(1:10).eq.'cdf_Wdijet') then c srdiags=.false. c endif if (nproc .le. 75) then c-- W^+Z nwz=+1 if (nproc .eq. 71) then c-- 71 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> W^+(-->nu(p3)+mu^+(p4))+Z^0(-->e^-(p5)+e^+(p6))' c-- ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> W^+ (for total Xsect) + Z^0 ' (removebr=.true.) plabel(3)='nl' plabel(4)='ea' plabel(5)='ml' plabel(6)='ma' q1=-1d0 l1=le r1=re c--- total cross-section if (removebr) then plabel(3)='ig' plabel(4)='ig' plabel(5)='ig' plabel(6)='ig' call branch(brwen,brzee,brznn,brtau,brtop,brcharm) BrnRat=brwen*brzee endif elseif (nproc .eq. 72) then c-- 72 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> W^+(-->nu(p3)+mu^+(p4))+Z^0(-->nu_e(p5)+nu~_e(p6))' plabel(3)='nl' plabel(4)='ea' plabel(5)='nl' plabel(6)='na' plabel(7)='pp' q1=0d0 l1=ln*dsqrt(3d0) r1=rn*dsqrt(3d0) elseif (nproc .eq. 73) then c-- 73 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> W^+(-->nu(p3)+mu^+(p4))+Z^0(-->b(p5)+b~(p6))' bbproc=.true. nqcdjets=2 plabel(3)='nl' plabel(4)='ea' plabel(5)='bq' plabel(6)='ba' plabel(7)='pp' q1=Q(5)*dsqrt(xn) l1=l(5)*dsqrt(xn) r1=r(5)*dsqrt(xn) elseif (nproc .eq. 74) then c-- 74 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> W^+(-->nu(p3)+mu^+(p4))+Z^0(-->3*(d(p5)+d~(p6)))' nqcdjets=2 plabel(3)='nl' plabel(4)='ea' plabel(5)='qj' plabel(6)='qj' plabel(7)='pp' q1=Q(5)*dsqrt(3d0*xn) l1=l(5)*dsqrt(3d0*xn) r1=r(5)*dsqrt(3d0*xn) elseif (nproc .eq. 75) then c-- 75 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> W^+(-->nu(p3)+mu^+(p4))+Z^0(-->2*(u(p5)+u~(p6)))' nqcdjets=2 plabel(3)='nl' plabel(4)='ea' plabel(5)='qj' plabel(6)='qj' plabel(7)='pp' q1=Q(4)*dsqrt(2d0*xn) l1=l(4)*dsqrt(2d0*xn) r1=r(4)*dsqrt(2d0*xn) else call nprocinvalid() endif elseif (nproc .ge. 76) then c-- W^-Z nwz=-1 if (nproc .eq. 76) then c-- 76 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> W^-(-->mu^-(p3)+nu~(p4))+Z^0(-->e^-(p5)+e^+(p6))' c-- ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> W^- + Z^0 (for total Xsect)' (removebr=.true.) plabel(3)='el' plabel(4)='na' plabel(5)='ml' plabel(6)='ma' plabel(7)='pp' q1=-1d0 l1=le r1=re c--- total cross-section if (removebr) then plabel(3)='ig' plabel(4)='ig' plabel(5)='ig' plabel(6)='ig' call branch(brwen,brzee,brznn,brtau,brtop,brcharm) BrnRat=brwen*brzee endif elseif (nproc .eq. 77) then c-- 77 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> W^-(-->e^-(p3)+nu~(p4))+Z^0(-->nu(p5)+nu~(p6))' plabel(3)='el' plabel(4)='na' plabel(5)='nl' plabel(6)='na' plabel(7)='pp' q1=0d0 l1=ln*dsqrt(3d0) r1=rn*dsqrt(3d0) elseif (nproc .eq. 78) then c-- 78 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> W^-(-->e^-(p3)+nu~(p4))+Z^0(-->b(p5)+b~(p6))' bbproc=.true. nqcdjets=2 plabel(3)='el' plabel(4)='na' plabel(5)='bq' plabel(6)='ba' plabel(7)='pp' q1=Q(5)*dsqrt(xn) l1=l(5)*dsqrt(xn) r1=r(5)*dsqrt(xn) elseif (nproc .eq. 79) then c-- 79 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> W^-(-->e^-(p3)+nu~(p4))+Z^0(-->3*(d(p5)+d~(p6))' nqcdjets=0 plabel(3)='el' plabel(4)='na' plabel(5)='qj' plabel(6)='qj' plabel(7)='pp' q1=Q(5)*dsqrt(3d0*xn) l1=l(5)*dsqrt(3d0*xn) r1=r(5)*dsqrt(3d0*xn) elseif (nproc .eq. 80) then c-- 80 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> W^-(-->e^-(p3)+nu~(p4))+Z^0(-->2*(u(p5)+u~(p6)))' nqcdjets=0 plabel(3)='el' plabel(4)='na' plabel(5)='qj' plabel(6)='qj' plabel(7)='pp' q1=Q(4)*dsqrt(2d0*xn) l1=l(4)*dsqrt(2d0*xn) r1=r(4)*dsqrt(2d0*xn) else call nprocinvalid() endif endif c----------------------------------------------------------------------- elseif ((nproc .gt. 80) .and. (nproc .le. 90)) then case='ZZlept' call checkminzmass(1) if ((nproc .eq. 81) .or. (nproc .eq. 83) & .or.(nproc .eq. 90)) call checkminzmass(2) call readcoup plabel(7)='pp' nqcdjets=0 nwz=0 ndim=10 n2=1 n3=1 mass2=zmass width2=zwidth mass3=zmass width3=zwidth q1=-1d0 l1=le r1=re mcfmplotinfo= (/ 34, 56, 3456, (0,j=1,47) /) c--- only include singly-resonant diagrams when not in zerowidth approx. if (zerowidth) then srdiags=.false. else srdiags=.true. endif if (nproc .eq. 81 .or. nproc .eq. 86) then c-- 81 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> Z^0(-->e^-(p3)+e^+(p4)) + Z^0(-->mu^-(p5)+mu^+(p6))' c-- ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> Z^0 + Z^0 (for total Xsect)' (removebr=.true.) c-- 86 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> Z^0(-->e^-(p5)+e^+(p6))+Z^0(-->mu^-(p3)+mu^+(p4)) (NO GAMMA*)' c-- ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> Z^0 + Z^0 (for total Xsect) (NO GAMMA*)' (removebr=.true.) plabel(3)='el' plabel(4)='ea' plabel(5)='ml' plabel(6)='ma' q2=-1d0 l2=le r2=re c--- check runstring to change from (e,mu) Z decays to (e,e) or (mu,mu) c if (index(runstring,'ELEL') .gt. 0) then c plabel(5)='el' c plabel(6)='ea' c interference=.true. c vsymfact=0.25d0 c elseif (index(runstring,'MUMU') .gt. 0) then c plabel(3)='ml' c plabel(4)='ma' c interference=.true. c vsymfact=0.25d0 c endif c--- if vector boson decays specified, initialize appropriately if (vdecayid) then call setvdecay(34,0) call setvdecay(56,0) if (plabel(3) .eq. plabel(5)) then if (plabel(3) .ne. 'nl') then c------ for both Z decays to neutrinos, neglect interference effects for simplicity interference=.true. vsymfact=0.25d0 endif endif endif if (removebr) then plabel(3)='ig' plabel(4)='ig' plabel(5)='ig' plabel(6)='ig' call branch(brwen,brzee,brznn,brtau,brtop,brcharm) BrnRat=2d0*brzee**2 ! factor of 2 for identical particles endif elseif (nproc .eq. 82 .or. nproc .eq. 87) then c-- 82 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> Z^0(-->e^-(p3)+e^+(p4)) + Z^0(-->3*(nu(p5)+nu~(p6)))' c-- 87 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> Z^0(-->e^-(p3)+e^+(p4)) + Z^0(-->3*(nu(p5)+nu~(p6))) [no gamma^*]' plabel(3)='el' plabel(4)='ea' plabel(5)='nl' plabel(6)='na' q2=0d0 l2=ln*dsqrt(3d0) r2=rn*dsqrt(3d0) elseif (nproc .eq. 83 .or. nproc .eq. 88) then c-- 83 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> Z^0(-->e^-(p3)+e^+(p4)) + Z^0(-->b(p5)+b~(p6))' c-- 88 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> Z^0(-->e^-(p3)+e^+(p4)) + Z^0(-->b(p5)+b~(p6)) [no gamma^*]' mb=0 bbproc=.true. nqcdjets=2 plabel(3)='el' plabel(4)='ea' plabel(5)='bq' plabel(6)='ba' q2=Q(5)*dsqrt(xn) l2=l(5)*dsqrt(xn) r2=r(5)*dsqrt(xn) elseif ((nproc .eq. 84) .or. (nproc .eq. 89)) then c-- 84 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> Z^0(-->b(p3)+b~(p4)) + Z^0(-->3*(nu(p5)+nu~(p6)))' c-- 89 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> Z^0(-->b(p3)+b~(p4)) + Z^0(-->3*(nu(p5)+nu~(p6))) [no gamma^*]' mb=0 bbproc=.true. nqcdjets=2 plabel(3)='bq' plabel(4)='ba' plabel(5)='nl' plabel(6)='na' q2=0d0 l2=ln*dsqrt(3d0) r2=rn*dsqrt(3d0) q1=Q(5)*dsqrt(xn) l1=l(5)*dsqrt(xn) r1=r(5)*dsqrt(xn) elseif (nproc .eq. 85) then c--- 85 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> Z^0(-->e^-(p3)+e^+(p4)) + Z^0(-->3*(nu(p5)+nu~(p6)))+f(p7)' case='ZZ_jet' nqcdjets=1 ndim=13 plabel(3)='el' plabel(4)='ea' plabel(5)='nl' plabel(6)='na' plabel(7)='pp' q2=0d0 l2=ln*dsqrt(3d0) r2=rn*dsqrt(3d0) if (removebr) then plabel(3)='ig' plabel(4)='ig' plabel(5)='ig' plabel(6)='ig' call branch(brwen,brzee,brznn,brtau,brtop,brcharm) BrnRat=2d0*brzee**2 ! factor of 2 for identical particles endif elseif (nproc .eq. 90) then c-- 90 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> Z^0(-->e^-(p3)+e^+(p4)) + Z^0(-->e^-(p5)+e^+(p6))' interference=.true. vsymfact=0.25d0 plabel(3)='el' plabel(4)='ea' plabel(5)='el' plabel(6)='ea' q2=-1d0 l2=le r2=re if (removebr) then plabel(3)='ig' plabel(4)='ig' plabel(5)='ig' plabel(6)='ig' call branch(brwen,brzee,brznn,brtau,brtop,brcharm) BrnRat=2d0*brzee**2 ! factor of 2 for identical particles endif mcfmplotinfo= (/ 34, 56, 36, 45, 3456, (0,j=1,45) /) else call nprocinvalid() endif c-- remove gamma^* if necessary if ((nproc .gt. 85) .and. (nproc .lt. 90)) then q1=0d0 q2=0d0 endif c----------------------------------------------------------------------- elseif ((nproc .eq. 91) .or. (nproc .eq. 96)) then case='WHbbar' hdecaymode='bqba' call sethparams(br,wwbr,zzbr,tautaubr,gamgambr,zgambr) nqcdjets=2 bbproc=.true. plabel(5)='bq' plabel(6)='ba' plabel(7)='pp' ndim=10 n2=1 n3=1 mass2=hmass width2=hwidth mass3=wmass width3=wwidth mcfmplotinfo= (/ 34, 56, (0,j=1,48) /) if (nproc .eq. 91) then c-- 91 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> W^+(-->nu(p3)+e^+(p4)) H(-->b(p5)+b~(p6)) ' c-- ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> W+ + H (for total Xsect)' (removebr=.true.) plabel(3)='nl' plabel(4)='ea' nwz=1 if (removebr) then plabel(3)='ig' plabel(4)='ig' plabel(5)='ig' plabel(6)='ig' call branch(brwen,brzee,brznn,brtau,brtop,brcharm) BrnRat=brwen*br bbproc=.false. nqcdjets=0 endif elseif (nproc .eq. 96) then c-- 96 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> W^-(-->e^-(p3)+nu~(p4))+ H(-->b(p5)+b~(p6))' c-- ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> W- + H (for total Xsect)' (removebr=.true.) plabel(3)='el' plabel(4)='na' nwz=-1 if (removebr) then plabel(3)='ig' plabel(4)='ig' plabel(5)='ig' plabel(6)='ig' call branch(brwen,brzee,brznn,brtau,brtop,brcharm) BrnRat=brwen*br bbproc=.false. nqcdjets=0 endif else call nprocinvalid() endif c----------------------------------------------------------------------- elseif ((nproc .eq. 92) .or. (nproc .eq. 97)) then case='WH__WW' mb=0 call sethparams(br,wwbr,zzbr,tautaubr,gamgambr,zgambr) nqcdjets=0 plabel(5)='nl' plabel(6)='ea' plabel(7)='el' plabel(8)='na' plabel(9)='pp' mcfmplotinfo= (/ 34, 56, 78, 5678, (0,j=1,46) /) ndim=16 n2=1 n3=1 mass2=hmass width2=hwidth mass3=wmass width3=wwidth if (nproc .eq. 92) then c--- 92 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> W^+(-->nu(p3)+e^+(p4)) + H(-->W^+(nu(p3),e^+(p4))W^-(e^-(p5),nub(p6)))' plabel(3)='nl' plabel(4)='ea' nwz=+1 elseif (nproc .eq. 97) then plabel(3)='el' plabel(4)='na' nwz=-1 endif if (removebr) then plabel(3)='ig' plabel(4)='ig' plabel(5)='ig' plabel(6)='ig' plabel(7)='ig' plabel(8)='ig' call branch(brwen,brzee,brznn,brtau,brtop,brcharm) BrnRat=brwen**3*wwbr endif c--- print warning if we're below threshold if (hmass .lt. 2d0*wmass) then write(6,*) write(6,*) 'WARNING: Higgs decay H->WW is below threshold and' write(6,*) 'may not yield sensible results - check the number' write(6,*) 'of integration points and the value of zerowidth' if (removebr) then write(6,*) write(6,*) 'Cannot remove H->WW BR, not defined below threshold' stop endif if (zerowidth) then write(6,*) 'zerowidth=.true. and higgs decay below threshold' stop endif endif c----------------------------------------------------------------------- elseif ((nproc .eq. 93) .or. (nproc .eq. 98)) then C---93 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> W^+(-->nu(p3)+e^+(p4)) + H(-->Z(e^-(p5),e^+(p6))+Z(mu^-(p7),mu(p8)))' C---98 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> W^-(-->e^-(p3)+nu~(p4)) + H(-->Z(e^-(p5),e^+(p6))+Z(mu^-(p7),mu(p8)))' case='WH__ZZ' mb=0 call sethparams(br,wwbr,zzbr,tautaubr,gamgambr,zgambr) nqcdjets=0 plabel(5)='el' plabel(6)='ea' plabel(7)='el' plabel(8)='ea' ndim=16 n2=1 n3=1 mass2=hmass width2=hwidth mass3=wmass width3=wwidth l1=le r1=re l2=le r2=re mcfmplotinfo= (/ 34, 56, 78, 5678, (0,j=1,46) /) if (nproc .eq. 93) then C---93 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> W^+(-->nu(p3)+e^+(p4)) + H(-->Z(e^-(p5),e^+(p6))+Z(mu^-(p7),mu(p8)))' plabel(3)='nl' plabel(4)='ea' nwz=+1 elseif (nproc .eq. 98) then C--98 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> W^-(-->e^-(p3)+nu~(p4)) + H(-->Z(e^-(p5),e^+(p6))+Z(mu^-(p7),mu(p8)))' plabel(3)='el' plabel(4)='na' nwz=-1 endif if (removebr) then plabel(3)='ig' plabel(4)='ig' plabel(5)='ig' plabel(6)='ig' plabel(7)='ig' plabel(8)='ig' call branch(brwen,brzee,brznn,brtau,brtop,brcharm) BrnRat=2d0*brwen*brzee**2*zzbr ! factor of 2 for identical particles endif c--- print warning if we're below threshold if (hmass .lt. 2d0*zmass) then write(6,*) write(6,*) 'WARNING: Higgs decay H->ZZ is below threshold and' write(6,*) 'may not yield sensible results - check the number' write(6,*) 'of integration points and the value of zerowidth' if (removebr) then write(6,*) write(6,*) 'Cannot remove H->ZZ BR, not defined below threshold' stop endif if (zerowidth) then write(6,*) 'zerowidth=.true. and higgs decay below threshold' stop endif endif c----------------------------------------------------------------------- elseif ((nproc .eq. 94) .or. (nproc .eq. 99)) then case='WHgaga' mb=0 call sethparams(br,wwbr,zzbr,tautaubr,gamgambr,zgambr) nqcdjets=0 hdecaymode='gaga' plabel(5)='ga' plabel(6)='ga' ndim=10 n2=1 n3=1 mass2=hmass width2=hwidth mass3=wmass width3=wwidth mcfmplotinfo= (/ 34, 56, (0,j=1,48) /) if (nproc .eq. 94) then c ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> W^+(-->nu(p3)+e^+(p4)) + H(-->gamma(p5)+gamma(p6)' 'N' plabel(3)='nl' plabel(4)='ea' nwz=+1 elseif (nproc .eq. 99) then c ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> W^-(-->nu(p3)+e^+(p4)) + H(-->gamma(p5)+gamma(p6)' 'N' plabel(3)='el' plabel(4)='na' nwz=-1 endif if (removebr) then plabel(3)='ig' plabel(4)='ig' plabel(5)='ig' plabel(6)='ig' call branch(brwen,brzee,brznn,brtau,brtop,brcharm) BrnRat=brwen*gamgambr endif c----------------------------------------------------------------------- elseif ((nproc .ge. 101) .and. (nproc .le. 105)) then case='ZHbbar' call sethparams(br,wwbr,zzbr,tautaubr,gamgambr,zgambr) nqcdjets=2 bbproc=.true. plabel(7)='pp' ndim=10 nwz=0 n2=1 n3=1 mass2=hmass width2=hwidth mass3=zmass width3=zwidth mcfmplotinfo= (/ 34, 56, (0,j=1,48) /) if (nproc .eq. 101) then c-- 101 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> Z^0(-->e^-(p3)+e^+(p4)) + H(-->b(p5)+b~(p6))' c-- ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> H + Z0 (for total Xsect)' (removebr=.true.) hdecaymode='bqba' call checkminzmass(1) plabel(3)='el' plabel(4)='ea' plabel(5)='bq' plabel(6)='ba' q1=-1d0 l1=le r1=re if (removebr) then call branch(brwen,brzee,brznn,brtau,brtop,brcharm) BrnRat=brzee*br plabel(3)='ig' plabel(4)='ig' plabel(5)='ig' plabel(6)='ig' bbproc=.false. nqcdjets=0 endif elseif (nproc .eq. 102) then c-- 102 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> Z^0(-->3*(nu(p3)+nu~(p4))) + H(-->b(p5)+b~(p6))' hdecaymode='bqba' plabel(3)='nl' plabel(4)='na' plabel(5)='bq' plabel(6)='ba' q1=0d0 l1=ln*dsqrt(3d0) r1=rn*dsqrt(3d0) elseif (nproc .eq. 103) then c-- 103 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> Z^0(-->b(p3)+b~(p4)) + H(-->b(p5)+b~(p6))' hdecaymode='bqba' call checkminzmass(1) nqcdjets=4 plabel(3)='bq' plabel(4)='ba' plabel(5)='bq' plabel(6)='ba' q1=Q(5)*dsqrt(xn) l1=l(5)*dsqrt(xn) r1=r(5)*dsqrt(xn) elseif (nproc .eq. 104) then c-- 104 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> Z^0(-->e^-(p3)+e^+(p4)) + H(-->gamma(p5)+gamma(p6))' 'N' call checkminzmass(1) case='ZHgaga' nqcdjets=0 bbproc=.false. q1=-1d0 l1=le r1=re plabel(3)='el' plabel(4)='ea' plabel(5)='ga' plabel(6)='ga' hdecaymode='gaga' if (removebr) then call branch(brwen,brzee,brznn,brtau,brtop,brcharm) BrnRat=brzee*gamgambr plabel(3)='ig' plabel(4)='ig' plabel(5)='ig' plabel(6)='ig' endif elseif (nproc .eq. 105) then c-- 105 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> Z^0(-->-->3*(nu(p3)+nu~(p4))) + H(-->gamma(p5)+gamma(p6))' 'N' case='ZHgaga' nqcdjets=0 bbproc=.false. plabel(3)='nl' plabel(4)='na' plabel(5)='ga' plabel(6)='ga' hdecaymode='gaga' q1=0d0 l1=ln*dsqrt(3d0) r1=rn*dsqrt(3d0) if (removebr) then call branch(brwen,brzee,brznn,brtau,brtop,brcharm) BrnRat=brznn*gamgambr plabel(3)='ig' plabel(4)='ig' plabel(5)='ig' plabel(6)='ig' endif else call nprocinvalid() endif c----------------------------------------------------------------------- elseif ((nproc .ge. 106) .and. (nproc .le. 108)) then case='ZH__WW' mb=0 call sethparams(br,wwbr,zzbr,tautaubr,gamgambr,zgambr) nqcdjets=0 plabel(3)='nl' plabel(4)='ea' plabel(5)='nl' plabel(6)='ea' plabel(7)='el' plabel(8)='na' plabel(9)='pp' ndim=16 n2=1 n3=1 mass2=hmass width2=hwidth mass3=zmass width3=zwidth mcfmplotinfo= (/ 34, 56, 78, 5678, (0,j=1,46) /) if (nproc .eq. 106) then c-- 106 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> Z^0(-->e^-(p3)+e^+(p4)) + H(-->W^+(nu(p5),e^+(p6))W^-(e^-(p7),nub(p8)))' c-- ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> H + Z0 (for total