subroutine phase3m(r,p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6,p7,m3,m4,m5,wt) c----generate phase space for 2-->3 process with masses m3,m4,m5 c----r(mxdim),p1(4),p2(4) are inputs c----incoming p1 and p2 reversed in sign from physical values c----i.e. phase space for -p1-p2 --> p3+p4+p5 c----with all 2 pi's (ie 1/(2*pi)^5) c----(p4,p5) are dummies implicit none include 'constants.f' include 'mxdim.f' integer j double precision r(mxdim) double precision p1(4),p2(4),p3(4),p4(4),p5(4),p6(4),p7(4) double precision p12(4),p34(4),smin double precision wt,wt125,wt34,wt0,m3,m4,m5 parameter(wt0=1d0/twopi) do j=1,4 p12(j)=-p1(j)-p2(j) p6(j)=0d0 p7(j)=0d0 enddo smin=(m3+m4)**2 c---generate p5 and p34, c---smin is the minimum inv mass of 34 system c---m5 is the mass of p5 call phi1_2m(m5,r(1),r(2),r(3),smin,p12,p5,p34,wt125,*99) c---decay 34-system call phi3m(r(4),r(5),p34,p3,p4,m3,m4,wt34,*99) wt=wt0*wt125*wt34 return 99 continue wt=0d0 return end