double precision function realint(vector,wgt) implicit none include 'constants.f' include 'debug.f' include 'realonly.f' include 'virtonly.f' include 'noglue.f' include 'nflav.f' include 'vegas_common.f' include 'ptilde.f' include 'phasemin.f' include 'new_pspace.f' include 'npart.f' include 'scale.f' include 'facscale.f' include 'dynamicscale.f' include 'realwt.f' include 'efficiency.f' include 'maxwt.f' include 'process.f' include 'PDFerrors.f' include 'masses.f' include 'wts_bypart.f' include 'dipolescale.f' include 'stopscales.f' include 'flags.f' include 'frag.f' include 'ipsgen.f' include 'decay1q2a.f' include 'outputoptions.f' include 'breit.f' include 'dm_params.f' include 'outputflags.f' include 'runstring.f' c--- APPLgrid - enable grids include 'APPLinclude.f' include 'qcdcouple.f' include 'nlooprun.f' include 'couple.f' double precision psCR, currason2pi, alphas c--- APPLgrid - end c---- SSbegin include 'reweight.f' c---- SSend cz integer nproc common/nproc/nproc cz // integer ih1,ih2,j,k,nd,nmax,nmin,nvec,ii double precision vector(mxdim),W,val,val2,valsum,xint,ptmp double precision sqrts,fx1(-nf:nf),fx2(-nf:nf), . dipfx1(0:maxd,-nf:nf),dipfx2(0:maxd,-nf:nf), . fx1_H(-nf:nf),fx2_H(-nf:nf),fx1_L(-nf:nf),fx2_L(-nf:nf) double precision p(mxpart,4),pjet(mxpart,4),p1ext(4),p2ext(4) double precision pswt,rscalestart,fscalestart double precision s(mxpart,mxpart),wgt,msq(-nf:nf,-nf:nf) double precision msqa(-nf:nf,-nf:nf) double precision msqc(maxd,-nf:nf,-nf:nf),xmsq(0:maxd) double precision flux,BrnRat,xreal,xreal2 double precision xx1,xx2,q(mxpart,4) double precision m3,m4,m5,R,Rbbmin double precision xmsq_bypart(0:maxd,-1:1,-1:1),xmsqjk, . lord_bypart(-1:1,-1:1),plo(mxpart,4),pswtdip integer sgnj,sgnk common/xreal/xreal,xreal2 common/Rbbmin/Rbbmin logical bin,first,failed logical incldip(0:maxd),includedipole,includereal double precision QandGint external qqb_w2jet_g,qqb_w2jet_gs,qqb_z2jet_g,qqb_z2jet_gs, . qqb_w2jet,qqb_w1jet_gs,qqb_z2jet,qqb_z1jet_gs,qqb_Hg_g,qqb_Hg_gs, . qqb_hww_g,qqb_hww_gs,qqb_zbb_g,qqb_zbb_gs, . qqb_wh_ww,qqb_wh_ww_gs, . qqb_wh_zz,qqb_wh_zz_gs, . qqb_wbb_g,qqb_wbb_gs, . qqb_dirgam_g,qqb_dirgam_gs,qqb_hflgam_g,qqb_hflgam_gs, . qqb_trigam_g,qqb_trigam_gs,qqb_gmgmjt_g,qqb_gmgmjt_gs, . qqb_w_g,qqb_w_gs,qqb_z1jet,qqb_z_gs,qqb_ww_g,qqb_ww_gs, . qqb_wz_g,qqb_wz_gs,qqb_zz_g,qqb_zz_gs,qqb_wgam_g,qqb_wgam_gs, . qqb_QQb_g,qqb_QQb_gs, . VV_Hqq_g,VV_Hqq_gs,VV_HWW_g,VV_HWW_gs, . gg_Hg,gg_H_gs, . gg_HWWgg,gg_HWWg_gs,gg_HZZgg,gg_HZZg_gs, . gg_Hgg,gg_Hg_gs, . gQ_zQ_g,gQ_zQ_gs,qqb_tbb_g,qqb_tbb_gs, . qqb_w_tndk_g,qqb_w_tndk_gs, . qqb_w_twdk_g,qqb_w_twdk_gs,qqb_w_twdk_gdk,qqb_w_twdk_gsdk, . qqb_zbjet_g,qqb_zbjet_gs,qqb_w_cjet_