Xsect)' (removebr=.true.) call checkminzmass(1) plabel(3)='el' plabel(4)='ea' q1=-1d0 l1=le r1=re if (removebr) then plabel(3)='ig' plabel(4)='ig' plabel(5)='ig' plabel(6)='ig' plabel(7)='ig' plabel(8)='ig' call branch(brwen,brzee,brznn,brtau,brtop,brcharm) BrnRat=brzee*brwen**2*wwbr endif elseif (nproc .eq. 107) then c-- 107 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> Z^0(-->3*(nu(p3)+nu~(p4))) + H(-->W^+(nu(p5),e^+(p6))W^-(e^-(p7),nub(p8)))' plabel(3)='nl' plabel(4)='na' q1=0d0 l1=ln*dsqrt(3d0) r1=rn*dsqrt(3d0) elseif (nproc .eq. 108) then c-- 108 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> Z^0(-->b(p3)+b~(p4)) + H(-->W^+(nu(p5),e^+(p6))W^-(e^-(p7),nub(p8)))' call checkminzmass(1) nqcdjets=2 plabel(3)='bq' plabel(4)='ba' q1=Q(5)*dsqrt(xn) l1=l(5)*dsqrt(xn) r1=r(5)*dsqrt(xn) else call nprocinvalid() endif c--- print warning if we're below threshold if (hmass .lt. 2d0*wmass) then write(6,*) write(6,*) 'WARNING: Higgs decay H->WW is below threshold and' write(6,*) 'may not yield sensible results - check the number' write(6,*) 'of integration points and the value of zerowidth' if (removebr) then write(6,*) write(6,*) 'Cannot remove H->WW BR, not defined below threshold' stop endif if (zerowidth) then write(6,*) 'zerowidth=.true. and higgs decay below threshold' stop endif endif c----------------------------------------------------------------------- elseif (nproc .eq. 109) then c-- 109 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> Z^0(-->e^-(p3)+e^+(p4)) + H(-->Z(e^-(p5),e^+(p6))+Z(mu^-(p7),mu(p8)))' case='ZH__ZZ' call sethparams(br,wwbr,zzbr,tautaubr,gamgambr,zgambr) nqcdjets=0 plabel(3)='el' plabel(4)='ea' plabel(5)='el' plabel(6)='ea' plabel(7)='el' plabel(8)='ea' plabel(9)='pp' ndim=16 n2=1 n3=1 mass2=hmass width2=hwidth mass3=zmass width3=zwidth q1=-1d0 l1=le r1=re l2=le r2=re mcfmplotinfo= (/ 34, 56, 78, 5678, (0,j=1,46) /) if (removebr) then plabel(3)='ig' plabel(4)='ig' plabel(5)='ig' plabel(6)='ig' plabel(7)='ig' plabel(8)='ig' plabel(9)='ig' call branch(brwen,brzee,brznn,brtau,brtop,brcharm) BrnRat=2d0*brzee**3*zzbr endif c--- print warning if we're below threshold if (hmass .lt. 2d0*zmass) then write(6,*) write(6,*) 'WARNING: Higgs decay H->ZZ is below threshold and' write(6,*) 'may not yield sensible results - check the number' write(6,*) 'of integration points and the value of zerowidth' if (removebr) then write(6,*) write(6,*) 'Cannot remove H->ZZ BR, not defined below threshold' stop endif if (zerowidth) then write(6,*) 'zerowidth=.true. and higgs decay below threshold' stop endif endif c----------------------------------------------------------------------- elseif ((nproc .eq. 111) .or. (nproc .eq. 112)) then case='ggfus0' call sethparams(br,wwbr,zzbr,tautaubr,gamgambr,zgambr) plabel(5)='pp' ndim=4 n2=0 n3=1 mass3=hmass width3=hwidth mcfmplotinfo= (/ 34, (0,j=1,49) /) if (nproc .eq. 111) then c-- 111 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> H(-->b(p3)+bbar(p4))' c-- ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> H (for total Xsect)' (removebr=.true.) hdecaymode='bqba' plabel(3)='bq' plabel(4)='ba' nqcdjets=2 if (removebr) then plabel(3)='ig' plabel(4)='ig' nqcdjets=0 BrnRat=br endif elseif (nproc .eq. 112) then c-- 112 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> H(-->tau^-(p3)+tau^+(p4))' c-- ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> H (for total Xsect)' (removebr=.true.) hdecaymode='tlta' plabel(3)='tl' plabel(4)='ta' nqcdjets=0 if (removebr) then plabel(3)='ig' plabel(4)='ig' BrnRat=tautaubr endif endif elseif ((nproc .eq. 113) .or. (nproc .eq. 123) & .or. (nproc .eq. 124) .or. (nproc .eq. 125) & .or. (nproc .eq. 126) .or. (nproc .eq. 127)) then c-- 113 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> H (--> W^+(nu(p3)+e^+(p4)) + W^-(e^-(p5)+nu~(p6)))' c-- ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> H (for total Xsect)' (removebr=.true.) if (nproc .eq. 113) then case='HWW_4l' elseif (nproc .eq. 123) then case='HWW_tb' elseif (nproc .eq. 124) then case='HWWint' elseif (nproc .eq. 125) then case='HWWH+i' elseif (nproc .eq. 126) then case='ggWW4l' elseif (nproc .eq. 127) then case='ggWWbx' endif call sethparams(br,wwbr,zzbr,tautaubr,gamgambr,zgambr) c--- widths according to Kauer et al., for comparison with gg2WW c if (abs(hmass-140d0) .lt. 1d-4) hwidth=0.008235d0 c if (abs(hmass-170d0) .lt. 1d-4) hwidth=0.3837d0 c if (abs(hmass-200d0) .lt. 1d-4) hwidth=1.426d0 plabel(3)='nl' plabel(4)='ea' plabel(5)='el' plabel(6)='na' plabel(7)='pp' nqcdjets=0 ndim=10 n2=1 n3=1 mass2=wmass width2=wwidth mass3=wmass width3=wwidth c--- if vector boson decays specified, initialize appropriately if ((nproc .ge. 123) .and. (vdecayid)) then call setvdecay(34,+1) call setvdecay(56,-1) endif mcfmplotinfo= (/ 34, 56, 3456, (0,j=1,47) /) c--- print warning if we're below threshold if (hmass .lt. 2d0*wmass) then write(6,*) write(6,*) 'WARNING: Higgs decay H->WW is below threshold and' write(6,*) 'may not yield sensible results - check the number' write(6,*) 'of integration points' if (removebr) then write(6,*) write(6,*) 'Cannot remove H->WW BR, not defined below threshold' stop endif if (zerowidth) then write(6,*) 'zerowidth=.true. and higgs decay below threshold' stop endif endif if (removebr) then call branch(brwen,brzee,brznn,brtau,brtop,brcharm) BrnRat=brwen**2*wwbr plabel(3)='ig' plabel(4)='ig' plabel(5)='ig' plabel(6)='ig' endif elseif (nproc .eq. 114) then case='HWW2lq' call sethparams(br,wwbr,zzbr,tautaubr,gamgambr,zgambr) c--- widths according to Kauer et al., for comparison with gg2WW c if (abs(hmass-140d0) .lt. 1d-4) hwidth=0.008235d0 c if (abs(hmass-170d0) .lt. 1d-4) hwidth=0.3837d0 c if (abs(hmass-200d0) .lt. 1d-4) hwidth=1.426d0 plabel(3)='nl' plabel(4)='ea' plabel(5)='pp' plabel(6)='pp' plabel(7)='pp' nqcdjets=2 ndim=10 n2=1 n3=1 mass2=wmass width2=wwidth mass3=wmass width3=wwidth mcfmplotinfo= (/ 34, 56, 3456, (0,j=1,47) /) c--- print warning if we're below threshold if (hmass .lt. 2d0*wmass) then write(6,*) write(6,*) 'WARNING: Higgs decay H->WW is below threshold and' write(6,*) 'may not yield sensible results - check the number' write(6,*) 'of integration points' if (removebr) then write(6,*) write(6,*) 'Cannot remove H->WW BR, not defined below threshold' stop endif if (zerowidth) then write(6,*) 'zerowidth=.true. and higgs decay below threshold' stop endif endif if (removebr) then call branch(brwen,brzee,brznn,brtau,brtop,brcharm) BrnRat=2d0*xn*brwen**2*wwbr c if (part .eq. 'todk') BrnRat=BrnRat*(1d0+as/pi) plabel(3)='ig' plabel(4)='ig' plabel(5)='ig' plabel(6)='ig' nqcdjets=0 endif elseif (nproc .eq. 115) then case='HWWdkW' call sethparams(br,wwbr,zzbr,tautaubr,gamgambr,zgambr) plabel(3)='nl' plabel(4)='ea' plabel(5)='pp' plabel(6)='pp' plabel(7)='pp' nqcdjets=2 ndim=10 n2=1 n3=1 mass2=wmass width2=wwidth mass3=wmass width3=wwidth mcfmplotinfo= (/ 34, 56, 3456, (0,j=1,47) /) if (removebr) then call branch(brwen,brzee,brznn,brtau,brtop,brcharm) BrnRat=2d0*xn*brwen**2*wwbr c if (part .eq. 'todk') BrnRat=BrnRat*(1d0+as/pi) plabel(3)='ig' plabel(4)='ig' plabel(5)='ig' plabel(6)='ig' nqcdjets=0 endif c--- print warning if we're below threshold if (hmass .lt. 2d0*wmass) then write(6,*) write(6,*) 'WARNING: Higgs decay H->WW is below threshold and' write(6,*) 'may not yield sensible results - check the number' write(6,*) 'of integration points' if (removebr) then write(6,*) write(6,*) 'Cannot remove H->WW BR, not defined below threshold' stop endif if (zerowidth) then write(6,*) 'zerowidth=.true. and higgs decay below threshold' stop endif endif c----------------------------------------------------------------------- elseif (((nproc .ge. 116) .and. (nproc .le. 118)) & .or. (nproc .eq. 128) .or. (nproc .eq. 129) & .or. (nproc .eq. 130) .or. (nproc .eq. 131) & .or. (nproc .eq. 132) .or. (nproc .eq. 133) ) then if (nproc .le. 118) then case='HZZ_4l' elseif (nproc .eq. 128) then case='HZZ_tb' elseif (nproc .eq. 129) then case='HZZint' elseif (nproc .eq. 130) then case='HZZH+i' elseif (nproc .eq. 131) then case='ggZZ4l' elseif (nproc .eq. 132) then case='ggZZbx' elseif (nproc .eq. 133) then case='HZZqgI' endif call sethparams(br,wwbr,zzbr,tautaubr,gamgambr,zgambr) plabel(7)='pp' nqcdjets=0 nwz=0 ndim=10 if(nproc.eq.133) then ndim=13 nqcdjets=1 notag=1 endif n2=1 n3=1 mass2=zmass width2=zwidth mass3=zmass width3=zwidth mcfmplotinfo= (/ 34, 56, 3456, (0,j=1,47) /) c--- print warning if we're below threshold if (hmass .lt. 2d0*zmass) then write(6,*) write(6,*) 'WARNING: Higgs decay H->ZZ is below threshold and' write(6,*) 'may not yield sensible results - check the number' write(6,*) 'of integration points' if (removebr) then write(6,*) write(6,*) 'Cannot remove H->ZZ BR, not defined below threshold' stop endif if (zerowidth) then write(6,*) 'zerowidth=.true. and higgs decay below threshold' stop endif endif if ( (nproc .eq. 116) .or. (nproc .eq. 128) & .or. (nproc .eq. 129) .or. (nproc .eq. 130) & .or. (nproc .eq. 131) .or. (nproc .eq. 132) & .or. (nproc .eq. 133) ) then c-- 116 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> H(-->Z^0(e^-(p3)+e^+(p4)) + Z^0(mu^-(p5)+mu^+(p6))' c-- ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> H (for total Xsect)' (removebr=.true.) c--- 128 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> H(--> Z^0(e^-(p3)+e^+(p4)) + Z^0(mu^-(p5)+mu^+(p6)) [top, bottom loops, exact]' 'L' c--- 129 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> H(--> Z^0(e^-(p3)+e^+(p4)) + Z^0(mu^-(p5)+mu^+(p6)) [only H, gg->ZZ intf.]' 'L' c--- 130 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> H(--> Z^0(e^-(p3)+e^+(p4)) + Z^0(mu^-(p5)+mu^+(p6)) [H squared and H, gg->ZZ intf.]' 'L' c--- 131 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> Z^0(e^-(p3)+e^+(p4)) + Z^0(mu^-(p5)+mu^+(p6) [gg only, (H + gg->ZZ) squared]' 'L' c--- 132 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> Z^0(e^-(p3)+e^+(p4)) + Z^0(mu^-(p5)+mu^+(p6) [(gg->ZZ) squared]' 'L' c--- 133 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> H(--> Z^0(mu^-(p3)+mu^+(p4)) + Z^0(e^-(p5)+e^+(p6) + f(p7)) [intf with SM, no cut on p7]' 'L' plabel(3)='el' plabel(4)='ea' plabel(5)='ml' plabel(6)='ma' l1=le r1=re l2=le r2=re q1=-1d0 q2=-1d0 c--- check runstring to change from (e,mu) Z decays to (e,e) or (mu,mu) c if (index(runstring,'ELEL') .gt. 0) then c plabel(5)='el' c plabel(6)='ea' c interference=.true. c vsymfact=0.25d0 c elseif (index(runstring,'MUMU') .gt. 0) then c plabel(3)='ml' c plabel(4)='ma' c interference=.true. c vsymfact=0.25d0 c endif c--- if vector boson decays specified, initialize appropriately if ((nproc .ge. 128) .and. (vdecayid)) then call setvdecay(34,0) call setvdecay(56,0) if (plabel(3) .eq. plabel(5)) then if (plabel(3) .ne. 'nl') then c------ for both Z decays to neutrinos, neglect interference effects for simplicity interference=.true. vsymfact=0.25d0 endif endif endif if (removebr) then call branch(brwen,brzee,brznn,brtau,brtop,brcharm) BrnRat=2d0*brzee**2*zzbr ! factor of 2 for identical particles plabel(3)='ig' plabel(4)='ig' plabel(5)='ig' plabel(6)='ig' endif elseif (nproc .eq. 117) then c-- 117 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> H(-->Z^0(3*(nu(p3)+nu~(p4)))+ Z^0(mu^-(p5)+mu^+(p6))' plabel(3)='nl' plabel(4)='na' plabel(5)='ml' plabel(6)='ma' l1=le r1=re l2=ln*dsqrt(3d0) r2=rn*dsqrt(3d0) if (removebr) then call branch(brwen,brzee,brznn,brtau,brtop,brcharm) BrnRat=2d0*brzee*brznn*zzbr ! factor of 2 for identical particles plabel(3)='ig' plabel(4)='ig' plabel(5)='ig' plabel(6)='ig' endif elseif (nproc .eq. 118) then c-- 118 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> H(-->Z^0(mu^-(p3)+mu^+(p4)) + Z^0(b(p5)+b~(p6))' nqcdjets=2 plabel(3)='ml' plabel(4)='ma' plabel(5)='bq' plabel(6)='ba' l1=le r1=re l2=l(5)*dsqrt(xn) r2=r(5)*dsqrt(xn) else call nprocinvalid() endif elseif (nproc .eq. 119) then case='Higaga' plabel(5)='pp' call sethparams(br,wwbr,zzbr,tautaubr,gamgambr,zgambr) ndim=4 n2=0 n3=1 mass3=hmass width3=hwidth mcfmplotinfo= (/ 34, (0,j=1,49) /) c-- 119 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> H(-->gamma^-(p3)+gamma^+(p4))' c-- ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> H (for total Xsect)' (removebr=.true.) plabel(3)='ga' plabel(4)='ga' hdecaymode='gaga' nqcdjets=0 if (removebr) then plabel(3)='ig' plabel(4)='ig' BrnRat=gamgambr endif elseif (nproc .eq. 120) then case='Hi_Zga' call checkminzmass(1) nqcdjets=0 plabel(6)='pp' ndim=7 call sethparams(br,wwbr,zzbr,tautaubr,gamgambr,zgambr) n2=0 n3=1 mass3=zmass width3=zwidth mcfmplotinfo= (/ 34, 345, (0,j=1,48) /) c-- 120 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> H(-->Z^0(mu^-(p3)+mu^+(p4)) + gamma(p5)')' c-- ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> H (for total Xsect)' (removebr=.true.) plabel(3)='el' plabel(4)='ea' plabel(5)='ga' l1=le r1=re q1=-1d0 if (removebr) then call branch(brwen,brzee,brznn,brtau,brtop,brcharm) BrnRat=brzee*zgambr plabel(3)='ig' plabel(4)='ig' plabel(5)='ig' endif elseif (nproc .eq. 121) then case='Hi_Zga' nqcdjets=0 plabel(6)='pp' ndim=7 call sethparams(br,wwbr,zzbr,tautaubr,gamgambr,zgambr) n2=0 n3=1 mass3=zmass width3=zwidth mcfmplotinfo= (/ 34, 345, (0,j=1,48) /) c-- 121 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> H(-->Z^0(3*(nu(p3)+nu~(p4))) + gamma(p5)')' c-- ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> H (for total Xsect)' (removebr=.true.) plabel(3)='nl' plabel(4)='na' q1=0d0 l1=ln*dsqrt(3d0) r1=rn*dsqrt(3d0) if (removebr) then call branch(brwen,brzee,brznn,brtau,brtop,brcharm) BrnRat=brznn*zgambr plabel(3)='ig' plabel(4)='ig' plabel(5)='ig' endif c----------------------------------------------------------------------- elseif ( (nproc .eq. 1281) .or. (nproc .eq. 1291) & .or. (nproc .eq. 1301) .or. (nproc .eq. 1311) & .or. (nproc .eq. 1321) & .or. (nproc .eq. 1282) .or. (nproc .eq. 1292) & .or. (nproc .eq. 1302) .or. (nproc .eq. 1312) & .or. (nproc .eq. 1322) ) then if ((nproc .eq. 1281) .or. (nproc .eq. 1282)) then case='HVV_tb' elseif ((nproc .eq. 1291) .or. (nproc .eq. 1292)) then case='HVVint' elseif ((nproc .eq. 1301) .or. (nproc .eq. 1302)) then case='HVVH+i' elseif ((nproc .eq. 1311) .or. (nproc .eq. 1312)) then case='ggVV4l' elseif ((nproc .eq. 1321) .or. (nproc .eq. 1322)) then case='ggVVbx' endif call sethparams(br,wwbr,zzbr,tautaubr,gamgambr,zgambr) plabel(3)='el' plabel(4)='ea' plabel(5)='nl' plabel(6)='na' plabel(7)='pp' l1=le r1=re q1=-1d0 l2=ln r2=rn q2=0d0 nqcdjets=0 nwz=0 ndim=10 n2=1 n3=1 c-- parameters for phase space doipsgen=.true. maxipsgen=2 if ( (nproc .eq. 1282) .or. (nproc .eq. 1292) & .or. (nproc .eq. 1302) .or. (nproc .eq. 1312) & .or. (nproc .eq. 1322) ) then nuflav=3 else nuflav=1 endif mcfmplotinfo= (/ 34, 56, 45, 36, 3456, (0,j=1,45) /) c----------------------------------------------------------------------- elseif ((nproc .ge. 136) .and. (nproc .le. 138)) then case='H_1jet' call sethparams(br,wwbr,zzbr,tautaubr,gamgambr,zgambr) call setmb_msbar mb=0d0 ndim=7 plabel(3)='qb' plabel(4)='ab' plabel(5)='bq' hdecaymode='bqba' nqcdjets=1 n2=0 n3=1 mass3=hmass width3=hwidth mcfmplotinfo= (/ 34, (0,j=1,49) /) if ( (nproc .eq. 137) .and. . ((part .eq. 'virt') .or. (part .eq. 'tota')) ) then write(6,*) 'This process number is not suitable for the' write(6,*) 'NLO calculation. Please run processes' write(6,*) '136 (virtual+real) and 137 (real) separately.' stop endif if ( (nproc .eq. 138) .and. (part .ne. 