double complex function higgsprop(s) c--- computes Higgs propagator for Higgs boson four-momentum squared s c--- if CPscheme = .true. then it is computed in the complex pole c--- scheme (Goria, Passarino, Rosco, arXiv:1112.5517, c--- and c.f. Eq. (2.11) of arXiv:1206.4803) c--- otherwise it takes the usual Breit-Wigner form implicit none include 'constants.f' include 'masses.f' include 'cpscheme.f' logical first double precision s,mhbarsq,mhbar,gammahbar double complex cfac save first,mhbarsq,cfac data first/.true./ if (CPscheme) then c--- complex pole scheme propagator if (first) then mhbarsq=hmass**2+hwidth**2 mhbar=sqrt(mhbarsq) gammahbar=mhbar/hmass*hwidth cfac=dcmplx(1d0,gammahbar/mhbar) first=.false. write(6,*) write(6,*)'****************************************************' write(6,*)'* Using complex pole scheme for Higgs propagator *' write(6,99) mhbar,gammahbar write(6,*)'****************************************************' write(6,*) endif higgsprop=cfac/(s*cfac-dcmplx(mhbarsq,0d0)) else c--- Breit Wigner propagator higgsprop=1d0/dcmplx(s-hmass**2,hmass*hwidth) endif return 99 format(' * MHB = ',f9.4,' GeV GHB = ',f9.4,' GeV *') end