c--- File written by FORM program tdecayW_v.frm on Thu Mar 1 12:29:11 CST 2012 subroutine tdecayW_v(p,pqq,pqb,pb,m) implicit none ************************************************************************ * Author: R.K. Ellis, January 2012 * * Virtual corrections to * * top decay t --> q(pqq)+qb(pqb)+b(pb) * * with bottom and top masses (and no radiation) * * and with overall factor of (4 pi)^e/Gamma(1-e) * * in massless spinor notation * * pe,pnb,pc are integers that point to * * the appropriate four-momenta in p * * pqq=quark * * pqb=antiquark * * pb=bottom quark * * q(t) is rendered massless wrt to pqb * * q(b) is rendered massless wrt to pqq * * returned m(bpol,tpol) * ************************************************************************ include 'constants.f' include 'zprods_decl.f' include 'sprods_com.f' include 'masses.f' double precision p(mxpart,4),q(mxpart,4),dot,sw,alt,alb,c0,ct double complex m(2,2),cprop,c0L integer qq,qb,b,t,si,pb,pqq,pqb parameter(t=1,qq=3,qb=4,b=2) do si=1,4 q(t,si)=p(pqq,si)+p(pqb,si)+p(pb,si) q(qq,si)=p(pqq,si) q(qb,si)=p(pqb,si) q(b,si)=p(pb,si) enddo alt=mt**2/(2d0*dot(q,t,qb)) alb=mb**2/(2d0*dot(q,b,qq)) do si=1,4 q(t,si)=q(t,si)-alt*q(qb,si) q(b,si)=q(b,si)-alb*q(qq,si) enddo call spinoru(4,q,za,zb) sw=s(qq,qb) call coefswdk(sw,ct,c0) c0L=dcmplx(c0+ct) cprop=dcmplx(sw-wmass**2,wmass*wwidth) C---order of polarizations is m(bpol,tpol) m(1,1)= + cprop**(-1) * ( - za(qq,b)*zb(qb,t)*c0L ) m(1,2)= czip m(2,1)= czip m(2,2)= czip return end