'real') ) then write(6,*) 'This process number is not suitable for such a' write(6,*) 'calculation. Please run process 138 (real) only.' stop endif if (nproc .eq. 136) then c-- 136 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> H (no BR) + b(p5) [+g(p6)]' isub=1 plabel(6)='pp' elseif (nproc .eq. 137) then c-- 137 '(p1)+f(p2) --> H (no BR) + b~(p5) [+b(p6)]' isub=2 plabel(5)='ba' plabel(6)='bq' elseif (nproc .eq. 138) then c-- 138 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> H (no BR) + b(p5) + b~(p6) [both observed]' isub=2 plabel(5)='ba' plabel(6)='bq' nqcdjets=2 endif if (removebr) then plabel(3)='ig' plabel(4)='ig' BrnRat=br endif c----------------------------------------------------------------------- elseif ((nproc .eq. 141) & .or. (nproc .eq. 142) & .or. (nproc .eq. 144) & .or. (nproc .eq. 145) & .or. (nproc .eq. 146) & .or. (nproc .eq. 147) & .or. (nproc .eq. 148) & .or. (nproc .eq. 149) & .or. (nproc .eq. 150) & .or. (nproc .eq. 151)) then ndim=16 n2=1 n3=1 mass2=mt width2=twidth mass3=mt width3=twidth bbproc=.true. mcfmplotinfo= (/ 34, 78, 345, 678, (0,j=1,46) /) if (nproc .eq. 141) then c-- 141 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> t(-->nu(p3)+e^+(p4)+b(p5))+b~(p6))+e^-(p7)+nu~(p8)' c-- ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> t t~ (with BR for total Xsect)' (removebr=.true.) case='tt_bbl' nqcdjets=2 plabel(3)='nl' plabel(4)='ea' plabel(5)='bq' plabel(6)='ba' plabel(7)='el' plabel(8)='na' plabel(9)='pp' if (removebr) then call branch(brwen,brzee,brznn,brtau,brtop,brcharm) BrnRat=(brwen*brtop)**2 plabel(3)='ig' plabel(4)='ig' plabel(5)='ig' plabel(6)='ig' plabel(7)='ig' plabel(8)='ig' nqcdjets=0 bbproc=.false. endif elseif (nproc .eq. 142) then c-- 142 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> t(-->nu(p3)+e^+(p4)+b(p5))+b~(p6))+e^-(p7)+nu~(p8) [radiation in top decay]' case='tt_ldk' nqcdjets=2 plabel(3)='nl' plabel(4)='ea' plabel(5)='bq' plabel(6)='ba' plabel(7)='el' plabel(8)='na' plabel(9)='pp' if (removebr) then call branch(brwen,brzee,brznn,brtau,brtop,brcharm) BrnRat=(brwen*brtop)**2 plabel(3)='ig' plabel(4)='ig' plabel(5)='ig' plabel(6)='ig' plabel(7)='ig' plabel(8)='ig' nqcdjets=0 bbproc=.false. endif elseif (nproc .eq. 144) then c-- 144 ' f(p1)+f(p2)-->t(-->nu(p3)+e^+(p4)+b(p5))+t~(-->b~(p6)+e^-(p7)+nu~(p8))' c-- (uncorrelated)' case='tt_bbu' nqcdjets=2 plabel(3)='nl' plabel(4)='ea' plabel(5)='bq' plabel(6)='ba' plabel(7)='el' plabel(8)='na' plabel(9)='pp' if (removebr) then call branch(brwen,brzee,brznn,brtau,brtop,brcharm) BrnRat=(brwen*brtop)**2 plabel(3)='ig' plabel(4)='ig' plabel(5)='ig' plabel(6)='ig' plabel(7)='ig' plabel(8)='ig' nqcdjets=0 bbproc=.false. endif elseif (nproc .eq. 145) then c-- 145 ' f(p1)+f(p2)-->t(-->nu(p3)+e^+(p4)+b(p5))+t~(-->b~(p6)+e^-(p7)+nu~(p8))' c-- (uncorrelated) []' case='tt_udk' nqcdjets=2 plabel(3)='nl' plabel(4)='ea' plabel(5)='bq' plabel(6)='ba' plabel(7)='el' plabel(8)='na' plabel(9)='pp' if (removebr) then call branch(brwen,brzee,brznn,brtau,brtop,brcharm) BrnRat=(brwen*brtop)**2 plabel(3)='ig' plabel(4)='ig' plabel(5)='ig' plabel(6)='ig' plabel(7)='ig' plabel(8)='ig' nqcdjets=0 bbproc=.false. endif elseif (nproc .eq. 146) then c-- 146 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> t(-->nu(p3)+e^+(p4)+b(p5))+b~(p6))+q(p7)+q~(p8)' case='tt_bbh' plabel(3)='nl' plabel(4)='ea' plabel(5)='bq' plabel(6)='ba' plabel(7)='pp' plabel(8)='pp' plabel(9)='pp' nqcdjets=4 elseif (nproc .eq. 147) then c-- 147 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> t(-->nu(p3)+e^+(p4)+b(p5))+b~(p6))+q(p7)+q~(p8) [radiation in top decay]' case='tt_hdk' plabel(3)='nl' plabel(4)='ea' plabel(5)='bq' plabel(6)='ba' plabel(7)='pp' plabel(8)='pp' plabel(9)='pp' nqcdjets=4 elseif (nproc .eq. 148) then c-- 148 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> t(-->nu(p3)+e^+(p4)+b(p5))+b~(p6))+q(p7)+q~(p8) [radiation in hadronic W decay]' case='tthWdk' plabel(3)='nl' plabel(4)='ea' plabel(5)='bq' plabel(6)='ba' plabel(7)='pp' plabel(8)='pp' plabel(9)='pp' nqcdjets=4 elseif (nproc .eq. 149) then c--- 149 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> t(-->q(p3)+q~(p4)+b(p5))+t~(-->b~(p6)+e-(p7)+nu~(p8))' case='tt_bbh' plabel(3)='pp' plabel(4)='pp' plabel(5)='bq' plabel(6)='ba' plabel(7)='el' plabel(8)='na' plabel(9)='pp' nqcdjets=4 elseif (nproc .eq. 150) then c--- 150 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> t(-->q(p3)+q~(p4)+b(p5))+t~(-->b~(p6)+e-(p7)+nu~(p8)) [radiation in top decay]' case='tt_hdk' plabel(3)='pp' plabel(4)='pp' plabel(5)='bq' plabel(6)='ba' plabel(7)='el' plabel(8)='na' plabel(9)='pp' nqcdjets=4 elseif (nproc .eq. 151) then c--- 151 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> t(-->q(p3)+q~(p4)+b(p5))+t~(-->b~(p6)+e-(p7)+nu~(p8)) [radiation in hadronic W decay]' case='tthWdk' plabel(3)='pp' plabel(4)='pp' plabel(5)='bq' plabel(6)='ba' plabel(7)='el' plabel(8)='na' plabel(9)='pp' nqcdjets=4 endif c----------------------------------------------------------------------- elseif (nproc .eq. 143) then c-- 143 ' f(p1)+f(p2)-->t(-->nu(p3)+e^+(p4)+b(p5))+t~(-->nu~(p7)+e^-(p8)+b~(p6))+g(p9)' c-- ' f(p1)+f(p2)-->t(p345)+t~(p678)+g(p9)' (removebr=.true.) case='qq_ttg' nwz=1 ndim=19 nqcdjets=3 plabel(3)='nl' plabel(4)='ea' plabel(5)='bq' plabel(6)='ba' plabel(7)='el' plabel(8)='na' plabel(9)='pp' mcfmplotinfo= (/ 34, 78, 345, 678, (0,j=1,46) /) c--- total cross-section if (removebr) then call branch(brwen,brzee,brznn,brtau,brtop,brcharm) BrnRat=(brwen*brtop)**2 plabel(3)='ig' plabel(4)='ig' plabel(5)='ig' plabel(6)='ig' plabel(7)='ig' plabel(8)='ig' nqcdjets=1 endif c----------------------------------------------------------------------- elseif (nproc .eq. 157) then c-- 157 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> t t~ (for total Xsect)' case='tt_tot' nqcdjets=0 ndim=4 mass2=mt n2=0 n3=0 plabel(3)='ig' plabel(4)='ig' plabel(5)='pp' mcfmplotinfo= (/ 34, (0,j=1,49) /) elseif (nproc .eq. 158) then c-- 158 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> b b~ (for total Xsect)' case='bb_tot' nflav=4 nqcdjets=2 ndim=4 mass2=mb n2=0 n3=0 plabel(3)='bq' plabel(4)='ba' plabel(5)='pp' mcfmplotinfo= (/ 34, (0,j=1,49) /) elseif ( then c-- 701 ' b(p1)+f(p2)--> b(p3)+f(p4)' case='bfbf5f' nflav=5 ndim=4 binc=.true. plabel(3)='bq' plabel(4)='pp' nqcdjets=2 n3=0 mcfmplotinfo= (/ 34, (0,j=1,49) /) elseif ( then c-- 711 ' c(p1)+f(p2)--> c(p3)+f(p4)' case='cfcf4f' nflav=4 ndim=4 binc=.true. plabel(3)='bq' plabel(4)='pp' nqcdjets=2 n3=0 mcfmplotinfo= (/ 34, (0,j=1,49) /) elseif (nproc .eq. 159) then c-- 159 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> c c~ (for total Xsect)' case='cc_tot' nflav=3 nqcdjets=2 ndim=4 mass2=mc n2=0 n3=0 plabel(3)='bq' plabel(4)='ba' plabel(5)='pp' mcfmplotinfo= (/ 34, (0,j=1,49) /) elseif (nproc .eq. 160) then if ((part .eq. 'tota') . .or.(part .eq. 'virt') . .or.(part .eq. 'real')) then write(6,*) 'This process number is available only at LO' write(6,*) 'Please set part = lord and rerun' stop endif c-- 160 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> t t~ +jet (for total Xsect)' case='tt_glu' nqcdjets=1 ndim=7 mass2=mt n2=0 n3=0 plabel(3)='ig' plabel(4)='ig' plabel(5)='pp' c----------------------------------------------------------------------- elseif ((nproc .eq. 161) .or. (nproc .eq. 163)) then c-- 161 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> t(-->nu(p3)+e^+(p4)+b(p5))+q(p6) [t-channel]' c-- ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> t(no BR) + q(p6)' (removebr=.true.) case='bq_tpq' isub=1 nqcdjets=2 plabel(3)='nl' plabel(4)='ea' plabel(5)='bq' plabel(6)='qj' plabel(7)='pp' nwz=+1 if (nproc .eq. 161) then ! usual approach, mb=0 c--- extra b that can appear at NLO is massless masslessb=.true. else ! proper ACOT, mb>0 (must run 231 LO) masslessb=.false. endif c--- ndim is one less than usual, since the top is always on-shell ndim=9 mb=0d0 write(6,*) 'Enforcing mb=0 for this process!' n3=1 mass2=mt width2=twidth mass3=wmass width3=wwidth mcfmplotinfo= (/ 34, 345, (0,j=1,48) /) if (removebr) then call branch(brwen,brzee,brznn,brtau,brtop,brcharm) BrnRat=brwen*brtop plabel(3)='ig' plabel(4)='ig' plabel(5)='ig' nqcdjets=1 endif elseif (nproc .eq. 162) then c-- 162 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> t(-->nu(p3)+e^+(p4)+b(p5))+q(p6) [decay]' case='ttdkay' nqcdjets=2 plabel(3)='nl' plabel(4)='ea' plabel(5)='bq' plabel(6)='qj' plabel(7)='pp' nwz=+1 if (part .eq. 'lord') then write(6,*) 'This process number can not be used for a' write(6,*) 'LO calculation. Please run either process' write(6,*) '161 (lord) or process 162 (virt+real).' stop endif c--- ndim is one less than usual, since the top is always on-shell ndim=9 mb=0d0 write(6,*) 'Enforcing mb=0 for this process!' n3=1 mass2=mt width2=twidth mass3=wmass width3=wwidth mcfmplotinfo= (/ 34, 345, (0,j=1,48) /) if (removebr) then call branch(brwen,brzee,brznn,brtau,brtop,brcharm) BrnRat=brwen*brtop plabel(3)='ig' plabel(4)='ig' plabel(5)='ig' nqcdjets=1 endif elseif ((nproc .eq. 166) .or. (nproc .eq. 168)) then c-- 166 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> t~(-->e^-(p3)+nu~(p4)+b~(p5))+q(p6) [t-channel]'' c-- ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> t~(no BR) + q(p6)' (removebr=.true.) case='bq_tpq' isub=1 nqcdjets=2 plabel(3)='el' plabel(4)='na' plabel(5)='ba' plabel(6)='qj' plabel(7)='pp' nwz=-1 if (nproc .eq. 166) then ! usual approach, mb=0 c--- extra b that can appear at NLO is massless masslessb=.true. else ! proper ACOT, mb>0 (must run 236 LO) masslessb=.false. endif c--- ndim is one less than usual, since the top is always on-shell ndim=9 mb=0d0 write(6,*) 'Enforcing mb=0 for this process!' n3=1 mass2=mt width2=twidth mass3=wmass width3=wwidth mcfmplotinfo= (/ 34, 345, (0,j=1,48) /) if (removebr) then call branch(brwen,brzee,brznn,brtau,brtop,brcharm) BrnRat=brwen*brtop plabel(3)='ig' plabel(4)='ig' plabel(5)='ig' nqcdjets=1 endif elseif (nproc .eq. 167) then c-- 167 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> t~(-->e^-(p3)+nu~(p4)+b~(p5))+q(p6) [decay]' case='ttdkay' nqcdjets=2 plabel(3)='el' plabel(4)='na' plabel(5)='ba' plabel(6)='qj' plabel(7)='pp' nwz=-1 if (part .eq. 'lord') then write(6,*) 'This process number can not be used for a' write(6,*) 'LO calculation. Please run either process' write(6,*) '166 (lord) or process 167 (virt+real).' stop endif c--- ndim is one less than usual, since the top is always on-shell ndim=9 mb=0d0 write(6,*) 'Enforcing mb=0 for this process!' n3=1 mass2=mt width2=twidth mass3=wmass width3=wwidth mcfmplotinfo= (/ 34, 345, (0,j=1,48) /) if (removebr) then call branch(brwen,brzee,brznn,brtau,brtop,brcharm) BrnRat=brwen*brtop plabel(3)='ig' plabel(4)='ig' plabel(5)='ig' nqcdjets=1 endif c----------------------------------------------------------------------- elseif (nproc .eq. 171) then c-- 171 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> t(-->nu(p3)+e^+(p4)+b(p5))+b~(p6)) [s-channel]' c-- ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> t(no BR) + b~(p6)' (removebr=.true.) case='t_bbar' isub=2 nqcdjets=2 plabel(3)='nl' plabel(4)='ea' plabel(5)='bq' plabel(6)='ba' plabel(7)='pp' nwz=1 c--- ndim is one less than usual, since the top is always on-shell ndim=9 n3=1 mass2=mt width2=twidth mass3=wmass width3=wwidth mcfmplotinfo= (/ 34, 345, (0,j=1,48) /) if (removebr) then call branch(brwen,brzee,brznn,brtau,brtop,brcharm) BrnRat=brwen*brtop plabel(3)='ig' plabel(4)='ig' plabel(5)='ig' nqcdjets=1 endif elseif (nproc .eq. 172) then c-- 172 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> t(-->nu(p3)+e^+(p4)+b(p5))+b~(p6)) [decay]' case='tdecay' nqcdjets=2 plabel(3)='nl' plabel(4)='ea' plabel(5)='bq' plabel(6)='ba' plabel(7)='pp' nwz=1 if (part .eq. 'lord') then write(6,*) 'This process number can not be used for a' write(6,*) 'LO calculation. Please run either process' write(6,*) '171 (lord) or process 172 (virt+real).' stop endif c--- ndim is one less than usual, since the top is always on-shell ndim=9 n3=1 mass2=mt width2=twidth mass3=wmass width3=wwidth mcfmplotinfo= (/ 34, 345, (0,j=1,48) /) if (removebr) then call branch(brwen,brzee,brznn,brtau,brtop,brcharm) BrnRat=brwen*brtop plabel(3)='ig' plabel(4)='ig' plabel(5)='ig' nqcdjets=1 endif elseif (nproc .eq. 176) then c-- 176 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> t~(-->e^-(p3)+nu~(p4)+b~(p5))+b(p6)) [s-channel]' c-- ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> t~(no BR) + b(p6)' (removebr=.true.) case='t_bbar' isub=2 nqcdjets=2 plabel(3)='el' plabel(4)='na' plabel(5)='ba' plabel(6)='bq' plabel(7)='pp' nwz=-1 c--- ndim is one less than usual, since the top is always on-shell ndim=9 n3=1 mass2=mt width2=twidth mass3=wmass width3=wwidth mcfmplotinfo= (/ 34, 345, (0,j=1,48) /) if (removebr) then call branch(brwen,brzee,brznn,brtau,brtop,brcharm) BrnRat=brwen*brtop plabel(3)='ig' plabel(4)='ig' plabel(5)='ig' nqcdjets=1 endif elseif (nproc .eq. 177) then c-- 177 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> t~(-->e^-(p3)+nu~(p4)+b~(p5))+b(p6)) [decay]' case='tdecay' nqcdjets=2 plabel(3)='el' plabel(4)='na' plabel(5)='ba' plabel(6)='bq' plabel(7)='pp' nwz=-1 if (part .eq. 'lord') then write(6,*) 'This process number can not be used for a' write(6,*) 'LO calculation. Please run either process' write(6,*) '176 (lord) or process 177 (virt+real).' stop endif c--- ndim is one less than usual, since the top is always on-shell ndim=9 n3=1 mass2=mt width2=twidth mass3=wmass width3=wwidth mcfmplotinfo= (/ 34, 345, (0,j=1,48) /) if (removebr) then call branch(brwen,brzee,brznn,brtau,brtop,brcharm) BrnRat=brwen*brtop plabel(3)='ig' plabel(4)='ig' plabel(5)='ig' nqcdjets=1 endif c----------------------------------------------------------------------- elseif (nproc .eq. 180) then c-- 180 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> W^-(-->e^-(p3)+nu~(p4))+t(p5)' case='W_tndk' nqcdjets=0 plabel(3)='el' plabel(4)='na' plabel(5)='ig' plabel(6)='pp' mass2=mt nflav=5 nwz=-1 ndim=7 mb=0 n2=0 n3=1 mass3=wmass width3=wwidth mcfmplotinfo= (/ 34, (0,j=1,49) /) if (removebr) then call branch(brwen,brzee,brznn,brtau,brtop,brcharm) BrnRat=brwen plabel(3)='ig' plabel(4)='ig' endif elseif (nproc .eq. 181) then c-- 181 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> W^-(-->e^-(p3)+nu~(p4))+t(nu(p5)+e^+(p6)+b(p7))' case='W_twdk' nqcdjets=1 plabel(3)='el' plabel(4)='na' plabel(5)='nl' plabel(6)='ea' plabel(7)='bq' plabel(8)='pp' nflav=5 nwz=-1 ndim=13 mb=0d0 n2=1 n3=1 mass2=mt width2=twidth mass3=wmass width3=wwidth mcfmplotinfo= (/ 34, 567, (0,j=1,48) /) if (removebr) then call branch(brwen,brzee,brznn,brtau,brtop,brcharm) BrnRat=brwen*brtop plabel(5)='ig' plabel(6)='ig' plabel(7)='ig' nqcdjets=0 endif elseif (nproc .eq. 182) then c-- 182 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> W^-(-->e^-(p3)+nu~(p4))+t(nu(p5)+e^+(p6)+b(p7)) [decay]' case='Wtdkay' nqcdjets=1 plabel(3)='el' plabel(4)='na' plabel(5)='nl' plabel(6)='ea' plabel(7)='bq' plabel(8)='pp' nflav=5 nwz=-1 if (part .eq. 'lord') then write(6,*) 'This process number can not be used for a' write(6,*) 'LO calculation. Please run either process' write(6,*) '181 (lord) or process 182 (virt+real).' stop endif ndim=13 mb=0d0 n2=1 n3=1 mass2=mt width2=twidth mass3=wmass width3=wwidth mcfmplotinfo= (/ 34, 567, (0,j=1,48) /) if (removebr) then call branch(brwen,brzee,brznn,brtau,brtop,brcharm) BrnRat=brwen*brtop plabel(5)='ig' plabel(6)='ig' plabel(7)='ig' nqcdjets=0 endif elseif (nproc .eq. 183) then c-- 183 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> W^-(-->e^-(p3)+nu~(p4))+t(nu(p5)+e^+(p6)+b(p7))+b(p8)' case='Wtbwdk' nqcdjets=2 plabel(3)='el' plabel(4)='na' plabel(5)='nl' plabel(6)='ea' plabel(7)='bq' plabel(8)='pp' nflav=5 nwz=-1 ndim=16 c--- (this process can also be used for non-zero mb) mb=0d0 n2=1 n3=1 mass2=mt width2=twidth mass3=wmass width3=wwidth mcfmplotinfo= (/ 34, 567, (0,j=1,48) /) if (removebr) then call branch(brwen,brzee,brznn,brtau,brtop,brcharm) BrnRat=brwen*brtop plabel(5)='ig' plabel(6)='ig' plabel(7)='ig' nqcdjets=1 endif elseif (nproc .eq. 184) then c-- 184 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> W^-(-->e^-(p3)+nu~(p4))+t(p5)+b(p6) [massive b]' case='Wtbndk' nqcdjets=2 plabel(3)='el' plabel(4)='na' plabel(5)='bq' plabel(6)='ba' mass2=mt nflav=5 nwz=-1 ndim=10 n2=0 n3=1 mass3=wmass width3=wwidth mcfmplotinfo= (/ 34, (0,j=1,49) /) if (removebr) then call branch(brwen,brzee,brznn,brtau,brtop,brcharm) BrnRat=brwen plabel(3)='ig' plabel(4)='ig' endif elseif (nproc .eq. 185) then c-- 185 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> W^+(-->nu(p3)+e^+(p4))+tbar(p5)' case='W_tndk' nqcdjets=0 plabel(3)='nl' plabel(4)='ea' plabel(5)='ig' plabel(6)='pp' mass2=mt nflav=5 nwz=+1 ndim=7 mb=0 n2=0 n3=1 mass3=wmass width3=wwidth mcfmplotinfo= (/ 34, (0,j=1,49) /) if (removebr) then call branch(brwen,brzee,brznn,brtau,brtop,brcharm) BrnRat=brwen plabel(3)='ig' plabel(4)='ig' endif elseif (nproc .eq. 186) then c-- 186 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> W^+(-->nu(p3)+e^+(p4))+t~(e^-(p5)+nu~(p6)+bbar(p7))' case='W_twdk' nqcdjets=1 plabel(3)='nl' plabel(4)='ea' plabel(5)='el' plabel(6)='na' plabel(7)='ba' plabel(8)='pp' nflav=5 nwz=+1 ndim=13 mb=0 n2=1 n3=1 mass2=mt width2=twidth mass3=wmass width3=wwidth mcfmplotinfo= (/ 34, 567, (0,j=1,48) /) if (removebr) then call branch(brwen,brzee,brznn,brtau,brtop,brcharm) BrnRat=brwen*brtop plabel(5)='ig' plabel(6)='ig' plabel(7)='ig' nqcdjets=0 endif elseif (nproc .eq. 187) then c-- 182 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> W^+(-->nu(p3)+e^+(p4))+t~(e^-(p5)+nu~(p6)+bbar(p7)) [decay]' case='Wtdkay' nqcdjets=1 plabel(3)='nl' plabel(4)='ea' plabel(5)='el' plabel(6)='na' plabel(7)='bq' plabel(8)='pp' nflav=5 nwz=+1 if (part .eq. 