subroutine qqb_dm_monojet(p,msq) implicit none include 'constants.f' include 'dm_params.f' include 'qcdcouple.f' double precision p(mxpart,4),msq(-nf:nf,-nf:nf) double complex qqbg(2,2,2,2),qbqg(2,2,2,2) double complex qgqb(2,2,2,2),qbgq(2,2,2,2) double complex gqqb(2,2,2,2),gqbq(2,2,2,2) double precision qqbg_sum(nf),qbqg_sum(nf) double precision qgqb_sum(nf),qbgq_sum(nf) double precision gqbq_sum(nf),gqqb_sum(nf) double precision fac integer j,k integer h2,h3,h4 double complex cprop double precision propsq double precision s34 logical check_QED common/check_QED/check_QED logical first data first /.true./ save first check_QED=.false. ! if(check_QED) then !------ make factor into photon propogator for testing ! s34=2d0*(p(3,4)*p(4,4)-p(3,3)*p(4,3) ! & -p(3,2)*p(4,2)-p(3,1)*p(4,1)) ! fac=gsq*V*esq**2/s34**2*4d0 ! do j=1,nf ! dmL(j)=Q(j) ! dmR(j)=Q(j) ! enddo ! else ! fac=4d0/dm_lam**4*gsq*V ! endif !------ Fix Med-width ! if((medwidth.eq.1d0).and.(first)) then ! medwidth=medmass/8d0/pi ! elseif((medwidth.eq.0d0).and.(first)) then ! medwidth=medmass/3d0 ! endif ! if(first.and.(effective_th.eqv..false.)) then ! write(6,*) 'automatically set medwidth ',medwidth ! endif if(effective_th) then !--------- effective theory pre-factor fac=4d0/dm_lam**4*gsq*V else !-------- full theory => for V,A and PS is simply g_dmx**2*g_dmq**2/prop(34)**2 !-------- for S and G need to be more careful, but G happens elsewhere and S can be done !-------- in special routine s34=(p(3,4)+p(4,4))**2 & -(p(3,1)+p(4,1))**2 & -(p(3,2)+p(4,2))**2-(p(3,3)+p(4,3))**2 cprop=cone/Dcmplx((s34-medmass**2),medmass*medwidth) propsq=cdabs(cprop)**2 fac=4d0*gsq*V*propsq*g_dmq**2*g_dmx**2 endif qqbg_sum(:)=0d0 qbqg_sum(:)=0d0 qgqb_sum(:)=0d0 qbgq_sum(:)=0d0 gqqb_sum(:)=0d0 gqbq_sum(:)=0d0 msq(:,:)=0 !------- wrapper for separte operators if(dm_mediator.eq.'vector') then call qqb_dm_monojet_Vamps(p,1,2,5,3,4,qgqb) call qqb_dm_monojet_Vamps(p,5,2,1,3,4,qbgq) call qqb_dm_monojet_Vamps(p,1,5,2,3,4,qqbg) call qqb_dm_monojet_Vamps(p,2,5,1,3,4,qbqg) call qqb_dm_monojet_Vamps(p,2,1,5,3,4,gqqb) call qqb_dm_monojet_Vamps(p,5,1,2,3,4,gqbq) elseif(dm_mediator.eq.'axvect') then call qqb_dm_monojet_Axamps(p,1,2,5,3,4,qgqb) call qqb_dm_monojet_Axamps(p,5,2,1,3,4,qbgq) call qqb_dm_monojet_Axamps(p,1,5,2,3,4,qqbg) call qqb_dm_monojet_Axamps(p,2,5,1,3,4,qbqg) call qqb_dm_monojet_Axamps(p,2,1,5,3,4,gqqb) call qqb_dm_monojet_Axamps(p,5,1,2,3,4,gqbq) if(first) then first = .false. call check_dmAxC endif elseif(dm_mediator.eq.'scalar') then call qqb_dm_monojet_Samps(p,1,2,5,3,4,qgqb) call qqb_dm_monojet_Samps(p,5,2,1,3,4,qbgq) call qqb_dm_monojet_Samps(p,1,5,2,3,4,qqbg) call qqb_dm_monojet_Samps(p,2,5,1,3,4,qbqg) call qqb_dm_monojet_Samps(p,2,1,5,3,4,gqqb) call qqb_dm_monojet_Samps(p,5,1,2,3,4,gqbq) fac=fac/4d0 if(first) then first=.false. call set_scalar_coups endif elseif(dm_mediator.eq.'pseudo') then call qqb_dm_monojet_PSamps(p,1,2,5,3,4,qgqb) call qqb_dm_monojet_PSamps(p,5,2,1,3,4,qbgq) call qqb_dm_monojet_PSamps(p,1,5,2,3,4,qqbg) call qqb_dm_monojet_PSamps(p,2,5,1,3,4,qbqg) call qqb_dm_monojet_PSamps(p,2,1,5,3,4,gqqb) call qqb_dm_monojet_PSamps(p,5,1,2,3,4,gqbq) fac=fac/4d0 if(first) then first = .false. call set_scalar_coups call check_dmAxC endif elseif(dm_mediator.eq.'gluonO') then !