double complex function li2(x) c--complex dilogarithm (spence-function) implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) double complex x,y,cli2 double precision zeta2,zeta3 common/const/zeta2,zeta3 logical first data first/.true./ save first if (first) then first=.false. call bernini endif zero=1.d-8 xr=dble(x) xi=dimag(x) r2=xr*xr+xi*xi li2=dcmplx(0d0,0d0) if( li2=x+x**2/4.d0 return endif rr=xr/r2 if ((r2.eq.1.d0) .and. (xi.eq.0.d0)) then if (xr.eq.1.d0) then li2=dcmplx(zeta2) else li2=-dcmplx(zeta2/2.d0) endif return elseif (( .and. ( then y=(x-1.d0)/x li2=cli2(y)+zeta2-cdlog(x)*cdlog(1.d0-x)+0.5d0*cdlog(x)**2 return elseif (( .and. (rr.le.0.5d0))then y=1.d0/x li2=-cli2(y)-zeta2-0.5d0*cdlog(-x)**2 return elseif ((r2.le.1.d0) .and. ( then y=1.d0-x li2=-cli2(y)+zeta2-cdlog(x)*cdlog(1.d0-x) return elseif ((r2.le.1.d0) .and. (xr.le.0.5d0)) then y=x li2=cli2(y) return endif end double complex function cli2(x) c--taylor-expansion for complex dilogarithm (spence-function) implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) parameter(nber=18) double precision b2(nber) double complex x,z common/bernoulli/b2 n=nber-1 z=-cdlog(1.d0-x) cli2=b2(nber) do 111 i=n,1,-1 cli2=z*cli2+b2(i) 111 continue cli2=z**2*cli2+z return end double precision function facult(n) c--double precision version of faculty implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) facult=1.d0 if(n.eq.0)return do 999 i=1,n facult=facult*dfloat(i) 999 continue return end subroutine bernini c--initialization of coefficients for polylogarithms implicit none include 'constants.f' integer nber,i parameter(nber=18) double precision b(nber),b2(nber),zeta2,zeta3,facult common/bernoulli/b2 common/const/zeta2,zeta3 b(1)=-1.d0/2.d0 b(2)=1.d0/6.d0 b(3)=0.d0 b(4)=-1.d0/30.d0 b(5)=0.d0 b(6)=1.d0/42.d0 b(7)=0.d0 b(8)=-1.d0/30.d0 b(9)=0.d0 b(10)=5.d0/66.d0 b(11)=0.d0 b(12)=-691.d0/2730.d0 b(13)=0.d0 b(14)=7.d0/6.d0 b(15)=0.d0 b(16)=-3617.d0/510.d0 b(17)=0.d0 b(18)=43867.d0/798.d0 zeta2=pi**2/6.d0 zeta3=1.202056903159594d0 do 995 i=1,nber b2(i)=b(i)/facult(i+1) 995 continue return end