'lord') then write(6,*) 'This process number can not be used for a' write(6,*) 'LO calculation. Please run either process' write(6,*) '186 (lord) or process 187 (virt+real).' stop endif ndim=13 mb=0 n2=1 n3=1 mass2=mt width2=twidth mass3=wmass width3=wwidth mcfmplotinfo= (/ 34, 567, (0,j=1,48) /) if (removebr) then call branch(brwen,brzee,brznn,brtau,brtop,brcharm) BrnRat=brwen*brtop plabel(5)='ig' plabel(6)='ig' plabel(7)='ig' nqcdjets=0 endif elseif ((nproc .ge. 200) .and. (nproc .le. 210)) then case='httjet' call sethparams(br,wwbr,zzbr,tautaubr,gamgambr,zgambr) nqcdjets=1 plabel(5)='pp' ndim=7 n2=0 n3=1 mass3=hmass width3=hwidth if (nproc .eq. 201) then c-- 201 ' f(p1)+f(p2)--> H(-->b(p3)+b~(p4)) + f(p5) [full mt dep.]' c-- ' f(p1)+f(p2)--> H(p3+p4) + f(p5) (for total Xsect)' (removebr=.true.) hdecaymode='bqba' plabel(3)='bq' plabel(4)='ba' nqcdjets=3 mcfmplotinfo= (/ 34, (0,j=1,49) /) if (removebr) then BrnRat=br plabel(3)='ig' plabel(4)='ig' nqcdjets=1 endif elseif (nproc .eq. 202) then c-- 202 ' f(p1)+f(p2)--> H (-> tau(p3) tau~(p4)) + f(p5) [full mt dep.]' hdecaymode='tlta' plabel(3)='tl' plabel(4)='ta' mcfmplotinfo= (/ 34, (0,j=1,49) /) if (removebr) then BrnRat=tautaubr plabel(3)='ig' plabel(4)='ig' nqcdjets=1 endif elseif ((nproc .eq. 203) .or. (nproc .eq. 204)) then case='ggfus1' nqcdjets=1 mb=0 plabel(5)='pp' plabel(6)='pp' ndim=7 n2=0 n3=1 mcfmplotinfo= (/ 34, (0,j=1,49) /) if (nproc .eq. 203) then c-- 203 ' f(p1)+f(p2) -->H(-->b(p3)+b~(p4)) + f(p5)' c-- ' f(p1)+f(p2)--> H(p3+p4) + f(p5) (for total Xsect)' (removebr=.true.) hdecaymode='bqba' plabel(3)='bq' plabel(4)='ba' nqcdjets=3 if (removebr) then BrnRat=br plabel(3)='ig' plabel(4)='ig' nqcdjets=1 endif elseif (nproc .eq. 204) then c-- 204 ' f(p1)+f(p2) -->H(-->tau^-(p3)+tau^+(p4)) + f(p5)' hdecaymode='tlta' plabel(3)='tl' plabel(4)='ta' nqcdjets=1 if (removebr) then plabel(3)='ig' plabel(4)='ig' Brnrat=tautaubr endif endif elseif (nproc .eq. 206) then c-- 206 ' f(p1)+f(p2)--> A(-->b(p3)+b~(p4)) + f(p5) [full mt dep.]' c-- ' f(p1)+f(p2)--> A(p3+p4) + f(p5) (for total Xsect)' (removebr=.true.) case='attjet' hdecaymode='bqba' plabel(3)='bq' plabel(4)='ba' nqcdjets=3 mcfmplotinfo= (/ 34, (0,j=1,49) /) if (removebr) then BrnRat=br plabel(3)='ig' plabel(4)='ig' nqcdjets=1 endif elseif (nproc .eq. 207) then c-- 207 ' f(p1)+f(p2)--> A (--> tau(p3) tau~(p4)) + f(p5) [full mt dep.]' case='attjet' hdecaymode='tlta' plabel(3)='tl' plabel(4)='ta' mcfmplotinfo= (/ 34, (0,j=1,49) /) if (removebr) then BrnRat=tautaubr plabel(3)='ig' plabel(4)='ig' nqcdjets=1 endif endif if (nproc .eq. 208) then c-- 208 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> H(-->W^+(p3,p4)W^-(p5,p6)) + f(p7)' case='HWWjet' ndim=13 plabel(3)='nl' plabel(4)='ea' plabel(5)='el' plabel(6)='na' plabel(7)='pp' plabel(8)='pp' nqcdjets=1 n2=1 n3=1 mass2=wmass width2=wwidth mass3=wmass width3=wwidth mcfmplotinfo= (/ 34, 56, 3456, (0,j=1,47) /) c--- print warning if we're below threshold if (hmass .lt. 2d0*wmass) then write(6,*) write(6,*) 'WARNING: Higgs decay H->WW is below threshold and' write(6,*) 'may not yield sensible results - check the number' write(6,*) 'of integration points and the value of zerowidth' if (removebr) then write(6,*) write(6,*) 'Cannot remove H->WW BR, not defined below threshold' stop endif if (zerowidth) then write(6,*) 'zerowidth=.true. and higgs decay below threshold' stop endif endif if (removebr) then call branch(brwen,brzee,brznn,brtau,brtop,brcharm) BrnRat=wwbr*brwen**2 plabel(3)='ig' plabel(4)='ig' plabel(5)='ig' plabel(6)='ig' endif endif if ((nproc .eq. 209)) then case='HZZjet' l1=le l2=le r1=re r2=re ndim=13 plabel(3)='el' plabel(4)='ea' plabel(5)='ml' plabel(6)='ma' plabel(7)='pp' plabel(8)='pp' nqcdjets=1 n2=1 n3=1 mass2=zmass width2=zwidth mass3=zmass width3=zwidth call sethparams(br,wwbr,zzbr,tautaubr,gamgambr,zgambr) mcfmplotinfo= (/ 34, 56, 3456, (0,j=1,47) /) c--- print warning if we're below threshold if (hmass .lt. 2d0*zmass) then write(6,*) write(6,*) 'WARNING: Higgs decay H->ZZ is below threshold and' write(6,*) 'may not yield sensible results - check the number' write(6,*) 'of integration points' if (zerowidth) then write(6,*) 'zerowidth=.true. and higgs decay below threshold' stop endif endif l1=le r1=re l2=le r2=re if (removebr) then call branch(brwen,brzee,brznn,brtau,brtop,brcharm) BrnRat=2d0*brzee**2*zzbr ! factor of 2 for identical particles plabel(3)='ig' plabel(4)='ig' plabel(5)='ig' plabel(6)='ig' endif elseif (nproc .eq. 210) then c-- 210 ' f(p1)+f(p2) -->H(-->gamma(p3)+gamma(p4)) + f(p5)' case='Hgagaj' plabel(3)='ga' plabel(4)='ga' plabel(5)='pp' plabel(6)='pp' hdecaymode='gaga' nqcdjets=1 mcfmplotinfo= (/ 34, (0,j=1,49) /) if (removebr) then BrnRat=gamgambr plabel(3)='ig' plabel(4)='ig' endif endif c----------------------------------------------------------------------- elseif ((nproc .eq. 211) .or. (nproc .eq. 212)) then case='qq_Hqq' call sethparams(br,wwbr,zzbr,tautaubr,gamgambr,zgambr) nwz=2 plabel(5)='pp' plabel(6)='pp' plabel(7)='pp' ndim=10 n2=0 n3=1 mass3=hmass width3=hwidth mcfmplotinfo= (/ 34, 56, (0,j=1,48) /) if (nproc .eq. 211) then c-- 211 ' f(p1)+f(p2)--> H(-->b(p3)+b~(p4))+f(p5)+f(p6) [WBF]' c-- ' f(p1)+f(p2)--> H(p3+p4)+f(p5)+f(p6) [WBF]' (removebr=.true.) hdecaymode='bqba' plabel(3)='bq' plabel(4)='ba' nqcdjets=4 if (removebr) then plabel(3)='ig' plabel(4)='ig' nqcdjets=2 BrnRat=br endif elseif (nproc .eq. 212) then c-- 212 ' f(p1)+f(p2)--> H(-->tau-(p3)+tau+(p4))+f(p5)+f(p6) [WBF]' c-- ' f(p1)+f(p2)--> H(p3+p4)+f(p5)+f(p6) [WBF]' (removebr=.true.) hdecaymode='tlta' plabel(3)='tl' plabel(4)='ta' nqcdjets=2 if (removebr) then plabel(3)='ig' plabel(4)='ig' Brnrat=tautaubr endif endif elseif (nproc .eq. 213) then case='qq_HWW' mb=0d0 call sethparams(br,wwbr,zzbr,tautaubr,gamgambr,zgambr) nwz=2 plabel(3)='nl' plabel(4)='ea' plabel(5)='el' plabel(6)='na' plabel(7)='pp' plabel(8)='pp' plabel(9)='pp' ndim=16 nqcdjets=2 c notag=1 ! If only one jet is required c notag=0 ! FOR CHECKING VS 211 n2=1 n3=1 mass2=wmass width2=wwidth mass3=wmass width3=wwidth mcfmplotinfo= (/ 34, 56, 3456, (0,j=1,47) /) c--- print warning if we're below threshold if (hmass .lt. 2d0*wmass) then write(6,*) write(6,*) 'WARNING: Higgs decay H->WW is below threshold and' write(6,*) 'may not yield sensible results - check the number' write(6,*) 'of integration points and the value of zerowidth' if (removebr) then write(6,*) write(6,*) 'Cannot remove H->WW BR, not defined below threshold' stop endif if (zerowidth) then write(6,*) 'zerowidth=.true. and higgs decay below threshold' stop endif endif if (removebr) then call branch(brwen,brzee,brznn,brtau,brtop,brcharm) BrnRat=wwbr*brwen**2 plabel(3)='ig' plabel(4)='ig' plabel(5)='ig' plabel(6)='ig' endif elseif (nproc .eq. 214) then case='qq_HZZ' l1=le r1=re l2=le r2=re mb=0d0 call sethparams(br,wwbr,zzbr,tautaubr,gamgambr,zgambr) nwz=2 plabel(3)='el' plabel(4)='ea' plabel(5)='el' plabel(6)='ea' plabel(7)='pp' plabel(8)='pp' plabel(9)='pp' ndim=16 nqcdjets=2 n2=1 n3=1 mass2=zmass width2=zwidth mass3=zmass width3=zwidth mcfmplotinfo= (/ 34, 56, 3456, (0,j=1,47) /) c--- print warning if we're below threshold if (hmass .lt. 2d0*zmass) then write(6,*) write(6,*) 'WARNING: Higgs decay H->ZZ is below threshold and' write(6,*) 'may not yield sensible results - check the number' write(6,*) 'of integration points and the value of zerowidth' if (removebr) then write(6,*) write(6,*) 'Cannot remove H->ZZ BR, not defined below threshold' stop endif if (zerowidth) then write(6,*) 'zerowidth=.true. and higgs decay below threshold' stop endif endif if (removebr) then call branch(brwen,brzee,brznn,brtau,brtop,brcharm) BrnRat=2d0*zzbr*brzee**2 ! factor of 2 for identical particles plabel(3)='ig' plabel(4)='ig' plabel(5)='ig' plabel(6)='ig' endif elseif (nproc .eq. 215) then case='qq_Hgg' hdecaymode='gaga' call sethparams(br,wwbr,zzbr,tautaubr,gamgambr,zgambr) plabel(3)='ga' plabel(4)='ga' plabel(5)='pp' plabel(6)='pp' plabel(7)='pp' ndim=10 nqcdjets=2 n2=0 n3=1 mass3=hmass width3=hwidth mcfmplotinfo= (/ 34, (0,j=1,49) /) if (removebr) then BrnRat=gamgambr plabel(3)='ig' plabel(4)='ig' endif elseif ((nproc .eq. 216) .or. (nproc .eq. 217)) then case='qqHqqg' mb=0d0 call sethparams(br,wwbr,zzbr,tautaubr,gamgambr,zgambr) nwz=2 plabel(5)='pp' plabel(6)='pp' plabel(7)='pp' ndim=13 n2=0 n3=1 mass3=hmass width3=hwidth mcfmplotinfo= (/ 34, (0,j=1,49) /) if (nproc .eq. 216) then c-- 216 ' f(p1)+f(p2)--> H(-->b(p3)+b~(p4))+f(p5)+f(p6)+f(p7) [WBF+jet]' c-- ' f(p1)+f(p2)--> H(p3+p4)+f(p5)+f(p6)+f(p7) [WBF+jet]' (removebr=.true.) hdecaymode='bqba' plabel(3)='bq' plabel(4)='ba' nqcdjets=5 if (removebr) then plabel(3)='ig' plabel(4)='ig' nqcdjets=3 BrnRat=br endif elseif (nproc .eq. 217) then c-- 217 ' f(p1)+f(p2)--> H(-->tau-(p3)+tau+(p4))+f(p5)+f(p6)+f(p7) [WBF+jet]' hdecaymode='tlta' plabel(3)='tl' plabel(4)='ta' nqcdjets=3 if (removebr) then plabel(3)='ig' plabel(4)='ig' nqcdjets=1 Brnrat=tautaubr endif endif c----------------------------------------------------------------------- elseif (nproc .eq. 221) then case='tautau' c-- 221 ' f(p1)+f(p2)--> tau^-(-->e^-(p3)+nu~_e(p4)+nu_tau(p5))+tau^+(-->nu~_tau(p6)+nu_e(p7)+e^+(p8))' c-- ' f(p1)+f(p2)--> tau tau~ [for total Xsect]' (removebr=.true.) plabel(3)='el' plabel(4)='na' plabel(5)='nl' plabel(6)='na' plabel(7)='nl' plabel(8)='ea' nqcdjets=0 nwz=1 ndim=16 n2=1 n3=1 mass2=mtau width2=tauwidth mass3=mtau width3=tauwidth mcfmplotinfo= (/ 34, 78, 345, 678, (0,j=1,46) /) if (removebr) then call branch(brwen,brzee,brznn,brtau,brtop,brcharm) BrnRat=brtau**2 plabel(3)='ig' plabel(4)='ig' plabel(5)='ig' plabel(6)='ig' plabel(7)='ig' plabel(8)='ig' endif c----------------------------------------------------------------------- elseif ((nproc .eq. 231) .or. (nproc .eq. 236)) then c-- 231 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> t(p3)+b~(p4)+q(p5) [t-channel]' c-- 236 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> t~(p3)+b(p4)+q(p5) [t-channel]' case='qg_tbq' nqcdjets=1 ndim=7 mass2=mt mass3=mb n2=0 n3=0 plabel(3)='ig' plabel(4)='ig' plabel(5)='pp' plabel(6)='pp' if (nproc .eq. 231) then nwz=+1 else nwz=-1 endif c--- in the SM, the logical fourthgen should be false c--- for BSM calculations, it should be true and it indicates that c--- 5 flavours should be used in the PDF and alpha-s fourthgen=.false. if (fourthgen) then c--- BSM: full 5 light flavours nflav=5 bmass=4.7d0 ! set b-mass to its usual value else c--- SM: only 4 light flavours nflav=4 bmass=1001d0 ! enforce 4-flavour running in alfamz.f endif c--- set up correct scales and as on heavy and light quark lines facscale_H=initfacscale_H facscale_L=initfacscale_L renscale_H=initrenscale_H renscale_L=initrenscale_L c--- make sure it works even if not specifying separate scales if (initrenscale_L .eq. 0d0) then facscale_H=facscale facscale_L=facscale renscale_H=scale renscale_L=scale endif b0=(xn*11d0-2d0*nflav)/6d0 as_H=alphas(abs(renscale_H),amz,nlooprun) as_L=alphas(abs(renscale_L),amz,nlooprun) c----------------------------------------------------------------------- elseif ((nproc .eq. 232) .or. (nproc .eq. 237)) then c-- 232 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> t(p3)+b~(p4)+q(p5)+q(p6) [t-channel]' c-- 237 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> t~(p3)+b(p4)+q(p5)+q(p6) [t-channel]' case='qgtbqq' nqcdjets=2 ndim=10 mass2=mt mass3=mb n2=0 n3=0 plabel(3)='ig' plabel(4)='ig' plabel(5)='pp' plabel(6)='pp' if (nproc .eq. 232) then nwz=+1 else nwz=-1 endif c--- in the SM, the logical fourthgen should be false c--- for BSM calculations, it should be true and it indicates that c--- 5 flavours should be used in the PDF and alpha-s fourthgen=.false. if (fourthgen) then c--- BSM: full 5 light flavours nflav=5 bmass=4.7d0 ! set b-mass to its usual value else c--- SM: only 4 light flavours nflav=4 bmass=1001d0 ! enforce 4-flavour running in alfamz.f endif c--- set up correct scales and as on heavy and light quark lines facscale_H=initfacscale_H facscale_L=initfacscale_L renscale_H=initrenscale_H renscale_L=initrenscale_L c--- make sure it works even if not specifying separate scales if (initrenscale_L .eq. 0d0) then facscale_H=facscale facscale_L=facscale renscale_H=scale renscale_L=scale endif b0=(xn*11d0-2d0*nflav)/6d0 as_H=alphas(abs(renscale_H),amz,nlooprun) as_L=alphas(abs(renscale_L),amz,nlooprun) c----------------------------------------------------------------------- elseif ((nproc .eq. 233) .or. (nproc .eq. 238) & .or. (nproc .eq. 234) .or. (nproc .eq. 239)) then c-- 233 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> t(-->nu(p3)+e^+(p4)+b(p5))+b~(p6)+q(p7) [t-channel]' c-- 234 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> t(-->nu(p3)+e^+(p4)+b(p5))+b~(p6)+q(p7) [t-channel, rad. in decay]' c-- 238 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> t~(-->e-(p3)+nu~(p4)+b~(p5))+b(p6)+q(p7) [t-channel]' c-- 239 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> t~(-->e-(p3)+nu~(p4)+b~(p5))+b(p6)+q(p7) [t-channel, rad. in decay]' c-- ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> t(no BR) + b~(p6) + q(p7)' (removebr=.true.) if ((nproc .eq. 233) .or. (nproc .eq. 238)) then case='4ftwdk' else case='dk_4ft' endif nqcdjets=3 if ((nproc .eq. 233) .or. (nproc .eq. 234)) then nwz=+1 plabel(3)='nl' plabel(4)='ea' plabel(5)='bq' plabel(6)='ba' else nwz=-1 plabel(3)='el' plabel(4)='na' plabel(5)='ba' plabel(6)='bq' endif plabel(7)='pp' plabel(8)='pp' c--- ndim is one less than usual, since the top is always on-shell ndim=12 n3=1 mass2=mt width2=twidth mass3=wmass width3=wwidth mcfmplotinfo= (/ 34, 345, (0,j=1,48) /) if (removebr) then call branch(brwen,brzee,brznn,brtau,brtop,brcharm) BrnRat=brwen*brtop plabel(3)='ig' plabel(4)='ig' plabel(5)='ig' nqcdjets=2 endif c--- in the SM, the logical fourthgen should be false c--- for BSM calculations, it should be true and it indicates that c--- 5 flavours should be used in the PDF and alpha-s fourthgen=.false. if (fourthgen) then c--- BSM: full 5 light flavours nflav=5 bmass=4.7d0 ! set b-mass to its usual value else c--- SM: only 4 light flavours nflav=4 bmass=1001d0 ! enforce 4-flavour running in alfamz.f endif c--- set up correct scales and as on heavy and light quark lines facscale_H=initfacscale_H facscale_L=initfacscale_L renscale_H=initrenscale_H renscale_L=initrenscale_L c--- make sure it works even if not specifying separate scales if (initrenscale_L .eq. 0d0) then facscale_H=facscale facscale_L=facscale renscale_H=scale renscale_L=scale endif b0=(xn*11d0-2d0*nflav)/6d0 as_H=alphas(abs(renscale_H),amz,nlooprun) as_L=alphas(abs(renscale_L),amz,nlooprun) c----------------------------------------------------------------------- elseif ((nproc .eq. 235) .or. (nproc .eq. 240)) then c-- 235 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> t(-->nu(p3)+e^+(p4)+b(p5))+b~(p6)+q(p7)+f(p8) [t-channel]' c-- 240 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> t~(-->e-(p3)+nu~(p4)+b~(p5))+b(p6)+q(p7)+f(p8) [t-channel]' c-- ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> t(no BR) + b~(p6) + q(p7) + f(p8)' (removebr=.true.) case='4ftjet' nqcdjets=4 if (nproc .eq. 235) then nwz=+1 plabel(3)='nl' plabel(4)='ea' plabel(5)='bq' plabel(6)='ba' else nwz=-1 plabel(3)='el' plabel(4)='na' plabel(5)='ba' plabel(6)='bq' endif plabel(7)='pp' plabel(8)='pp' c--- ndim is one less than usual, since the top is always on-shell ndim=15 n3=1 mass2=mt width2=twidth mass3=wmass width3=wwidth mcfmplotinfo= (/ 34, 345, (0,j=1,48) /) if (removebr) then call branch(brwen,brzee,brznn,brtau,brtop,brcharm) BrnRat=brwen*brtop plabel(3)='ig' plabel(4)='ig' plabel(5)='ig' nqcdjets=3 endif c--- in the SM, the logical fourthgen should be false c--- for BSM calculations, it should be true and it indicates that c--- 5 flavours should be used in the PDF and alpha-s fourthgen=.false. if (fourthgen) then c--- BSM: full 5 light flavours nflav=5 bmass=4.7d0 ! set b-mass to its usual value else c--- SM: only 4 light flavours nflav=4 bmass=1001d0 ! enforce 4-flavour running in alfamz.f endif c--- set up correct scales and as on heavy and light quark lines facscale_H=initfacscale_H facscale_L=initfacscale_L renscale_H=initrenscale_H renscale_L=initrenscale_L c--- make sure it works even if not specifying separate scales if (initrenscale_L .eq. 0d0) then facscale_H=facscale facscale_L=facscale renscale_H=scale renscale_L=scale endif b0=(xn*11d0-2d0*nflav)/6d0 as_H=alphas(abs(renscale_H),amz,nlooprun) as_L=alphas(abs(renscale_L),amz,nlooprun) c----------------------------------------------------------------------- elseif ((nproc .eq. 241) .or. (nproc .eq. 246) . .or. (nproc .eq. 242) .or. (nproc .eq. 247)) then c-- 241 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> t(p3)+b~(p4)+f(p5) [s-channel]' c-- 246 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> t~(p3)+b(p4)+f(p5) [s-channel]' cc--- for comparison with C. Oleari's e+e- --> QQbg calculation c if (runstring(1:5) .eq. 