************************************************************************ * * * SINGLE MOMENTUM ip * * * ************************************************************************ subroutine genplot1(p,ip,tag,wt,wt2,n) c--- routine that calls histogramming routines to produce a basic c--- set of plots corresponding to the momentum p(ip) c--- wt, wt2 are passed into the routine and hold information c--- on the event weight c--- tag is set by the calling routine, to either initialize or fill c--- n is the histogram counter that is passed in, incremented c--- appropriately and returned implicit none include 'constants.f' integer ip,n,zero double precision p(mxpart,4),wt,wt2,var,pt,yrap character*4 tag,titley character*5 titlept zero=ichar('0') c--- particle pt titlept='pt('//char(zero+ip)//')' if (tag .eq. 'book') then var=0d0 else var=pt(ip,p) endif call bookplot(n,tag,titlept,var,wt,wt2, & 0d0,200d0,5d0,'lin') n=n+1 c--- particle rapidity titley='y('//char(zero+ip)//')' if (tag .eq. 'book') then var=0d0 else var=yrap(ip,p) endif call bookplot(n,tag,titley,var,wt,wt2, & -5d0,5d0,0.4d0,'lin') n=n+1 return end ************************************************************************ * * * COMPOUND MOMENTUM ip + jp * * * ************************************************************************ subroutine genplot2(p,ip,jp,tag,wt,wt2,n) c--- routine that calls histogramming routines to produce a basic c--- set of plots corresponding to the momentum p(ip)+p(jp) c--- wt, wt2 are passed into the routine and hold information c--- on the event weight c--- tag is set by the calling routine, to either initialize or fill c--- n is the histogram counter that is passed in, incremented c--- appropriately and returned implicit none include 'constants.f' integer ip,jp,n,zero double precision p(mxpart,4),wt,wt2,var,pttwo,yraptwo character*4 tag character*6 titley,titlem character*7 titlept zero=ichar('0') c--- two-particle invariant mass titlem='m('//char(zero+ip)//','//char(zero+jp)//')' if (tag .eq. 'book') then var=0d0 else var=dsqrt((p(ip,4)+p(jp,4))**2-(p(ip,1)+p(jp,1))**2 & -(p(ip,2)+p(jp,2))**2-(p(ip,3)+p(jp,3))**2) endif call bookplot(n,tag,titlem,var,wt,wt2, & 0d0,300d0,5d0,'lin') n=n+1 c--- two-particle pt titlept='pt('//char(zero+ip)//','//char(zero+jp)//')' if (tag .eq. 'book') then var=0d0 else var=pttwo(ip,jp,p) endif call bookplot(n,tag,titlept,var,wt,wt2, & 0d0,200d0,5d0,'lin') n=n+1 c--- two-particle rapidity titley='y('//char(zero+ip)//','//char(zero+jp)//')' if (tag .eq. 'book') then var=0d0 else var=yraptwo(ip,jp,p) endif call bookplot(n,tag,titley,var,wt,wt2, & -5d0,5d0,0.4d0,'lin') n=n+1 return end ************************************************************************ * * * COMPOUND MOMENTUM ip + jp + kp * * * ************************************************************************ subroutine genplot3(p,ip,jp,kp,tag,wt,wt2,n) c--- routine that calls histogramming routines to produce a basic c--- set of plots corresponding to the momentum p(ip)+p(jp)+p(kp) c--- wt, wt2 are passed into the routine and hold information c--- on the event weight c--- tag is set by the calling routine, to either initialize or fill c--- n is the histogram counter that is passed in, incremented c--- appropriately and returned implicit none include 'constants.f' integer ip,jp,kp,n,zero double precision p(mxpart,4),wt,wt2,var,ptthree,yrapthree character*4 tag character*8 titley,titlem character*9 titlept zero=ichar('0') c--- three-particle invariant mass titlem='m('//char(zero+ip)//','//char(zero+jp)// & ','//char(zero+kp)//')' if (tag .eq. 'book') then var=0d0 else var=dsqrt((p(ip,4)+p(jp,4)+p(kp,4))**2 & -(p(ip,1)+p(jp,1)+p(kp,1))**2 & -(p(ip,2)+p(jp,2)+p(kp,2))**2 & -(p(ip,3)+p(jp,3)+p(kp,3))**2) endif call bookplot(n,tag,titlem,var,wt,wt2, & 0d0,400d0,5d0,'lin') n=n+1 c--- three-particle pt titlept='pt('//char(zero+ip)//','//char(zero+jp)// & ','//char(zero+kp)//')' if (tag .eq. 'book') then var=0d0 else var=ptthree(ip,jp,kp,p) endif call bookplot(n,tag,titlept,var,wt,wt2, & 0d0,200d0,5d0,'lin') n=n+1 c--- three-particle rapidity titley='y('//char(zero+ip)//','//char(zero+jp)// & ','//char(zero+kp)//')' if (tag .eq. 'book') then var=0d0 else var=yrapthree(ip,jp,kp,p) endif call bookplot(n,tag,titley,var,wt,wt2, & -5d0,5d0,0.4d0,'lin') n=n+1 return end