This subdirectory contains all files necessary for implementing a recursion scheme that is appropriate when all momenta are small and all propagator differences ("f(k)") are also small too. It is based on: A.~Denner and S.~Dittmaier, %``Reduction schemes for one-loop tensor integrals,'' Nucl.\ Phys.\ B {\bf 734}, 62 (2006) [arXiv:hep-ph/0509141]. The scheme is described in section 5.6 and the recursion here is based on explicit realizations of the general equations (5.71) and (5.72). Note that the 0000 (rank 4) and 0000i (rank 5) recursion relations are the same as in the "smallP" case. The routines calculate triangle and box integrals up to: rank 3 (with at least one recursion) rank 5 (with no recursion) rank 7 (no recursion, 00iiii and 00iiiii components only)