'carlo') then cc--- heavy quark mass passed via chars 6 and 7 of runstring c read(runstring(6:7),67) imhq c mt=dfloat(imhq) c mb=mt c wmass=0d0 c write(6,*) c write(6,*) ' >>> HEAVY QUARK MASS = ',mt,' GeV <<<' c endif c 67 format(i2) if ((nproc .eq. 241) .or. (nproc .eq. 246)) then case='qq_tbg' nqcdjets=1 ndim=7 elseif ((nproc .eq. 242) .or. (nproc .eq. 247)) then case='qqtbgg' nqcdjets=2 ndim=10 else write(6,*) 'Unexpected value of nproc in chooser.f!' stop endif mass2=mt mass3=mb nflav=4 n2=0 n3=0 plabel(3)='ig' plabel(4)='ig' plabel(5)='pp' plabel(6)='pp' if ((nproc .eq. 241) .or. (nproc .eq. 242)) then nwz=+1 else nwz=-1 endif c--- set up correct scales and as on heavy and light quark lines facscale_H=initfacscale_H facscale_L=initfacscale_L renscale_H=initrenscale_H renscale_L=initrenscale_L c--- make sure it works even if not specifying separate scales if (initrenscale_L .eq. 0d0) then facscale_H=facscale facscale_L=facscale renscale_H=scale renscale_L=scale endif bmass=1001d0 ! since nflav=4 b0=(xn*11d0-2d0*nflav)/6d0 as_H=alphas(abs(renscale_H),amz,nlooprun) as_L=alphas(abs(renscale_L),amz,nlooprun) c----------------------------------------------------------------------- elseif (nproc .eq. 249) then c-- e+ e^- -> 3 jets as check of massless limit of process 241 cc--- for comparison with C. Oleari's e+e- --> QQbg calculation c if (runstring(1:5) .eq. 'carlo') then cc--- heavy quark mass passed via chars 6 and 7 of runstring c read(runstring(6:7),67) imhq c mt=0d0 c mb=0d0 c wmass=0d0 c write(6,*) c write(6,*) ' >>> HEAVY QUARK MASS = ',mt,' GeV <<<' c endif case='epem3j' nqcdjets=1 ndim=7 mass2=0d0 mass3=0d0 nflav=4 n2=0 n3=0 plabel(3)='ig' plabel(4)='ig' plabel(5)='pp' plabel(6)='pp' nwz=+1 bmass=1001d0 ! since nflav=4 b0=(xn*11d0-2d0*nflav)/6d0 c----------------------------------------------------------------------- elseif (nproc .eq. 251) then c-- 251 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> W^+(-->nu(p3)+e^+(p4)) + W^+(-->nu(p5)+e^+(p6))+f(p7)+f(p8)' case='WpWp2j' nqcdjets=2 ndim=16 mb=0d0 plabel(3)='nl' plabel(4)='ea' plabel(5)='nl' plabel(6)='ea' plabel(7)='pp' plabel(8)='pp' plabel(9)='pp' l1=1d0 n2=1 n3=1 mass2=wmass width2=wwidth mass3=wmass width3=wwidth mcfmplotinfo= (/ 34, 56, (0,j=1,48) /) write(*,*)'Setting zerowidth to true for process 131' zerowidth = .true. write(*,*)'Setting removebr to false for process 131' removebr = .false. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- elseif (nproc .eq. 252) then c-- 252 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> W^+(-->nu(p3)+e^+(p4)) + W^+(-->nu(p5)+e^+(p6))+f(p7)+f(p8)+f(p9)' case='WpWp3j' nqcdjets=3 ndim=19 mb=0d0 plabel(3)='nl' plabel(4)='ea' plabel(5)='nl' plabel(6)='ea' plabel(7)='pp' plabel(8)='pp' plabel(9)='pp' plabel(10)='pp' l1=1d0 n2=1 n3=1 mass2=wmass width2=wwidth mass3=wmass width3=wwidth mcfmplotinfo= (/ 34, 56, (0,j=1,48) /) write(*,*)'Setting zerowidth to true for process 132' zerowidth = .true. write(*,*)'Setting removebr to false for process 132' removebr = .false. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- elseif ((nproc .eq. 253) .or. (nproc .eq. 254)) then c-- 253 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> W^+(-->nu(p3)+e^+(p4)) + Z(-->e^-(p5)+e^+(p6))+f(p7)+f(p8)' case='WpmZjj' call checkminzmass(2) nqcdjets=2 ndim=16 mb=0d0 if (nproc .eq. 253) then nwz=1 plabel(3)='nl' plabel(4)='ea' plabel(5)='el' plabel(6)='ea' else nwz=-1 plabel(3)='el' plabel(4)='na' plabel(5)='el' plabel(6)='ea' endif plabel(7)='pp' plabel(8)='pp' n2=1 n3=1 mass2=zmass width2=zwidth mass3=wmass width3=wwidth mcfmplotinfo= (/ 34, 56, (0,j=1,48) /) c--- total cross-section if (removebr) then plabel(3)='ig' plabel(4)='ig' plabel(5)='ig' plabel(6)='ig' call branch(brwen,brzee,brznn,brtau,brtop,brcharm) BrnRat=brwen*brzee endif c----------------------------------------------------------------------- elseif (nproc .eq. 255) then c-- 255 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> W^+(-->nu(p3)+e^+(p4)) + Z(-->e^-(p5)+e^+(p6))+b(p7)+f(p8)' case='WpmZbj' call checkminzmass(2) nqcdjets=2 nwz=1 ndim=16 mb=0d0 plabel(3)='nl' plabel(4)='ea' plabel(5)='el' plabel(6)='ea' plabel(7)='bq' plabel(8)='pp' n2=1 n3=1 mass2=zmass width2=zwidth mass3=wmass width3=wwidth mcfmplotinfo= (/ 34, 56, (0,j=1,48) /) c--- total cross-section if (removebr) then plabel(3)='ig' plabel(4)='ig' plabel(5)='ig' plabel(6)='ig' call branch(brwen,brzee,brznn,brtau,brtop,brcharm) BrnRat=brwen*brzee endif c----------------------------------------------------------------------- elseif (nproc .eq. 256) then c-- 256 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> W^-(-->e^-(p3)+nu~(p4)) + Z(-->e^-(p5)+e^+(p6))+b(p7)+f(p8)' case='WpmZbj' call checkminzmass(2) nqcdjets=2 ndim=16 nwz=-1 mb=0d0 plabel(3)='el' plabel(4)='na' plabel(5)='el' plabel(6)='ea' plabel(7)='bq' plabel(8)='pp' n2=1 n3=1 mass2=zmass width2=zwidth mass3=wmass width3=wwidth mcfmplotinfo= (/ 34, 56, (0,j=1,48) /) c--- total cross-section if (removebr) then plabel(3)='ig' plabel(4)='ig' plabel(5)='ig' plabel(6)='ig' call branch(brwen,brzee,brznn,brtau,brtop,brcharm) BrnRat=brwen*brzee endif c----------------------------------------------------------------------- elseif (nproc .eq. 259) then c-- 259 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> W^+(-->nu(p3)+e^+(p4)) + Z(-->e^-(p5)+e^+(p6))+b(p7)+b~(p8)' case='WpmZbb' call checkminzmass(2) nqcdjets=2 nwz=1 ndim=16 mb=0d0 plabel(3)='nl' plabel(4)='ea' plabel(5)='el' plabel(6)='ea' plabel(7)='bq' plabel(8)='ba' n2=1 n3=1 mass2=zmass width2=zwidth mass3=wmass width3=wwidth mcfmplotinfo= (/ 34, 56, (0,j=1,48) /) c--- total cross-section if (removebr) then plabel(3)='ig' plabel(4)='ig' plabel(5)='ig' plabel(6)='ig' call branch(brwen,brzee,brznn,brtau,brtop,brcharm) BrnRat=brwen*brzee endif c----------------------------------------------------------------------- elseif (nproc .eq. 260) then c--260 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> W^-(-->e^-(p3)+nu~(p4))+ Z(-->e^-(p5)+e^+(p6))+b(p7)+b~(p8)' case='WpmZbb' call checkminzmass(2) nqcdjets=2 ndim=16 nwz=-1 mb=0d0 plabel(3)='el' plabel(4)='na' plabel(5)='el' plabel(6)='ea' plabel(7)='bq' plabel(8)='ba' n2=1 n3=1 mass2=zmass width2=zwidth mass3=wmass width3=wwidth mcfmplotinfo= (/ 34, 56, (0,j=1,48) /) c--- total cross-section if (removebr) then plabel(3)='ig' plabel(4)='ig' plabel(5)='ig' plabel(6)='ig' call branch(brwen,brzee,brznn,brtau,brtop,brcharm) BrnRat=brwen*brzee endif c----------------------------------------------------------------------- elseif ((nproc .eq. 261) .or. (nproc .eq. 266)) then c-- 261 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> Z^0(-->e^-(p3)+e^+(p4))+b(p5)' c-- 266 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> Z^0(-->e^-(p3)+e^+(p4))+b(p5)[+b~(p6)]' case='gQ__ZQ' nqcdjets=1 flav=5 nwz=0 ndim=7 mb=0 n2=0 n3=1 mass3=zmass width3=zwidth mcfmplotinfo= (/ 34, (0,j=1,49) /) plabel(3)='el' plabel(4)='ea' plabel(5)='bq' isub=1+(nproc-261)/5 if (nproc .eq. 261) then plabel(6)='pp' else plabel(6)='ba' endif q1=-1d0 l1=le r1=re if (removebr) then call branch(brwen,brzee,brznn,brtau,brtop,brcharm) BrnRat=brzee plabel(3)='ig' plabel(4)='ig' endif elseif ((nproc .eq. 262) .or. (nproc .eq. 267)) then c-- 262 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> Z^0(-->e^-(p3)+e^+(p4))+c(p5)' c-- 267 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> Z^0(-->e^-(p3)+e^+(p4))+c(p5)[+c~(p6)]' case='gQ__ZQ' nqcdjets=1 flav=4 nwz=0 ndim=7 mb=0 n2=0 n3=1 mass3=zmass width3=zwidth mcfmplotinfo= (/ 34, (0,j=1,49) /) plabel(3)='el' plabel(4)='ea' plabel(5)='bq' isub=1+(nproc-262)/5 if (nproc .eq. 262) then plabel(6)='pp' else plabel(6)='ba' endif q1=-1d0 l1=le r1=re if (removebr) then call branch(brwen,brzee,brznn,brtau,brtop,brcharm) BrnRat=brzee plabel(3)='ig' plabel(4)='ig' endif elseif (nproc .eq. 263) then c-- 263 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> Z^0(-->e^-(p3)+e^+(p4))+b~(p5)+b(p6) (1 b-tag)' case='Zbbmas' nqcdjets=2 notag=1 ndim=10 n2=0 n3=1 mass3=zmass width3=zwidth mcfmplotinfo= (/ 34, (0,j=1,49) /) write(6,*) 'mb=',mb plabel(3)='el' plabel(4)='ea' plabel(5)='bq' plabel(6)='ba' q1=-1d0 l1=le r1=re flav=5 nflav=4 if (removebr) then call branch(brwen,brzee,brznn,brtau,brtop,brcharm) BrnRat=brzee plabel(3)='ig' plabel(4)='ig' endif elseif (nproc .eq. 264) then c-- 264 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> Z^0(-->e^-(p3)+e^+(p4))+c~(p5)+c(p6) (1 c-tag)' case='Zccmas' nqcdjets=2 notag=1 ndim=10 n2=0 n3=1 mass3=zmass width3=zwidth mcfmplotinfo= (/ 34, (0,j=1,49) /) mb=mc write(6,*) 'mc=',mb plabel(3)='el' plabel(4)='ea' plabel(5)='bq' plabel(6)='ba' q1=-1d0 l1=le r1=re if (removebr) then call branch(brwen,brzee,brznn,brtau,brtop,brcharm) BrnRat=brzee plabel(3)='ig' plabel(4)='ig' endif c----------------------------------------------------------------------- elseif ((nproc .eq. 270) .or. (nproc .eq. 271) & .or. (nproc .eq. 272)) then c--- turn off Higgs decay, for speed c nodecay=.true. c--- parameters to turn off various pieces, for checking f0q=one f2q=one f4q=one call sethparams(br,wwbr,zzbr,tautaubr,gamgambr,zgambr) plabel(5)='pp' plabel(6)='pp' plabel(7)='pp' ndim=10 n2=0 n3=1 mass3=hmass width3=hwidth mcfmplotinfo= (/ 34, 56, (0,j=1,48) /) if (nproc .eq. 270) then c-- 270 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> H(gamma(p3)+gamma(p4))+f(p5)+f(p6)[in heavy top limit]' c-- ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> H(no BR)+f(p5)+f(p6)[in heavy top limit]' (removebr=.true.) hdecaymode='gaga' plabel(3)='ga' plabel(4)='ga' case='gagajj' nqcdjets=2 if (removebr) then plabel(3)='ig' plabel(4)='ig' BrnRat=gamgambr endif elseif (nproc .eq. 271) then c-- 271 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> H(b(p3)+b~(p4))+f(p5)+f(p6)[in heavy top limit]' c-- ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> H(no BR)+f(p5)+f(p6)[in heavy top limit]' (removebr=.true.) hdecaymode='bqba' plabel(3)='bq' plabel(4)='ba' case='ggfus2' nqcdjets=4 if (removebr) then plabel(3)='ig' plabel(4)='ig' nqcdjets=2 BrnRat=br endif elseif (nproc .eq. 272) then c-- 272 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> H(tau-(p3)+tau+(p4))+f(p5)+f(p6)[in heavy top limit]' c-- ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> H(no BR)+f(p5)+f(p6)[in heavy top limit]' (removebr=.true.) hdecaymode='tlta' plabel(3)='tl' plabel(4)='ta' case='ggfus2' nqcdjets=2 if (removebr) then plabel(3)='ig' plabel(4)='ig' Brnrat=tautaubr endif endif c----------------------------------------------------------------------- elseif (nproc .eq. 273) then c-- 273 ' f(p1)+f(p2) -->` H(-->W^+(p3,p4)W^-(p5,p6)) + f(p7) + f(p8)' call sethparams(br,wwbr,zzbr,tautaubr,gamgambr,zgambr) c--- parameters to turn off various pieces, for checking f0q=one f2q=one f4q=one case='HWW2jt' ndim=16 plabel(3)='nl' plabel(4)='ea' plabel(5)='el' plabel(6)='na' plabel(7)='pp' plabel(8)='pp' plabel(9)='pp' nqcdjets=2 n2=1 n3=1 mass2=wmass width2=wwidth mass3=wmass width3=wwidth mcfmplotinfo= (/ 34, 56, 3456, (0,j=1,47) /) c--- print warning if we're below threshold if (hmass .lt. 2d0*wmass) then write(6,*) write(6,*) 'WARNING: Higgs decay H->WW is below threshold and' write(6,*) 'may not yield sensible results - check the number' write(6,*) 'of integration points and the value of zerowidth' if (removebr) then write(6,*) write(6,*) 'Cannot remove H->WW BR, not defined below threshold' stop endif if (zerowidth) then write(6,*) 'zerowidth=.true. and higgs decay below threshold' stop endif endif if (removebr) then call branch(brwen,brzee,brznn,brtau,brtop,brcharm) BrnRat=wwbr*brwen**2 plabel(3)='ig' plabel(4)='ig' plabel(5)='ig' plabel(6)='ig' endif c----------------------------------------------------------------------- elseif (nproc .eq. 274) then c-- 274 f(p1)+f(p2)->H(Z^+(e^-(p3),e^+(p4))Z(mu^-(p5),mu^+(p6)))+f(p7)+f(p8) call sethparams(br,wwbr,zzbr,tautaubr,gamgambr,zgambr) c--- parameters to turn off various pieces, for checking f0q=one f2q=one f4q=one case='HZZ2jt' l1=le r1=re l2=le r2=re ndim=16 plabel(3)='el' plabel(4)='ea' plabel(5)='ml' plabel(6)='ma' plabel(7)='pp' plabel(8)='pp' plabel(9)='pp' nqcdjets=2 n2=1 n3=1 mass2=zmass width2=zwidth mass3=zmass width3=zwidth mcfmplotinfo= (/ 34, 56, 3456, (0,j=1,47) /) c--- print warning if we're below threshold if (hmass .lt. 2d0*zmass) then write(6,*) write(6,*) 'WARNING: Higgs decay H->ZZ is below threshold and' write(6,*) 'may not yield sensible results - check the number' write(6,*) 'of integration points and the value of zerowidth' if (removebr) then write(6,*) write(6,*) 'Cannot remove H->ZZ BR, not defined below threshold' stop endif if (zerowidth) then write(6,*) 'zerowidth=.true. and higgs decay below threshold' stop endif endif if (removebr) then call branch(brwen,brzee,brznn,brtau,brtop,brcharm) BrnRat=2d0*brzee**2*zzbr ! factor of 2 for identical particles plabel(3)='ig' plabel(4)='ig' plabel(5)='ig' plabel(6)='ig' endif c----------------------------------------------------------------------- elseif ((nproc .eq. 275) .or. (nproc .eq. 276)) then c--- parameters to turn off various pieces, for checking f0q=one f2q=one f4q=one case='ggfus3' mb=0 call sethparams(br,wwbr,zzbr,tautaubr,gamgambr,zgambr) plabel(5)='pp' plabel(6)='pp' plabel(7)='pp' ndim=13 n2=0 n3=1 mass3=hmass width3=hwidth mcfmplotinfo= (/ 34, (0,j=1,49) /) if (nproc .eq. 275) then c-- 275 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> H(b(p3)+b~(p4))+f(p5)+f(p6)+f(p7)[in heavy top limit]' c-- ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> H(no BR)+f(p5)+f(p6)+f(p7)[in heavy top limit]' (removebr=.true.) hdecaymode='bqba' plabel(3)='bq' plabel(4)='ba' nqcdjets=5 if (removebr) then plabel(3)='ig' plabel(4)='ig' nqcdjets=3 BrnRat=br endif elseif (nproc .eq. 276) then c-- 276 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> H(tau-(p3)+tau+(p4))+f(p5)+f(p6)+f(p7)[in heavy top limit]' c-- ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> H(no BR)+f(p5)+f(p6)+f(p7)[in heavy top limit]' (removebr=.true.) hdecaymode='tlta' plabel(3)='tl' plabel(4)='ta' nqcdjets=3 if (removebr) then plabel(3)='ig' plabel(4)='ig' BrnRat=tautaubr endif endif c----------------------------------------------------------------------- elseif (nproc .eq. 278) then c-- 278 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> H(-->W^+(p3,p4)W^-(p5,p6)) + f(p7) + f(p8) + f(p9)' call sethparams(br,wwbr,zzbr,tautaubr,gamgambr,zgambr) c--- parameters to turn off various pieces, for checking f0q=one f2q=one f4q=one case='HWW3jt' ndim=19 plabel(3)='nl' plabel(4)='ea' plabel(5)='el' plabel(6)='na' plabel(7)='pp' plabel(8)='pp' plabel(9)='pp' nqcdjets=3 n2=1 n3=1 mass2=wmass width2=wwidth mass3=wmass width3=wwidth mcfmplotinfo= (/ 34, 56, 3456, (0,j=1,47) /) c--- print warning if we're below threshold if (hmass .lt. 2d0*wmass) then write(6,*) write(6,*) 'WARNING: Higgs decay H->WW is below threshold and' write(6,*) 'may not yield sensible results - check the number' write(6,*) 'of integration points and the value of zerowidth' if (removebr) then write(6,*) write(6,*) 'Cannot remove H->WW BR, not