subroutine fdist(ih,x,xmu,fx) implicit none double precision fx(-5:5),x,xmu double precision u_val,d_val,u_sea,d_sea,s_sea,c_sea, . b_sea,t_sea,gluon double precision Ctq3df,Ctq4Fn,Ctq5Pdf,Ctq6Pdf,Ctq5L integer mode,Iprtn,ih,Irt c--- ih1=+1 proton c--- ih1=-1 pbar C---set to zero if x out of range if (x .ge. 1d0) then do Iprtn=-5,5 fx(Iprtn)=0d0 enddo return endif call structm(x,xmu,u_val,d_val,u_sea,d_sea, & s_sea,c_sea,b_sea,t_sea,gluon) fx(-5)=b_sea/x fx(-4)=c_sea/x fx(-3)=s_sea/x fx( 0)=gluon/x fx(+3)=fx(-3) fx(+4)=fx(-4) fx(+5)=fx(-5) if (ih.eq.1) then fx(1)=(d_val+d_sea)/x fx(2)=(u_val+u_sea)/x fx(-1)=d_sea/x fx(-2)=u_sea/x elseif(ih.eq.-1) then fx(-1)=(d_val+d_sea)/x fx(-2)=(u_val+u_sea)/x fx(+1)=d_sea/x fx(+2)=u_sea/x endif return end subroutine InitPDF(dummy) integer dummy c--- this is a dummy routine that exists in LHAPDF only return end