These are a set of routines performing the reduction of tensor integrals to scalar integrals. They are loosely based on the paper of van Oldenborgh and Vermaseren @article{vanOldenborgh:1989wn, author = "van Oldenborgh, G.J. and Vermaseren, J.A.M.", title = "{New Algorithms for One Loop Integrals}", journal = "Z.Phys.", volume = "C46", pages = "425-438", doi = "10.1007/BF01621031", year = "1990", reportNumber = "NIKHEF-H/89-17", SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = ZEPYA,C46,425;%%", } In particular on the idea of separating the physical and transverse spaces. This allows the reduction to occur by relating the Tensor Integrals themselves, rather than the form factors as in the Passarino-Veltman method. The tensor integrals are functions of the the external momenta, p_i not the off-set momenta, q_i. The determination of the tensor integrals reduces to solving a series of linear equations of the form (say,for n=3) where Gram(i,j)=p_i.p_j (x1) (b1) Gram(i,j) * (x2) = (b2) (x3) (b3) which are solved by LU decomposition and back substitution.