defined below threshold' stop endif if (zerowidth) then write(6,*) 'zerowidth=.true. and higgs decay below threshold' stop endif endif if (removebr) then call branch(brwen,brzee,brznn,brtau,brtop,brcharm) BrnRat=wwbr*brwen**2 plabel(3)='ig' plabel(4)='ig' plabel(5)='ig' plabel(6)='ig' endif c----------------------------------------------------------------------- elseif (nproc .eq. 279) then c-- 279 f(p1)+f(p2)->H(Z^+(e^-(p3),e^+(p4))Z(mu^-(p5),mu^+(p6)))+f(p7)+f(p8)+f(p9) call sethparams(br,wwbr,zzbr,tautaubr,gamgambr,zgambr) c--- parameters to turn off various pieces, for checking f0q=one f2q=one f4q=one case='HZZ3jt' l1=le r1=re l2=le r2=re ndim=19 plabel(3)='el' plabel(4)='ea' plabel(5)='ml' plabel(6)='ma' plabel(7)='pp' plabel(8)='pp' plabel(9)='pp' nqcdjets=3 n2=1 n3=1 mass2=zmass width2=zwidth mass3=zmass width3=zwidth mcfmplotinfo= (/ 34, 56, 3456, (0,j=1,47) /) c--- print warning if we're below threshold if (hmass .lt. 2d0*zmass) then write(6,*) write(6,*) 'WARNING: Higgs decay H->ZZ is below threshold and' write(6,*) 'may not yield sensible results - check the number' write(6,*) 'of integration points and the value of zerowidth' if (removebr) then write(6,*) write(6,*) 'Cannot remove H->ZZ BR, not defined below threshold' stop endif if (zerowidth) then write(6,*) 'zerowidth=.true. and higgs decay below threshold' stop endif endif if (removebr) then call branch(brwen,brzee,brznn,brtau,brtop,brcharm) BrnRat=2d0*brzee**2*zzbr ! factor of 2 for identical particles plabel(3)='ig' plabel(4)='ig' plabel(5)='ig' plabel(6)='ig' endif c----------------------------------------------------------------------- elseif (nproc .eq. 280) then ndim=4 case='dirgam' plabel(3)='ga' plabel(4)='pp' plabel(5)='pp' lastphot=3 nqcdjets=1 n3=0 inclusive=.true. write(6,*) write(6,*) 'Setting inclusive = .true. '// & 'for direct photon production.' elseif (nproc .eq. 282) then ndim=7 case='gamjet' plabel(3)='ga' plabel(4)='pp' plabel(5)='pp' plabel(6)='pp' lastphot=3 nqcdjets=2 n3=0 elseif (nproc .eq. 283) then ndim=4 case='hflgam' flav=5 plabel(3)='ga' plabel(4)='bq' plabel(5)='pp' lastphot=3 nqcdjets=1 n3=0 inclusive=.true. elseif (nproc .eq. 284) then ndim=4 case='hflgam' flav=4 plabel(3)='ga' plabel(4)='bq' plabel(5)='pp' lastphot=3 nqcdjets=1 n3=0 inclusive=.true. elseif (nproc .eq. 285) then ndim=4 case='gamgam' plabel(3)='ga' plabel(4)='ga' plabel(5)='pp' lastphot=4 nqcdjets=0 n3=0 elseif (nproc .eq. 286) then ndim=7 case='gmgmjt' c--- this process works best using the new PS generation new_pspace=.true. c--- this process works best using the new PS generation plabel(3)='ga' plabel(4)='ga' plabel(5)='pp' plabel(6)='pp' lastphot=4 nqcdjets=1 n3=0 elseif (nproc .eq. 287) then ndim=7 case='trigam' c--- this process works best using the new PS generation new_pspace=.true. c--- this process works best using the new PS generation plabel(3)='ga' plabel(4)='ga' plabel(5)='ga' plabel(6)='pp' lastphot=5 nqcdjets=0 n3=0 elseif (nproc .eq. 288) then ndim=10 case='gmgmjj' plabel(3)='ga' plabel(4)='ga' plabel(5)='pp' plabel(6)='pp' plabel(7)='pp' lastphot=4 nqcdjets=2 n3=0 c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c--- These two processes need to be moved to other numbers elseif (nproc .eq. 9280) then c-- 280 ' f(p1)+f(p2)--> f(p3)+f(p4)' ndim=4 case='twojet' plabel(3)='pp' plabel(4)='pp' plabel(5)='pp' nqcdjets=2 n3=0 elseif (nproc .eq. 9281) then c-- 281 ' f(p1)+f(p2)--> f(p3)+f(p4)+f(p5)' ndim=7 case='thrjet' plabel(3)='pp' plabel(4)='pp' plabel(5)='pp' plabel(6)='pp' nqcdjets=3 n3=0 c----------------------------------------------------------------------- elseif ((nproc .eq. 290) .or. (nproc .eq. 295)) then case='Wgamma' nqcdjets=0 ndim=7 mb=0 n2=0 n3=1 mass3=wmass width3=wwidth plabel(5)='ga' plabel(6)='pp' lastphot=5 mcfmplotinfo= (/ 34, (0,j=1,49) /) if (nproc .eq. 290) then c-- 290 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> W^+(-->nu(p3)+e^+(p4))+gamma(p5)' c-- ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> W^+ (no BR) + gamma(p5)' (removebr=.true.) nwz=1 plabel(3)='nl' plabel(4)='ea' elseif (nproc .eq. 295) then c-- 295 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> W^-(-->e^-(p3)+nu~+(p4))+gamma(p5)' c-- ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> W^- (no BR) + gamma(p5)' (removebr=.true.) nwz=-1 plabel(3)='el' plabel(4)='na' endif if (zerowidth .eqv. .false.) then write(6,*) write(6,*) 'Setting removebr to .false. in order to ensure' write(6,*) 'lepton-photon singularity can be removed' removebr=.false. endif c--- total cross-section if (removebr) then plabel(3)='ig' plabel(4)='ig' call branch(brwen,brzee,brznn,brtau,brtop,brcharm) BrnRat=brwen endif c----------------------------------------------------------------------- elseif ((nproc .eq. 292) .or. (nproc .eq. 297)) then case='Wgajet' nqcdjets=1 ndim=10 mb=0 rescale=.false. n2=0 n3=1 mass3=wmass width3=wwidth plabel(5)='ga' plabel(6)='pp' lastphot=5 mcfmplotinfo= (/ 34, (0,j=1,49) /) if (nproc .eq. 292) then c 292 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> W^+(-->nu(p3)+e^+(p4))+(f(p5) --> gamma(p5))' c ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> W^+(No BR)+(f(p5) --> gamma(p5)) (removebr =.true.)' nwz=1 plabel(3)='nl' plabel(4)='ea' elseif (nproc .eq. 297) then c 297 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> W^-(-->e^-(p3)+nu~(p4))+(f(p5) -->gamma(p5))' c ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> W^-(no BR)+(f(p5) -->gamma(p5)) (removebr=.true.)' nwz=-1 plabel(3)='el' plabel(4)='na' endif if (zerowidth .eqv. .false.) then write(6,*) write(6,*) 'Setting removebr to .false. in order to ensure' write(6,*) 'lepton-photon singularity can be removed' removebr=.false. endif c--- total cross-section if (removebr) then plabel(3)='ig' plabel(4)='ig' call branch(brwen,brzee,brznn,brtau,brtop,brcharm) BrnRat=brwen endif c-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- elseif ((nproc .eq. 300) .or. (nproc .eq. 305)) then case='Zgamma' nqcdjets=0 ndim=7 n2=0 n3=1 mass3=zmass width3=zwidth nwz=0 plabel(5)='ga' plabel(6)='pp' lastphot=5 mcfmplotinfo= (/ 34, (0,j=1,49) /) if (nproc .eq. 300) then c-- 300 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> Z^0(-->e^-(p3)+e^+(p4))+gamma(p5)' c-- ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> Z^0 (no BR) +gamma(p5)' (removebr=.true.) call checkminzmass(1) plabel(3)='el' plabel(4)='ea' q1=-1d0 l1=le r1=re if (zerowidth .eqv. .false.) then write(6,*) write(6,*)'Setting removebr to .false. in order to ensure' write(6,*)'lepton-photon singularity can be removed' removebr=.false. endif if (removebr) then plabel(3)='ig' plabel(4)='ig' call branch(brwen,brzee,brznn,brtau,brtop,brcharm) BrnRat=brzee endif elseif (nproc .eq. 305) then c-- 305 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> Z^0(-->3*(nu(p3)+nu~(p4)))-(sum over 3 nu)+gamma(p5)' plabel(3)='nl' plabel(4)='na' q1=0d0 l1=ln*dsqrt(3d0) r1=rn*dsqrt(3d0) endif c----------------------------------------------------------------------- elseif ((nproc .eq. 302) .or. (nproc .eq. 307)) then case='Zgajet' nqcdjets=1 ndim=10 n2=0 n3=0 mass3=zmass width3=zwidth nwz=0 plabel(5)='ga' plabel(6)='pp' plabel(7)='pp' lastphot=5 mcfmplotinfo= (/ 34, (0,j=1,49) /) if (nproc .eq. 302) then c-- 302 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> Z^0(-->e^-(p3)+e^+(p4))+gamma(p5)+f(p6)' c-- ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> Z^0 (no BR) +gamma(p5)+jet(p6)' (removebr=.true.) call checkminzmass(1) plabel(3)='el' plabel(4)='ea' q1=-1d0 l1=le r1=re if (zerowidth .eqv. .false.) then write(6,*) write(6,*)'Setting removebr to .false. in order to ensure' write(6,*)'lepton-photon singularity can be removed' removebr=.false. endif if (removebr) then plabel(3)='ig' plabel(4)='ig' call branch(brwen,brzee,brznn,brtau,brtop,brcharm) BrnRat=brzee endif elseif (nproc .eq. 307) then c-- 307 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> Z^0(-->nu(p3)+nu~(p4))+gamma(p5)+f(p6)' plabel(3)='nl' plabel(4)='na' q1=0d0 l1=ln*dsqrt(3d0) r1=rn*dsqrt(3d0) if (removebr) then plabel(3)='ig' plabel(4)='ig' call branch(brwen,brzee,brznn,brtau,brtop,brcharm) BrnRat=brznn endif endif c----------------------------------------------------------------------- elseif ((nproc .eq. 301) .or. (nproc .eq. 306)) then c-- 301 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> Z^0(e^-(p3)+e^+(p4))+gamma(p5)+gamma(p6)' c-- 306 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> Z^0(-->3*(nu(p3)+nu~(p4))+gamma(p5)+gamma(p6)' case='Z_2gam' ndim=10 n2=0 n3=0 mcfmplotinfo= (/ 34, (0,j=1,49) /) if (nproc .eq. 301) then call checkminzmass(1) plabel(3)='el' plabel(4)='ea' q1=-1d0 l1=le r1=re if (zerowidth .eqv. .false.) then write(6,*) write(6,*)'Setting removebr to .false. in order to ensure' write(6,*)'lepton-photon singularity can be removed' removebr=.false. endif c--- total cross-section if (removebr) then plabel(3)='ig' plabel(4)='ig' call branch(brwen,brzee,brznn,brtau,brtop,brcharm) BrnRat=brzee endif elseif (nproc .eq. 306) then plabel(3)='nl' plabel(4)='na' q1=0d0 l1=ln*dsqrt(3d0) r1=rn*dsqrt(3d0) endif plabel(5)='ga' plabel(6)='ga' plabel(7)='pp' lastphot=6 nwz=0 mass3=zmass width3=zwidth c----------------------------------------------------------------------- elseif ((nproc .eq. 303) .or. (nproc .eq. 308)) then c-- 303 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> Z^0(e^-(p3)+e^+(p4))+gamma(p5)+gamma(p6)+f(p7)' c-- 308 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> Z^0(-->3*(nu(p3)+nu~(p4))+gamma(p5)+gamma(p6)+f(p7)' case='Z2gajt' nqcdjets=1 ndim=13 n2=0 n3=0 mcfmplotinfo= (/ 34, (0,j=1,49) /) if (nproc .eq. 303) then call checkminzmass(1) plabel(3)='el' plabel(4)='ea' q1=-1d0 l1=le r1=re if (zerowidth .eqv. .false.) then write(6,*) write(6,*)'Setting removebr to .false. in order to ensure' write(6,*)'lepton-photon singularity can be removed' removebr=.false. endif c--- total cross-section if (removebr) then plabel(3)='ig' plabel(4)='ig' call branch(brwen,brzee,brznn,brtau,brtop,brcharm) BrnRat=brzee endif elseif (nproc .eq. 308) then plabel(3)='nl' plabel(4)='na' q1=0d0 l1=ln*dsqrt(3d0) r1=rn*dsqrt(3d0) endif plabel(5)='ga' plabel(6)='ga' plabel(7)='pp' lastphot=6 nwz=0 mass3=zmass width3=zwidth c----------------------------------------------------------------------- elseif ((nproc .eq. 304) .or. (nproc .eq. 309)) then c-- 304 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> Z^0(e^-(p3)+e^+(p4))+gamma(p5)+f(p6)+f(p7)' c-- 309 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> Z^0(-->3*(nu(p3)+nu~(p4))+gamma(p5)+f(p6)+f(p7)' case='Zga2jt' nqcdjets=2 ndim=13 n2=0 n3=0 mcfmplotinfo= (/ 34, (0,j=1,49) /) if (nproc .eq. 304) then call checkminzmass(1) plabel(3)='el' plabel(4)='ea' q1=-1d0 l1=le r1=re if (zerowidth .eqv. .false.) then write(6,*) write(6,*)'Setting removebr to .false. in order to ensure' write(6,*)'lepton-photon singularity can be removed' removebr=.false. endif c--- total cross-section if (removebr) then plabel(3)='ig' plabel(4)='ig' call branch(brwen,brzee,brznn,brtau,brtop,brcharm) BrnRat=brzee endif elseif (nproc .eq. 309) then plabel(3)='nl' plabel(4)='na' q1=0d0 l1=ln*dsqrt(3d0) r1=rn*dsqrt(3d0) endif plabel(5)='ga' plabel(6)='pp' plabel(7)='pp' lastphot=5 nwz=0 mass3=zmass width3=zwidth c----------------------------------------------------------------------- elseif ((nproc .eq. 311) .or. (nproc .eq. 316)) then case='W_bjet' nqcdjets=2 flav=5 isub=1 nflav=5 mb=0d0 plabel(5)='bq' plabel(6)='pp' plabel(7)='pp' ndim=10 n2=0 n3=1 mass3=wmass width3=wwidth mcfmplotinfo= (/ 34, (0,j=1,49) /) if (nproc .eq. 311) then c-- 311 ' f(p1)+b(p2) --> W^+(-->nu(p3)+e^+(p4))+b(p5)+f(p6)' nwz=+1 plabel(3)='nl' plabel(4)='ea' elseif (nproc .eq. 316) then c-- 316 ' f(p1)+b(p2) --> W^-(-->e^-(p3)+nu~(p4))+b(p5)+f(p6)' nwz=-1 plabel(3)='el' plabel(4)='na' endif if (removebr) then c-- ' f(p1)+b(p2) --> W(no BR)+b(p5)+f(p6)' (removebr=.true.) call branch(brwen,brzee,brznn,brtau,brtop,brcharm) BrnRat=brwen plabel(3)='ig' plabel(4)='ig' endif c----------------------------------------------------------------------- elseif ((nproc .eq. 321) .or. (nproc .eq. 326)) then case='W_bjet' nqcdjets=2 flav=4 isub=1 nflav=4 mb=0d0 plabel(5)='bq' plabel(6)='pp' plabel(7)='pp' ndim=10 n2=0 n3=1 mass3=wmass width3=wwidth mcfmplotinfo= (/ 34, (0,j=1,49) /) if (nproc .eq. 321) then c-- 321 ' f(p1)+b(p2) --> W^+(-->nu(p3)+e^+(p4))+c(p5)+f(p6)' nwz=+1 plabel(3)='nl' plabel(4)='ea' elseif (nproc .eq. 326) then c-- 326 ' f(p1)+b(p2) --> W^-(-->e^-(p3)+nu~(p4))+c(p5)+f(p6)' nwz=-1 plabel(3)='el' plabel(4)='na' endif if (removebr) then c-- ' f(p1)+b(p2) --> W(no BR)+c(p5)+f(p6)' (removebr=.true.) call branch(brwen,brzee,brznn,brtau,brtop,brcharm) BrnRat=brwen plabel(3)='ig' plabel(4)='ig' endif c----------------------------------------------------------------------- elseif ((nproc .eq. 331) .or. (nproc .eq. 336)) then case='Wcjetg' nqcdjets=2 nflav=3 plabel(5)='bq' plabel(6)='pp' ndim=10 mb=0 n2=0 n3=1 mass2=0d0 mass3=wmass width3=wwidth mcfmplotinfo= (/ 34, (0,j=1,49) /) if (nproc .eq. 331) then c-- 331 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> W^+(-->nu(p3)+e^+(p4))+c(p5)+f(p6) [c-s interaction]' nwz=+1 plabel(3)='nl' plabel(4)='ea' elseif (nproc .eq. 336) then c-- 336 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> W^+(-->nu(p3)+e^+(p4))+c(p5)+f(p6) [c-s interaction]' nwz=-1 plabel(3)='el' plabel(4)='na' endif if (removebr) then c-- ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> W(no BR)+c(p5)+f(p6) [c-s interaction]' (removebr=.true.) call branch(brwen,brzee,brznn,brtau,brtop,brcharm) BrnRat=brwen plabel(3)='ig' plabel(4)='ig' endif c----------------------------------------------------------------------- elseif ((nproc .eq. 341) .or. (nproc .eq. 351) . .or. (nproc .eq. 342) .or. (nproc .eq. 352)) then case='Z_bjet' call checkminzmass(1) ndim=10 n2=0 n3=1 nqcdjets=2 mb=0d0 plabel(3)='el' plabel(4)='ea' plabel(5)='bq' mcfmplotinfo= (/ 34, (0,j=1,49) /) if ((nproc .eq. 341) .or. (nproc .eq. 351)) then isub=1 plabel(6)='pp' plabel(7)='pp' elseif ((nproc .eq. 342) .or. (nproc .eq. 352)) then isub=2 plabel(6)='ba' plabel(7)='pp' endif q1=-1d0 l1=le r1=re nwz=0 mass3=zmass width3=zwidth if ((nproc .eq. 341) .or. (nproc .eq. 342)) then c-- 341 ' f(p1)+b(p2) --> Z^0(-->e^-(p3)+e^+(p4))+b(p5)+f(p6)' flav=5 nflav=5 elseif ((nproc .eq. 351) .or. (nproc .eq. 352)) then c-- 351 ' f(p1)+c(p2) --> Z^0(-->e^-(p3)+e^+(p4))+c(p5)+f(p6)' flav=4 nflav=4 endif if (removebr) then call branch(brwen,brzee,brznn,brtau,brtop,brcharm) BrnRat=brzee plabel(3)='ig' plabel(4)='ig' endif c----------------------------------------------------------------------- elseif ((nproc .eq. 346) .or. (nproc .eq. 356) . .or. (nproc .eq. 347) .or. (nproc .eq. 357)) then case='Zbjetg' call checkminzmass(1) ndim=13 n2=0 n3=1 nqcdjets=3 mb=0d0 plabel(3)='el' plabel(4)='ea' plabel(5)='bq' mcfmplotinfo= (/ 34, (0,j=1,49) /) if ((nproc .eq. 346) .or. (nproc .eq. 356)) then c-- 346 ' f(p1)+b(p2) --> Z^0(-->e^-(p3)+e^+(p4))+b(p5)+f(p6)+f(p7)' isub=1 plabel(6)='pp' plabel(7)='pp' elseif ((nproc .eq. 347) .or. (nproc .eq. 357)) then c-- 347 ' f(p1)+b(p2) --> Z^0(-->e^-(p3)+e^+(p4))+b(p5)+f(p6)+b~(p7)' isub=2 plabel(6)='ba' plabel(7)='pp' endif q1=-1d0 l1=le r1=re nwz=0 mass3=zmass width3=zwidth if ((nproc .eq. 346) .or. (nproc .eq. 347)) then c-- 346 ' f(p1)+b(p2) --> Z^0(-->e^-(p3)+e^+(p4))+b(p5)+f(p6)+f(p7)' flav=5 nflav=5 elseif ((nproc .eq. 356) .or. (nproc .eq. 357)) then c-- 356 ' f(p1)+c(p2) --> Z^0(-->e^-(p3)+e^+(p4))+c(p5)+f(p6)+f(p7)' flav=4 nflav=4 endif if (removebr) then call branch(brwen,brzee,brznn,brtau,brtop,brcharm) BrnRat=brzee plabel(3)='ig' plabel(4)='ig' endif c----------------------------------------------------------------------- elseif (nproc/10 .eq. 36) then case='W_only' n3=1 ndim=4 nqcdjets=0 C-- 361 ' c(p1)+sbar(p2) --> W^+(-->nu(p3)+e^+(p4))' c--- This can be used to calculate cs->W at NLO, in the ACOT-like c--- scheme where the charm quark appears in the initial state but c--- the real corrections use a massless charm quark in the final state c--- (c.f. processes 362 and 363 below) plabel(3)='nl' plabel(4)='ea' plabel(5)='pp' nwz=1 mcfmplotinfo= (/ 34, (0,j=1,49) /) c--- total cross-section if (removebr) then call branch(brwen,brzee,brznn,brtau,brtop,brcharm) BrnRat=brwen plabel(3)='ig' plabel(4)='ig' endif c--- change W mass (after couplings and BRs already calculated) c if (runstring(4:8) .eq. 