g,qqb_w_cjet_gs, . qqb_wbfromc_g,qqb_wbfromc_gs, . gg_hggg,gg_hgg_gs,qq_tchan_htqg,qq_tchan_htq_gs, . qg_tbq_g,qg_tbq_gs,qq_tbg_g,qq_tbg_gs,epem3j_g,epem3j_gs, . qq_tchan_ztqg_dk,qq_tchan_ztq_dk_gs, . qq_tchan_ztqg,qq_tchan_ztq_gs, . qqb_QQbdk_g,qqb_QQbdk_gs,qqb_gamgam_g,qqb_gamgam_gs, . qqb_zaj_gs,qqb_zaj_g, . qqb_gmgmjt_g_mad, . qqb_zaa_g,qqb_zaa_gs, . qqb_waa_g,qqb_waa_gs, . qqb_waa_g_mad,qqb_tottth_g,qqb_tottth_g_mad common/density/ih1,ih2 common/energy/sqrts common/bin/bin common/Pext/p1ext,p2ext common/nmax/nmax common/BrnRat/BrnRat common/nmin/nmin common/bypart/lord_bypart common/incldip/incldip cz Add b fraction double precision bwgt common/btagging/ bwgt double precision msqtmp(0:maxd),bwgttmp(0:maxd) double precision realeventp(mxpart,4) common/realeventp/realeventp data bwgt / 0d0 / ! in common block cz // Add b fraction Note: only msqtmp(0), bwgttmp(0) are used in nplotter.f data p/56*0d0/ data first/.true./ save first,rscalestart,fscalestart QandGflag=.false. if (first) then first=.false. rscalestart=scale fscalestart=facscale endif ntotshot=ntotshot+1 pswt=0d0 realint=0d0 c--- ensure isolation code does not think this is fragmentation piece z_frag=0d0 W=sqrts**2 if (first) then write(6,*) write(6,*) 'nmin=',nmin,',nmax=',nmax write(6,*) first=.false. endif if (1 .eq. 2) then ! Clumsy commenting-out !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! c--- processes that use "gen3" if ( (case .eq. 'W_only') . .or. (case .eq. 'Z_only') . .or. (case .eq. 'ggfus0') . .or. (case .eq. 'Higaga') . .or. (case .eq. 'Wcsbar') . .or. (case .eq. 'Wcs_ms') ) then npart=3 if (new_pspace) then call gen3a(vector,p,pswt,*999) else call gen3(vector,p,pswt,*999) endif c--- processes that use "gen3jet" elseif (case .eq. 'gamgam') then npart=3 c call gen3(vector,p,pswt,*999) call gen3jetgaga(vector,p,pswt,*999) c--- processes that use "gen3m" elseif ( (case .eq. 'tt_tot') . .or. (case .eq. 'bb_tot') . .or. (case .eq. 'cc_tot') ) then m3=mass2 m4=mass2 m5=0d0 npart=3 call gen3m(vector,p,m3,m4,m5,pswt,*999) elseif ((case .eq. 'twojet') .or. (case .eq. 'dirgam') & .or. (case .eq. 'hflgam')) then npart=3 if(frag) then c--- this phase space does a better job for the photons call gen_photons_jets(vector,1,2,p,pswt,*999) else c--- this phase space does a better job for the jets call gen3jet(vector,p,pswt,*999) endif c--- processes that use "gen4" elseif ( (case .eq. 'W_cjet') . .or. (case .eq. 'Wbfrmc') . .or. (case .eq. 'W_tndk') . .or. (case .eq. 'epem3j') ) then npart=4 call gen4(vector,p,pswt,*999) c--- processes that use "gen4" elseif ((case .eq. 'qg_tbq') .or. (case .eq. 