---------- Fill msq elsewhere first=.false. call gg_dm_monojet(p,msq) return elseif(dm_mediator.eq.'scalmt') then !---------- Fill msq elsewhere first=.false. call gg_dm_top(p,msq) return endif do j=1,nf do h2=1,2 do h3=1,2 do h4=1,2 qqbg_sum(j)=qqbg_sum(j) & +cdabs(dmL(j)*qqbg(1,h2,h3,h4))**2 & +cdabs(dmR(j)*qqbg(2,h2,h3,h4))**2 qbqg_sum(j)=qbqg_sum(j) & +cdabs(dmL(j)*qbqg(1,h2,h3,h4))**2 & +cdabs(dmR(j)*qbqg(2,h2,h3,h4))**2 qgqb_sum(j)=qgqb_sum(j) & +cdabs(dmL(j)*qgqb(1,h2,h3,h4))**2 & +cdabs(dmR(j)*qgqb(2,h2,h3,h4))**2 qbgq_sum(j)=qbgq_sum(j) & +cdabs(dmL(j)*qbgq(1,h2,h3,h4))**2 & +cdabs(dmR(j)*qbgq(2,h2,h3,h4))**2 gqqb_sum(j)=gqqb_sum(j) & +cdabs(dmL(j)*gqqb(1,h2,h3,h4))**2 & +cdabs(dmR(j)*gqqb(2,h2,h3,h4))**2 gqbq_sum(j)=gqbq_sum(j) & +cdabs(dmL(j)*gqbq(1,h2,h3,h4))**2 & +cdabs(dmR(j)*gqbq(2,h2,h3,h4))**2 enddo enddo enddo enddo !---- compare to z ! call spinoru(5,p,za,zb) ! call zgamps2(1,2,4,3,5,za,zb,ztes) ! write(6,*) ztes ! zt2=0d0 ! do j=1,2 ! do k=1,2 ! zt2=zt2+ztes(j,k) ! enddo ! enddo ! write(6,*) zt2,qqbg ! pause ! call writeout(p) !--- compare to paddy ! call pjfox_dm(2,p,pjf_msq) ! write(6,*) 'my qbqg ',qbqg ! write(6,*) 'my qqbg_sum', qqbg ! write(6,*) 'paddys ',pjf_msq ! write(6,*) 'ratio ',qqbg/pjf_msq ! pause do j=-nf,nf do k=-nf,nf if( (j .ne. 0) .and. (k .ne. 0) .and. (j .ne. -k)) goto 20 if((j.eq.0).and.(k.eq.0)) then msq(j,k)=0d0 elseif(( then msq(j,k)=aveqq*qqbg_sum(j)*fac elseif(( then msq(j,k)=aveqg*qgqb_sum(j)*fac elseif((j.eq.0).and.( then msq(j,k)=aveqg*gqqb_sum(k)*fac elseif((j.eq.0).and.( then msq(j,k)=aveqg*gqbq_sum(abs(k))*fac elseif(( then msq(j,k)=aveqq*qbqg_sum(k)*fac elseif(( then msq(j,k)=aveqg*qbgq_sum(abs(j))*fac endif 20 continue enddo enddo return end subroutine check_dmAxC implicit none include 'constants.f' include 'dm_params.f' !----- check that dmL = -dmR for axial coupling integer j logical reset reset=.false. do j=1,nf if(dabs(dmL(j)+dmR(j)).gt.1d-8) then dmR(j)=-dmL(j) reset=.true. endif enddo if(reset) then write(6,*) 'Found that dmL is not equal to -dm R as required ' write(6,*) 'Fixing dmR = -dmL (input) ' write(6,*) 'to ensure correct axial behaviour ' write(6,*) 'check manual for details' endif return end subroutine set_scalar_coups implicit none include 'dm_params.f' include 'masses.f' include 'ewcouple.f' integer j logical first data first /.true./ save first double precision inv_v !----- inv v = 1/v = dsqrt(gwsq/4m_W^2) inv_v=dsqrt(gwsq/(4d0*wmass**2)) if(yukawa_scal) then if(effective_th) then dmL(1)=0d0 dmL(2)=0d0 dmL(3)=0d0 dmL(4)=mc/dm_lam dmL(5)=mb/dm_lam do j=1,5 dmR(j)=dmL(j) enddo if(first) then write(6,*) 'Setting up Scalar Yukawa Couplings to DM' write(6,*) 'Couplings are as follows ' write(6,44) 'dm L :',dmL write(6,44) 'dm R :',dmR first=.false. endif else dmL(1)=0d0 dmL(2)=0d0 dmL(3)=0d0 dmL(4)=mc*inv_v/g_dmq dmL(5)=mb*inv_v/g_dmq do j=1,5 dmR(j)=dmL(j) enddo if(first) then write(6,*) 'Setting up Scalar Yukawa Couplings to DM' write(6,*) 'We are in full theory now, have removed factor' write(6,*) 'g_dmq from input (since fixed by UV)' write(6,*) 'Output below is m_q/v/g_dmq(input) ' write(6,44) 'dm L :',dmL(1:5) write(6,44) 'dm R :',dmR(1:5) first=.false. endif endif endif 44 format(1x,a10,5(f8.4,' ')) return end