'mw_80') then c wmass=80.4d0 c elseif (runstring(4:8) .eq. 'mw200') then c wmass=200d0 c elseif (runstring(4:8) .eq. 'mw400') then c wmass=400d0 c endif c--- change charm mass c if (runstring(9:13) .eq. 'mc1.3') then c mc=1.3d0 c mcsq=mc**2 c elseif (runstring(9:13) .eq. 'mc4.5') then c mc=4.5d0 c mcsq=mc**2 c elseif (runstring(9:13) .eq. 'mc20.') then c mc=20d0 c mcsq=mc**2 c endif mass3=wmass width3=wwidth c--- set CKM matrix to remove all elements except for Vcs Vud=0d0 Vus=0d0 Vub=0d0 Vcd=0d0 Vcs=1d0 Vcb=0d0 c--- To obtain a complete prediction for cs->W at NLO, including the c--- the effect of the charm quark mass (as one should, according to c--- ACOT) processes 362 and 363 should be summed (using 'tota') c--- real matrix elements W+s and W+g, with corresponding (massless) c--- integrated counterterms and virtual matrix elements if (nproc .eq. 362) case='Wcsbar' c--- real matrix elements W+c including the charm quark mass, c--- with the virtual contribution representing the counterterm c--- consisting of the logarithm convolution if (nproc .eq. 363) case='Wcs_ms' if ( (part .eq. 'lord') .and. . ((nproc .eq. 362) .or. (nproc .eq. 363)) ) then write(6,*) 'This process number is not suitable for the' write(6,*) 'LO calculation. Please run process 361' write(6,*) 'for the corresponding Born contribution.' stop endif c----------------------------------------------------------------------- elseif ((nproc .eq. 370) .or. (nproc .eq. 371)) then c-- 370 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> W^+(nu(p3)+e^+(p4))+gamma(p5)+gamma(p6)' c-- 371 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> W^-(e^-(p3)+nu~(p4))+gamma(p5)+gamma(p6)' case='W_2gam' ndim=10 n2=0 n3=0 lastphot=6 mcfmplotinfo= (/ 34, 345, 346, 3456, 56, (0,j=1,45) /) if (nproc .eq. 370) then nwz=1 plabel(3)='nl' plabel(4)='ea' if (zerowidth .eqv. .false.) then write(6,*) write(6,*)'Setting removebr to .false. in order to ensure' write(6,*)'lepton-photon singularity can be removed' removebr=.false. endif c--- total cross-section if (removebr) then plabel(3)='ig' plabel(4)='ig' call branch(brwen,brzee,brznn,brtau,brtop,brcharm) BrnRat=brwen endif elseif (nproc .eq. 371) then plabel(3)='el' plabel(4)='na' nwz=-1 if (zerowidth .eqv. .false.) then write(6,*) write(6,*)'Setting removebr to .false. in order to ensure' write(6,*)'lepton-photon singularity can be removed' removebr=.false. endif if (removebr) then plabel(3)='ig' plabel(4)='ig' call branch(brwen,brzee,brznn,brtau,brtop,brcharm) BrnRat=brwen endif endif plabel(5)='ga' plabel(6)='ga' plabel(7)='pp' mass3=wmass width3=wwidth c----------------------------------------------------------------------- elseif ((nproc .ge. 401) .and. (nproc .le. 408)) then case='Wbbmas' write(6,*) 'mb=',mb flav=5 bbproc=.false. plabel(5)='bq' plabel(6)='ba' plabel(7)='pp' nqcdjets=2 notag=1 ndim=10 n2=0 n3=1 mass3=wmass width3=wwidth mcfmplotinfo= (/ 34, (0,j=1,49) /) if (nproc .le. 403) then c--- 401 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> W^+(-->nu(p3)+e^+(p4))+b(p5) [massive]' c--- ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> W^+ (no BR) +b(p5) [massive]' (removebr=.true.) nwz=1 plabel(3)='nl' plabel(4)='ea' elseif (nproc .ge. 406) then c--- 406 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> W^-(-->e^-(p3)+nu~(p4)) + b(p5) [massive]' c--- ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> W^- (no BR) +b(p5) [massive]' (removebr=.true.) nwz=-1 plabel(3)='el' plabel(4)='na' endif c--- total cross-section if (removebr) then plabel(3)='ig' plabel(4)='ig' call branch(brwen,brzee,brznn,brtau,brtop,brcharm) BrnRat=brwen endif c----------------------------------------------------------------------- elseif ((nproc .eq. 411) .or. (nproc .eq. 416)) then case='W_bjet' nqcdjets=2 flav=5 isub=1 c--- check for Wb+X flag and allow one jet to be untagged in that case notag=1 write(6,*) write(6,*)'****************************************************' write(6,*)'* WARNING: cuts allow final state of Wb+X *' write(6,*)'****************************************************' nflav=5 mb=0d0 plabel(5)='bq' plabel(6)='pp' plabel(7)='pp' ndim=10 n2=0 n3=1 mass3=wmass width3=wwidth mcfmplotinfo= (/ 34, (0,j=1,49) /) if (nproc .eq. 411) then c-- 411 ' f(p1)+b(p2) --> W^+(-->nu(p3)+e^+(p4))+b(p5)+f(p6)' nwz=+1 plabel(3)='nl' plabel(4)='ea' elseif (nproc .eq. 416) then c-- 416 ' f(p1)+b(p2) --> W^-(-->e^-(p3)+nu~(p4))+b(p5)+f(p6)' nwz=-1 plabel(3)='el' plabel(4)='na' endif if (removebr) then c-- ' f(p1)+b(p2) --> W(no BR)+b(p5)+f(p6)' (removebr=.true.) call branch(brwen,brzee,brznn,brtau,brtop,brcharm) BrnRat=brwen plabel(3)='ig' plabel(4)='ig' endif c----------------------------------------------------------------------- elseif ((nproc .eq. 421) .or. (nproc .eq. 426)) then case='Wbbmas' write(6,*) 'mb=',mb flav=5 bbproc=.false. plabel(5)='bq' plabel(6)='ba' plabel(7)='pp' nqcdjets=2 notag=1 ndim=10 n2=0 n3=1 mass3=wmass width3=wwidth mcfmplotinfo= (/ 34, (0,j=1,49) /) if (nproc .eq. 421) then c--- 421 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> W^+(-->nu(p3)+e^+(p4))+b(p5) [massive]' c--- ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> W^+ (no BR) +b(p5) [massive]' (removebr=.true.) nwz=1 plabel(3)='nl' plabel(4)='ea' elseif (nproc .ge. 426) then c--- 426 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> W^-(-->e^-(p3)+nu~(p4)) + b(p5) [massive]' c--- ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> W^- (no BR) +b(p5) [massive]' (removebr=.true.) nwz=-1 plabel(3)='el' plabel(4)='na' endif c--- total cross-section if (removebr) then plabel(3)='ig' plabel(4)='ig' call branch(brwen,brzee,brznn,brtau,brtop,brcharm) BrnRat=brwen endif c----------------------------------------------------------------------- elseif ((nproc .eq. 431) .or. (nproc .eq. 436)) then case='Wbbjem' write(6,*) 'mb=',mb nqcdjets=3 flav=5 plabel(5)='bq' plabel(6)='ba' plabel(7)='pp' ndim=13 n2=0 n3=1 mass3=wmass width3=wwidth mcfmplotinfo= (/ 34, (0,j=1,49) /) if (nproc .eq. 431) then c-- 431 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> W^+(-->nu(p3)+e^+(p4)) +b(p5)+b~(p6)+f(p7) [massive]' c-- ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> W^+ (no BR) +b(p5)+b~(p6)+f(p7) [massive]' (removebr=.true.) nwz=1 plabel(3)='nl' plabel(4)='ea' elseif (nproc .eq. 436) then c-- 436 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> W^-(-->e^-(p3)+nu~(p4)) +b(p5)+b~(p6)+f(p7) [massive]' c-- ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> W^- (no BR) +b(p5)+b~(p6)+f(p7) [massive]' (removebr=.true.) nwz=-1 plabel(3)='el' plabel(4)='na' endif c--- total cross-section if (removebr) then plabel(3)='ig' plabel(4)='ig' call branch(brwen,brzee,brznn,brtau,brtop,brcharm) BrnRat=brwen endif c----------------------------------------------------------------------- elseif ((nproc .eq. 500) .or. (nproc .eq. 510)) then case='Wttmas' write(6,*) 'mt=',mt flav=6 plabel(5)='ig' plabel(6)='ig' plabel(7)='pp' ndim=10 n2=0 n3=1 mass3=wmass width3=wwidth mcfmplotinfo= (/ 34, (0,j=1,49) /) if (nproc .eq. 500) then C-- 500 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> W^+(-->nu(p3)+e^+(p4)) +t(p5)+t~(p6) [massive]' 'N' nwz=1 plabel(3)='nl' plabel(4)='ea' elseif (nproc .eq. 510) then C-- 510 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> W^-(-->e^-(p3)+nu~(p4))+t(p5)+t~(p6) [massive]' 'N' nwz=-1 plabel(3)='el' plabel(4)='na' endif c--- total cross-section if (removebr) then plabel(3)='ig' plabel(4)='ig' call branch(brwen,brzee,brznn,brtau,brtop,brcharm) BrnRat=brwen endif c----------------------------------------------------------------------- elseif ((nproc .eq. 501) .or. (nproc .eq. 502) & .or. (nproc .eq. 511) .or. (nproc .eq. 512) & .or. (nproc .eq. 503) .or. (nproc .eq. 513) & .or. (nproc .eq. 506) .or. (nproc .eq. 516)) then case='qq_ttw' plabel(5)='bq' plabel(6)='ba' plabel(11)='pp' ndim=20 n2=0 n3=1 mass3=wmass width3=wwidth mcfmplotinfo= (/ 34, 78, 90, 345, 678, (0,j=1,45) /) if (nproc .eq. 501) then c-- 501 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> t(-->nu(p3)+e^+(p4)+b(p5))+t~(->b~(p6)+e^-(p7)+nu~(p8))+W^+(nu(p9),mu^+(p10))' nwz=+1 plabel(3)='nl' plabel(4)='ea' plabel(7)='el' plabel(8)='na' plabel(9)='nl' plabel(10)='ea' nqcdjets=2 elseif (nproc .eq. 502) then c-- 502 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> t(-->nu(p3)+e^+(p4)+b(p5))+t~(->b~(p6)+e^-(p7)+nu~(p8))+W^+(nu(p9),mu^+(p10))[rid]' case='ttwldk' nwz=+1 plabel(3)='nl' plabel(4)='ea' plabel(7)='el' plabel(8)='na' plabel(9)='nl' plabel(10)='ea' nqcdjets=2 elseif (nproc .eq. 503) then c-- 503 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> t(-->nu(p3)+e^+(p4)+b(p5))+t~(->b~(p6)+q(p7)+q~(p8))+W^+(nu(p9),mu^+(p10))' nwz=+1 plabel(3)='nl' plabel(4)='ea' plabel(7)='pp' plabel(8)='pp' plabel(9)='nl' plabel(10)='ea' nqcdjets=4 elseif (nproc .eq. 506) then c-- 506 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> t(-->q(p3)+q~(p4)+b(p5))+t~(->b~(p6)+e^-(p7)+nu~(p8))+W^+(nu(p9),mu^+(p10))' nwz=+1 plabel(3)='pp' plabel(4)='pp' plabel(7)='el' plabel(8)='na' plabel(9)='nl' plabel(10)='ea' nqcdjets=4 elseif (nproc .eq. 511) then c-- 511 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> t(-->nu(p3)+e^+(p4)+b(p5))+t~(->b~(p6)+e^-(p7)+nu~(p8))+W^-(mu^-(p9),nu~(p10))' nwz=-1 plabel(3)='nl' plabel(4)='ea' plabel(7)='el' plabel(8)='na' plabel(9)='el' plabel(10)='na' nqcdjets=2 elseif (nproc .eq. 512) then c-- 512 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> t(-->nu(p3)+e^+(p4)+b(p5))+t~(->b~(p6)+e^-(p7)+nu~(p8))+W^-(mu^-(p9),nu~(p10))[rid]' case='ttwldk' nwz=-1 plabel(3)='nl' plabel(4)='ea' plabel(7)='el' plabel(8)='na' plabel(9)='el' plabel(10)='na' nqcdjets=2 elseif (nproc .eq. 513) then c-- 513 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> t(-->nu(p3)+e^+(p4)+b(p5))+t~(->b~(p6)+q(p7)+q~(p8))+W^-(mu^-(p9),nu~(p10))' nwz=-1 plabel(3)='nl' plabel(4)='ea' plabel(7)='pp' plabel(8)='pp' plabel(9)='el' plabel(10)='na' nqcdjets=4 elseif (nproc .eq. 516) then c-- 516 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> t(-->q(p3)+q~(p4)+b(p5))+t~(->b~(p6)+e^-(p7)+nu~(p8))+W^-(mu^-(p9),nu~(p10))' nwz=-1 plabel(3)='pp' plabel(4)='pp' plabel(7)='el' plabel(8)='na' plabel(9)='el' plabel(10)='na' nqcdjets=4 endif if ((nproc .eq. 501) .or. (nproc .eq. 502) & .or. (nproc .eq. 511) .or. (nproc .eq. 512)) then if (removebr) then call branch(brwen,brzee,brznn,brtau,brtop,brcharm) BrnRat=(brtop*brwen)**2*brwen plabel(3)='ig' plabel(4)='ig' plabel(5)='ig' plabel(6)='ig' plabel(7)='ig' plabel(8)='ig' plabel(9)='ig' plabel(10)='ig' nqcdjets=0 endif endif c----------------------------------------------------------------------- elseif (nproc .eq. 529) then case='Zbbmas' swapxz=.true. call checkminzmass(1) plabel(3)='el' plabel(4)='ea' plabel(5)='ig' plabel(6)='ig' q1=-1d0 l1=le r1=re ndim=10 n2=0 n3=1 mass3=zmass width3=zwidth flav=6 nflav=5 mcfmplotinfo= (/ 34, (0,j=1,49) /) c--- total cross-section if (removebr) then q1=0d0 plabel(3)='ig' plabel(4)='ig' call branch(brwen,brzee,brznn,brtau,brtop,brcharm) BrnRat=brzee endif c----------------------------------------------------------------------- elseif ((nproc .eq. 530) .or. (nproc .eq. 531)) then case='qq_ttz' plabel(3)='nl' plabel(4)='ea' plabel(5)='bq' plabel(6)='ba' plabel(7)='el' plabel(8)='na' nwz=1 ndim=20 n2=0 n3=1 mass3=zmass width3=zwidth mcfmplotinfo= (/ 34, 78, 90, 345, 678, (0,j=1,45) /) if (nproc .eq. 530) then c-- 530 ' f(p1)+f(p2)-->t(-->nu(p3)+e^+(p4)+b(p5))+t~(-->nu~(p7)+e^-(p8)+b~(p6))+Z(e(p9),e~(p10))' plabel(9)='el' plabel(10)='ea' q1=-1d0 l1=le r1=re mb=0d0 if (removebr) then q1=0d0 call branch(brwen,brzee,brznn,brtau,brtop,brcharm) BrnRat=(brtop*brwen)**2*brzee plabel(3)='ig' plabel(4)='ig' plabel(5)='ig' plabel(6)='ig' plabel(7)='ig' plabel(8)='ig' plabel(9)='ig' plabel(10)='ig' endif elseif (nproc .eq. 531) then c-- 531 ' f(p1)+f(p2)-->t(-->nu(p3)+e^+(p4)+b(p5))+t~(-->nu~(p7)+e^-(p8)+b~(p6))+Z(b(p9),b~(p10))' plabel(9)='bq' plabel(10)='ba' q1=Q(5)*dsqrt(xn) l1=l(5)*dsqrt(xn) r1=r(5)*dsqrt(xn) mb=0d0 endif elseif ((nproc .eq. 532) .or. (nproc .eq. 533)) then case='qqtthz' nwz=1 ndim=20 n2=0 n3=1 mass3=zmass width3=zwidth mcfmplotinfo= (/ 34, 78, 90, 345, 678, (0,j=1,45) /) nqcdjets=4 if (nproc .eq. 532) then c-- 532 ' f(p1)+f(p2)-->t(-->nu(p3)+e^+(p4)+b(p5))+t~(-->q(p7)+q~(p8)+b~(p6))+Z(e(p9),e~(p10))' plabel(3)='nl' plabel(4)='ea' plabel(5)='bq' plabel(6)='ba' plabel(7)='pp' plabel(8)='pp' plabel(9)='el' plabel(10)='ea' q1=-1d0 l1=le r1=re mb=0d0 if (removebr) then q1=0d0 call branch(brwen,brzee,brznn,brtau,brtop,brcharm) BrnRat=2d0*xn*(brtop*brwen)**2*brzee plabel(3)='ig' plabel(4)='ig' plabel(5)='ig' plabel(6)='ig' plabel(7)='ig' plabel(8)='ig' plabel(9)='ig' plabel(10)='ig' nqcdjets=0 endif elseif (nproc .eq. 533) then c-- 533 ' f(p1)+f(p2)-->t(-->q(p3)+q~(p4)+b(p5))+t~(-->nu~(p7)+e^-(p8)+b~(p6))+Z(e^-(p9),e^+(p10))' plabel(3)='pp' plabel(4)='pp' plabel(5)='bq' plabel(6)='ba' plabel(7)='na' plabel(8)='el' plabel(9)='el' plabel(10)='ea' q1=-1d0 l1=le r1=re mb=0d0 if (removebr) then q1=0d0 call branch(brwen,brzee,brznn,brtau,brtop,brcharm) BrnRat=2d0*xn*(brtop*brwen)**2*brzee plabel(3)='ig' plabel(4)='ig' plabel(5)='ig' plabel(6)='ig' plabel(7)='ig' plabel(8)='ig' plabel(9)='ig' plabel(10)='ig' nqcdjets=0 endif endif c----------------------------------------------------------------------- elseif ((nproc .eq. 540) .or. (nproc .eq. 541)) then case='H_tjet' mb=0 swapxz=.true. call sethparams(br,wwbr,zzbr,tautaubr,gamgambr,zgambr) nqcdjets=3 ndim=10 n2=0 n3=0 nflav=5 plabel(5)='ig' plabel(6)='pp' hdecaymode='bqba' plabel(3)='bq' plabel(4)='ba' mass3=hmass width3=hwidth mcfmplotinfo= (/ 34, (0,j=1,49) /) if (nproc .eq. 540) then c-- 540 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> H(b(p3)+b(p4))+t(p5)+q(p6)' nwz=+1 elseif (nproc .eq. 541) then c-- 541 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> H(b(p3)+b(p4))+t~(p5)+q(p6)' nwz=-1 endif c--- total cross-section if (removebr) then plabel(3)='ig' plabel(4)='ig' nqcdjets=1 BrnRat=br endif elseif ((nproc .eq. 544) .or. (nproc .eq. 547)) then case='H_tdkj' call sethparams(br,wwbr,zzbr,tautaubr,gamgambr,zgambr) swapxz=.true. nqcdjets=3 ndim=16 hdecaymode='bqba' isub=1 mb=0 n2=0 n3=0 nflav=5 mass3=hmass width3=hwidth mcfmplotinfo= (/ 34, 56, 567, (0,j=1,47) /) if (nproc .eq. 544) then c--- 544 f(p1)+f(p2) --> H(b(p3)+b~(p4))+t(nu(p5)+e^+(p6)+b(p7))+q(p9)' nwz=+1 swapxz=.true. plabel(3)='bq' plabel(4)='ba' plabel(5)='nu' plabel(6)='ea' plabel(7)='bq' plabel(8)='pp' plabel(9)='pp' elseif (nproc .eq. 547) then c-- 547 f(p1)+f(p2) --> H(b(p3)+b~(p4))+t~(e-(p5)+nu(p6)+b~(p7))+q(p8)' nwz=-1 swapxz=.true. plabel(3)='bq' plabel(4)='ba' plabel(5)='el' plabel(6)='nb' plabel(7)='ba' plabel(8)='pp' plabel(9)='pp' endif c--- total cross-section if (removebr) then call branch(brwen,brzee,brznn,brtau,brtop,brcharm) nqcdjets=0 plabel(3)='ig' plabel(4)='ig' plabel(5)='ig' plabel(6)='ig' plabel(7)='ig' BrnRat=br*brtop*brwen endif elseif ((nproc .eq. 550) .or. (nproc .eq. 551)) then case='H_tjet' call sethparams(br,wwbr,zzbr,tautaubr,gamgambr,zgambr) nqcdjets=1 ndim=10 swapxz=.true. mb=0 n2=0 n3=0 nflav=5 plabel(5)='ig' plabel(6)='pp' hdecaymode='gaga' plabel(3)='ga' plabel(4)='ga' mass3=hmass width3=hwidth mcfmplotinfo= (/ 34, (0,j=1,49) /) if (nproc .eq. 550) then c-- 551 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> H(ga(p3)+ga(p4))+t(p5)+q(p6)' nwz=+1 elseif (nproc .eq. 551) then c-- 552 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> H(ga(p3)+ga(p4))+t~(p5)+q(p6)' nwz=-1 endif c--- total cross-section if (removebr) then plabel(3)='ig' plabel(4)='ig' BrnRat=gamgambr endif elseif ((nproc .eq. 554) .or. (nproc .eq. 557)) then case='H_tdkj' call sethparams(br,wwbr,zzbr,tautaubr,gamgambr,zgambr) nqcdjets=2 ndim=16 swapxz=.true. hdecaymode='gaga' isub=1 mb=0 n2=0 n3=0 nflav=5 mass3=hmass width3=hwidth mcfmplotinfo= (/ 34, 56, 567, (0,j=1,47) /) if (nproc .eq. 554) then c--- 554 f(p1)+f(p2) --> H(ga(p3)+ga(p4))+t(nu(p5)+e^+(p6)+b(p7))+q(p9)' nwz=+1 plabel(3)='ga' plabel(4)='ga' plabel(5)='nu' plabel(6)='ea' plabel(7)='bq' plabel(8)='pp' plabel(9)='pp' elseif (nproc .eq. 557) then c-- 557 f(p1)+f(p2) --> H(ga(p3)+ga(p4))+t~(e-(p5)+nu(p6)+b~(p7))+q(p8)' nwz=-1 plabel(3)='ga' plabel(4)='ga' plabel(5)='el' plabel(6)='nb' plabel(7)='ba' plabel(8)='pp' plabel(9)='pp' endif c--- total cross-section if (removebr) then call branch(brwen,brzee,brznn,brtau,brtop,brcharm) nqcdjets=0 plabel(3)='ig' plabel(4)='ig' plabel(5)='ig' plabel(6)='ig' plabel(7)='ig' BrnRat=gamgambr*brtop*brwen endif c----------------------------------------------------------------------- elseif ((nproc .eq. 560) .or. (nproc .eq. 561)) then case='Z_tjet' call checkminzmass(1) swapxz=.true. nqcdjets=1 ndim=10 mb=0 n2=0 n3=0 nflav=5 plabel(3)='el' plabel(4)='ea' plabel(5)='ig' plabel(6)='pp' plabel(7)='pp' q1=-1d0 l1=le r1=re mass3=zmass width3=zwidth mcfmplotinfo= (/ 34, (0,j=1,49) /) if (nproc .eq. 560) then c-- 560 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> Z(e-(p3)+e+(p4))+t(p5)+q(p6)' nwz=+1 elseif (nproc .eq. 561) then c-- 561 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> Z(e-(p3)+ep(p4))+t~(p5)+q(p6)' nwz=-1 endif c--- total cross-section if (removebr) then call branch(brwen,brzee,brznn,brtau,brtop,brcharm) plabel(3)='ig' plabel(4)='ig' BrnRat=brzee endif c--- 562 and 563 elseif ((nproc .eq. 562) .or. (nproc .eq. 563)) then case='Zt2jet' call checkminzmass(1) swapxz=.true. nqcdjets=2 ndim=13 mb=0 n2=0 n3=0 nflav=5 plabel(3)='el' plabel(4)='ea' plabel(5)='ig' plabel(6)='pp' plabel(7)='pp' q1=-1d0 l1=le r1=re mass3=zmass width3=zwidth mcfmplotinfo= (/ 34, (0,j=1,49) /) if (nproc .eq. 562) then c-- 562 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> Z(e-(p3)+e+(p4))+t(p5)+q(p6)+f(p7)' nwz=+1 elseif (nproc .eq. 563) then c-- 563 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> Z(e-(p3)+ep(p4))+t~(p5)+q(p6)+f(p7)' nwz=-1 endif c--- total cross-section if (removebr) then call branch(brwen,brzee,brznn,brtau,brtop,brcharm) plabel(3)='ig' plabel(4)='ig' BrnRat=brzee endif elseif ((nproc .eq. 564) .or. (nproc .eq. 567)) then case='Z_tdkj' call checkminzmass(1) nqcdjets=2 ndim=15 swapxz=.true. mb=0d0 n2=0 n3=0 nflav=5 q1=-1d0 l1=le r1=re mass3=zmass width3=zwidth mcfmplotinfo= (/ 34, 56, 567, (0,j=1,47) /) if (nproc .eq. 564) then c--- 564 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> Z(e-(p3)+e+(p4))+t(-->nu(p5)+e^+(p6)+b(p7))+q(p8)''N' nwz=+1 plabel(3)='el' plabel(4)='ea' plabel(5)='nl' plabel(6)='ea' plabel(7)='bq' plabel(8)='pp' plabel(9)='pp' elseif (nproc .eq. 567) then c-- 567 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> Z(e-(p3)+e+(p4))+t~(-->e-(p5)+nu(p6)+b~(p7))+q(p8)''N' nwz=-1 plabel(3)='el' plabel(4)='ea' plabel(5)='el' plabel(6)='na' plabel(7)='ba' plabel(8)='pp' plabel(9)='pp' endif c--- total cross-section if (removebr) then call branch(brwen,brzee,brznn,brtau,brtop,brcharm) nqcdjets=1 plabel(3)='ig' plabel(4)='ig' plabel(5)='ig' plabel(6)='ig' plabel(7)='ig' BrnRat=brzee*brtop*brwen endif elseif ((nproc .eq. 566) .or. (nproc .eq. 569)) then case='Ztdk2j' call checkminzmass(1) nqcdjets=3 ndim=18 swapxz=.true. mb=0d0 n2=0 n3=0 nflav=5 q1=-1d0 l1=le r1=re mass3=zmass width3=zwidth mcfmplotinfo= (/ 34, 56, 567, (0,j=1,47) /) if (nproc .eq. 566) then c--- 566 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> Z(e-(p3)+e+(p4))+t(-->nu(p5)+e^+(p6)+b(p7))+q(p8)+f(p9)' 'L' nwz=+1 plabel(3)='el' plabel(4)='ea' plabel(5)='nl' plabel(6)='ea' plabel(7)='bq' plabel(8)='pp' plabel(9)='pp' elseif (nproc .eq. 569) then c-- 569 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> Z(e-(p3)+e+(p4))+t~(-->e-(p5)+nu(p6)+b~(p7))+q(p8)+f(p9)' 'L' nwz=-1 plabel(3)='el' plabel(4)='ea' plabel(5)='el' plabel(6)='na' plabel(7)='ba' plabel(8)='pp' plabel(9)='pp' endif c--- total cross-section if (removebr) then call branch(brwen,brzee,brznn,brtau,brtop,brcharm) nqcdjets=2 plabel(3)='ig' plabel(4)='ig' plabel(5)='ig' plabel(6)='ig' plabel(7)='ig' BrnRat=brzee*brtop*brwen endif c----------------------------------------------------------------------- elseif ((nproc .ge. 601) .and. (nproc .le. 602)) then case='HHpair' mb=0 call sethparams(br,wwbr,zzbr,tautaubr,gamgambr,zgambr) nqcdjets=0 ndim=10 n2=1 n3=1 nflav=5 mass2=hmass width2=hwidth mass3=hmass width3=hwidth mcfmplotinfo= (/ 34, 56, (0,j=1,48) /) if (nproc .eq. 601) then c-- 601 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> H(b(p3)+b~(p4))+H(tau^-(p5)+tau^+(p6))' 'L' hdecaymode='bqba' plabel(3)='bq' plabel(4)='ba' hdecaymode2='tlta' plabel(5)='tl' plabel(6)='ta' c--- total cross-section if (removebr) then plabel(3)='ig' plabel(4)='ig' plabel(5)='ig' plabel(6)='ig' BrnRat=2d0*br*tautaubr ! factor of 2 for identical particles endif elseif (nproc .eq. 602) then c-- 602 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> H(b(p3)+b~(p4))+H(gamma(p5)+gamma(p6))' 'L' hdecaymode='bqba' plabel(3)='bq' plabel(4)='ba' hdecaymode2='gaga' plabel(5)='ga' plabel(6)='ga' c--- total cross-section if (removebr) then plabel(3)='ig' plabel(4)='ig' plabel(5)='ig' plabel(6)='ig' BrnRat=2d0*br*gamgambr ! factor of 2 for identical particles endif endif c----------------------------------------------------------------------- elseif (nproc .eq. 640) then c-- 640 ' f(p1)+f(p2)-->t(p3)+t~(p4)+H(p5)' case='tottth' swapxz=.true. plabel(3)='ig' plabel(4)='ig' plabel(5)='ig' plabel(6)='pp' nwz=1 n2=0 n3=0 ndim=7 mass2=mt elseif ((nproc .ge. 641) .and. (nproc .le. 649)) then c-- 641 ' f(p1)+f(p2)-->t(-->nu(p3)+e^+(p4)+b(p5)) c-- +t~(-->nu~(p7)+e^-(p8)+b~(p6))+H(b(p9)+b~(p10))' c-- ' f(p1)+f(p2)-->t(p3+p4+p5)+t~(p6+p7+p8)+H(p9+p10)' (removebr=.true.) case='qq_tth' call sethparams(br,wwbr,zzbr,tautaubr,gamgambr,zgambr) plabel(3)='nl' plabel(4)='ea' plabel(5)='bq' plabel(6)='ba' plabel(7)='el' plabel(8)='na' plabel(9)='bq' plabel(10)='ba' hdecaymode='bqba' nqcdjets=4 nwz=1 swapxz=.true. ndim=22 n2=1 n3=1 mass2=mt width2=twidth mass3=mt width3=twidth mcfmplotinfo= (/ 34, 78, 90, 345, 678, (0,j=1,45) /) if (nproc .eq. 644) then plabel(7)='pp' plabel(8)='pp' nqcdjets=6 elseif (nproc .eq. 647) then plabel(3)='pp' plabel(4)='pp' nqcdjets=6 endif if (removebr) then call branch(brwen,brzee,brznn,brtau,brtop,brcharm) BrnRat=(brtop*brwen)**2*br plabel(3)='ig' plabel(4)='ig' plabel(5)='ig' plabel(6)='ig' plabel(7)='ig' plabel(8)='ig' plabel(9)='ig' plabel(10)='ig' nqcdjets=0 endif elseif ((nproc .ge. 651) .and. (nproc .le. 659)) then c-- 651 ' f(p1)+f(p2)-->t(-->nu(p3)+e^+(p4)+b(p5)) c-- +t~(-->nu~(p7)+e^-(p8)+b~(p6))+H(ga(p9)+ga(p10))' c-- ' f(p1)+f(p2)-->t(p3+p4+p5)+t~(p6+p7+p8)+H(p9+p10)' (removebr=.true.) case='qq_tth' call sethparams(br,wwbr,zzbr,tautaubr,gamgambr,zgambr) plabel(3)='nl' plabel(4)='ea' plabel(5)='bq' plabel(6)='ba' plabel(7)='el' plabel(8)='na' plabel(9)='ga' plabel(10)='ga' hdecaymode='gaga' nqcdjets=2 nwz=1 ndim=22 n2=1 n3=1 mass2=mt width2=twidth mass3=mt width3=twidth mcfmplotinfo= (/ 34, 78, 90, 345, 678, (0,j=1,45) /) if (nproc .eq. 654) then plabel(7)='pp' plabel(8)='pp' nqcdjets=4 elseif (nproc .eq. 657) then plabel(3)='pp' plabel(4)='pp' nqcdjets=4 endif if (removebr) then call branch(brwen,brzee,brznn,brtau,brtop,brcharm) BrnRat=(brtop*brwen)**2*gamgambr plabel(3)='ig' plabel(4)='ig' plabel(5)='ig' plabel(6)='ig' plabel(7)='ig' plabel(8)='ig' plabel(9)='ig' plabel(10)='ig' nqcdjets=0 endif elseif ((nproc .ge. 661) .and. (nproc .le. 669)) then c-- 661 ' f(p1)+f(p2)-->t(-->nu(p3)+e^+(p4)+b(p5)) c-- +t~(-->nu~(p7)+e^-(p8)+b~(p6))+H)' c-- ' f(p1)+f(p2)-->t(p3+p4+p5)+t~(p6+p7+p8)+H(WW)' (removebr=.true.) case='tth_ww' call sethparams(br,wwbr,zzbr,tautaubr,gamgambr,zgambr) plabel(3)='nl' plabel(4)='ea' plabel(5)='bq' plabel(6)='ba' plabel(7)='el' plabel(8)='na' plabel(9)='nl' plabel(10)='ea' plabel(11)='el' plabel(12)='na' hdecaymode='wpwm' nqcdjets=2 nwz=1 ndim=26 n2=1 n3=1 mass2=mt width2=twidth mass3=mt width3=twidth mcfmplotinfo= (/ 34, 78, 90, 345, 678, (0,j=1,45) /) if (nproc .eq. 664) then plabel(7)='pp' plabel(8)='pp' nqcdjets=4 elseif (nproc .eq. 667) then plabel(3)='pp' plabel(4)='pp' nqcdjets=4 endif c--- print warning if we're below threshold if (hmass .lt. 2d0*wmass) then write(6,*) write(6,*) 'WARNING: Higgs decay H->WW is below threshold and' write(6,*) 'may not yield sensible results - check the number' write(6,*) 'of integration points and the value of zerowidth' if (removebr) then write(6,*) write(6,*) 'Cannot remove H->WW BR, not defined below threshold' stop endif if (zerowidth) then write(6,*) 'zerowidth=.true. and higgs decay below threshold' stop endif endif if (removebr) then call branch(brwen,brzee,brznn,brtau,brtop,brcharm) BrnRat=(brtop*brwen)**2*wwbr*brwen**2 plabel(3)='ig' plabel(4)='ig' plabel(5)='ig' plabel(6)='ig' plabel(7)='ig' plabel(8)='ig' plabel(9)='ig' plabel(10)='ig' plabel(11)='ig' plabel(12)='ig' nqcdjets=0 endif elseif(( then ! 800 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> V-->(X(p3)+X~(p4)) +f(p5) [Vector Mediator] ' 'N ' ! 801 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> A-->(X(p3)+X~(p4)) +f(p5) [Axial Vector Mediator] ' 'N ' ! 802 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> S-->(X(p3)+X~(p4)) +f(p5) [Scalar Mediator] ' 'N ' ! 803 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> PS-->(X(p3)+X~(p4)) +f(p5) [Pseudo Scalar Mediator] ' 'N ' ! 804 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> GG-->(X(p3)+X~(p4)) +f(p5) [Gluonic DM operator] ' 'N ' ! 805 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> S--(X(p3)+X~(p4)) +f(p5) [Scalar Mediator, mt loops] ' 'L' call read_dm_params() case='dm_jet' plabel(3)='xm' plabel(4)='xa' plabel(5)='pp' plabel(6)='pp' ndim=7 nqcdjets=1 if(nproc.eq.800) then dm_mediator='vector' elseif(nproc.eq.801) then dm_mediator='axvect' elseif(nproc.eq.802) then dm_mediator='scalar' elseif(nproc.eq.803) then dm_mediator='pseudo' elseif(nproc.eq.804) then dm_mediator='gluonO' elseif(nproc.eq.805) then dm_mediator='scalmt' endif !------- phase space setup n3=0 mass3=medmass mass2=xmass width3=medwidth elseif(( then ! 820 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> V-->(X(p3)+X~(p4)) +gamma(p5) [Vector Mediator] ' 'F ' ! 821 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> A-->(X(p3)+X~(p4)) +gamma(p5) [Axial Vector Mediator] ' 'F ' ! 822 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> S-->(X(p3)+X~(p4)) +gamma(p5) [Scalar Mediator] ' 'F ' ! 823 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> PS-->(X(p3)+X~(p4)) +gamma(p5) [Pseudo Scalar Mediator] ' 'F ' call read_dm_params() case='dm_gam' plabel(3)='xm' plabel(4)='xa' plabel(5)='ga' plabel(6)='pp' lastphot=5 ndim=7 nqcdjets=0 if(nproc.eq.820) then dm_mediator='vector' elseif(nproc.eq.821) then dm_mediator='axvect' elseif(nproc.eq.822) then dm_mediator='scalar' elseif(nproc.eq.823) then dm_mediator='pseudo' endif !------- phase space setup n3=0 zerowidth=.true. mass3=medmass mass2=xmass elseif(( then ! 840 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> V-->(X(p3)+X~(p4)) +f(p5)+f(p6) [Vector Mediator] ' 'L ' ! 841 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> A-->(X(p3)+X~(p4)) +f(p5)+f(p6) [Axial Vector Mediator] ' 'L ' ! 842 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> S-->(X(p3)+X~(p4)) +f(p5)+f(p6) [Scalar Mediator] ' 'L ' ! 843 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> PS-->(X(p3)+X~(p4)) +f(p5)+f(p6) [Pseudo Scalar Mediator] ' 'L ' ! 844 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> GG-->(X(p3)+X~(p4)) +f(p5)+f(p6) [Gluonic DM operator] ' 'L ' call read_dm_params() case='dm2jet' plabel(3)='xm' plabel(4)='xa' plabel(5)='pp' plabel(6)='pp' plabel(7)='pp' ndim=10 nqcdjets=2 if(nproc.eq.840) then dm_mediator='vector' elseif(nproc.eq.841) then dm_mediator='axvect' elseif(nproc.eq.842) then dm_mediator='scalar' elseif(nproc.eq.843) then dm_mediator='pseudo' elseif(nproc.eq.844) then dm_mediator='gluonO' endif !------- phase space setup n2=0 n3=0 mass3=medmass mass2=xmass elseif(( then ! 845 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> V-->(X(p3)+X~(p4)) +gamma(p5)+f(p6) [Vector Mediator] ' 'L ' ! 846 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> A-->(X(p3)+X~(p4)) +gamma(p5)+f(p6) [Axial Vector Mediator] ' 'L ' ! 847 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> S-->(X(p3)+X~(p4)) +gamma(p5)+f(p6) [Scalar Mediator] ' 'L ' ! 848 ' f(p1)+f(p2) --> PS-->(X(p3)+X~(p4)) +gamma(p5)+f(p6) [Pseudo Scalar Mediator] ' 'L ' call read_dm_params() case='dm_gaj' plabel(3)='xm' plabel(4)='xa' plabel(5)='ga' plabel(6)='pp' plabel(7)='pp' lastphot=5 ndim=10 nqcdjets=1 if(nproc.eq.845) then dm_mediator='vector' elseif(nproc.eq.846) then dm_mediator='axvect' elseif(nproc.eq.847) then dm_mediator='scalar' elseif(nproc.eq.848) then dm_mediator='pseudo' endif !------- phase space setup n3=0 mass3=medmass mass2=xmass c----------------------------------------------------------------------- elseif (nproc/10 .ge. 90) then write(6,*) 'Setting part to lord and zerowidth to false' zerowidth=.false. part='lord' if (nproc .eq. 902) then case='vlchk2' nwz=1 ndim=4 n3=1 mass3=wmass width3=wwidth elseif (nproc .eq. 903) then case='vlchk3' nwz=1 ndim=7 n3=1 mass3=wmass width3=wwidth elseif (nproc .eq. 904) then case='vlchk4' nwz=1 ndim=10 n2=1 n3=1 mass2=zmass width2=zwidth mass3=wmass width3=wwidth elseif (nproc .eq. 905) then case='vlchk5' nwz=1 ndim=13 n2=1 n3=1 mass2=hmass width2=hwidth mass3=wmass width3=wwidth elseif (nproc .eq. 906) then case='vlchk6' nwz=1 ndim=16 n2=1 n3=1 mass2=mt width2=twidth mass3=mt width3=twidth elseif (nproc .eq. 908) then case='vlchk8' nwz=1 ndim=22 n2=1 n3=1 mass2=mt width2=twidth mass3=mt width3=twidth elseif (nproc .eq. 909) then case='vlchkm' write(6,*) 'mb=',mb nwz=1 ndim=10 n2=1 n3=1 mass2=hmass width2=hwidth mass3=wmass width3=wwidth elseif (nproc .eq. 910) then case='vlchm3' write(6,*) 'mt=',mt nwz=1 ndim=7 n2=0 n3=0 mass2=mt width2=twidth mass3=mt width3=twidth elseif (nproc .eq. 911) then case='vlchwt' write(6,*) 'mt=',mt write(6,*) 'Setting zerowidth = .true.' zerowidth=.true. ndim=13 mb=0 n2=1 n3=1 mass2=mt width2=twidth mass3=wmass width3=wwidth elseif (nproc .eq. 912) then case='vlchwn' write(6,*) 'mt=',mt write(6,*) 'Setting zerowidth = .true.' zerowidth=.true. ndim=7 mb=0 n2=0 n3=1 mass3=wmass width3=wwidth elseif (nproc .eq. 913) then case='vlchwg' write(6,*) 'mt=',mt write(6,*) 'Setting zerowidth = .true.' zerowidth=.true. ndim=16 mb=0 n2=1 n3=1 mass2=mt width2=twidth mass3=wmass width3=wwidth elseif (nproc .eq. 914) then case='vlchwh' write(6,*) 'mt=',mt write(6,*) 'Setting zerowidth = .true.' zerowidth=.true. ndim=16 mb=0 n2=1 n3=1 mass2=mt width2=twidth mass3=wmass width3=wwidth endif else call nprocinvalid() endif c--- set notag (may be modified by user, with care!) call setnotag() c--- set up alpha-s again (in case nflav was changed) call coupling2 c--- remove 2 dimensions from integration if decay is not included if (nodecay) ndim=ndim-2 c--- report on the removed BR, if necessary if (removebr) then write(6,*)'****************************************************' write(6,98) BrnRat write(6,*)'****************************************************' endif c--- check that calculation can be performed call checkorder(order) c--- initialize arrays that are used in is_functions call init_is_functions() c--- fill up CKM matrix call ckmfill(nwz) c--- set flags to true unless we're doing W+2 jet or Z+2 jet if ( ((case .ne. 'W_2jet') .and. (case .ne. 'Z_2jet')) . .or. (part .eq. 'lord') ) then Qflag=.true. Gflag=.true. endif return 43 write(6,*) 'problems opening process.DAT' stop 44 write(6,*) 'Unimplemented process number, nproc = ',nproc, . ' mcfm halted' stop 98 format(' * Brn.Rat. removed = ', f11.7, ' *') end subroutine nprocinvalid() implicit none integer nproc common/nproc/nproc write(6,*) 'chooser: Unimplemented case' write(6,*) 'nproc=',nproc stop return end subroutine checkminzmass(i) c--- Checks that the minimum invariant mass specified in the options c--- file is not zero for boson 34 (i=1) or boson 56 (i=2) implicit none include 'limits.f' include 'zerowidth.f' integer i c--- if generating exactly on-shell, there's nothing to worry about if (zerowidth) return if ((i .eq. 1) .and. (wsqmin .eq. 0d0)) then write(6,*) write(6,*) 'Please set m34min not equal to zero to' write(6,*) 'prevent the virtual photon from becoming real.' stop endif if ((i .eq. 2) .and. (bbsqmin .eq. 0d0)) then write(6,*) write(6,*) 'Please set m56min not equal to zero to' write(6,*) 'prevent the virtual photon from becoming real.' stop endif return end