'qq_tbg')) then npart=4 call gen4(vector,p,pswt,*999) c--- processes that use "gen4mdk" elseif (case .eq. '4ftwdk') then npart=6 call gen4mdk(vector,p,pswt,*999) elseif (case .eq. 'Hi_Zga') then npart=4 call gen_HZgamj(vector,p,pswt,*999) c--- processes that use "gen4mdkrad" elseif (case .eq. 'dk_4ft') then npart=6 call gen4mdkrad(vector,p,pswt,*999) c--- processes that use "gen4mdk" elseif ( (case .eq. 'Z_tdkj') & .or.(case .eq. 'H_tdkj')) then npart=7 call gen5mdk(vector,p,pswt,*999) c--- processes that use "gen5" elseif ( (case .eq. 'Wbbmas') . .or. (case .eq. 'Wttmas') . .or. (case .eq. 'WWqqdk')) then npart=5 call gen5(vector,p,pswt,*999) elseif ((case .eq. 'Z_tjet') .or. (case .eq. 'H_tjet')) then npart=5 taumin=(mt/sqrts)**2 call gen5(vector,p,pswt,*999) elseif (case .eq. 'HWWdkW') then npart=5 call gen5h(vector,p,pswt,*999) c--- processes that use "gen6" elseif ( . (case .eq. 'W_twdk') . .or. (case .eq. 'Wtdkay') . .or. (case .eq. 'HWWjet') . .or. (case .eq. 'HZZjet') . ) then npart=6 call gen6(vector,p,pswt,*999) c--- processes that use "gen7" elseif ( . (case .eq. 'qq_HWW') . .or. (case .eq. 'qq_HZZ') . .or. (case .eq. 'WH__WW') . .or. (case .eq. 'WH__ZZ') . .or. (case .eq. 'ZH__WW') . .or. (case .eq. 'ZH__ZZ') . .or. (case .eq. 'HWW2jt') . .or. (case .eq. 'HZZ2jt') . .or. (case .eq. 'tt_ldk') . .or. (case .eq. 'tt_hdk') . .or. (case .eq. 'tt_udk') . .or. (case .eq. 'tthWdk') . ) then npart=7 call gen7(vector,p,pswt,*999) c--- processes that use "gen7m" elseif ( (case .eq. 'tt_bbl') . .or. (case .eq. 'tt_bbh') . .or. (case .eq. 'tt_bbu') . ) then m3=mt m4=mt m5=0d0 npart=7 call gen7m(vector,p,m3,m4,m5,pswt,*999) c--- processes that use "gen9" elseif ( (case .eq. 'qq_ttw')) then npart=9 call gen9_rap(vector,p,pswt,*999) elseif ( (case .eq. 'ttwldk')) then npart=9 call gen9dk_rap(vector,p,pswt,*999) c--- processes that use "gen_njets" with an argument of "2" elseif ( (case .eq. 'W_1jet') . .or. (case .eq. 'Wcjet0') . .or. (case .eq. 'Z_1jet') . .or. (case .eq. 'H_1jet') . .or. (case .eq. 'ggfus1') . .or. (case .eq. 'Hgagaj') . .or. (case .eq. 'gQ__ZQ') ) then npart=4 if (new_pspace) then call gen4a(vector,p,pswt,*999) else call gen_njets(vector,2,p,pswt,*999) endif c--- processes that use "gen_njets" with an argument of "3" elseif ( (case .eq. 'Wbbbar') . .or. (case .eq. 'W_2jet') . .or. (case .eq. 'Z_2jet') . .or. (case .eq. 'Zbbbar') . .or. (case .eq. 'W_bjet') . .or. (case .eq. 'W_2gam') . .or. (case .eq. 'Z_bjet') . .or. (case .eq. 'qq_Hqq') . .or. (case .eq. 'qq_Hgg') . .or. (case .eq. 'ggfus2') . .or. (case .eq. 'gagajj')) then npart=5 call gen_njets(vector,3,p,pswt,*999) c--- processes that use "gen_Vphotons_jets" elseif ( (case .eq. 'Wgamma') . .or. (case .eq. 'Zgamma') ) then npart=4 if (new_pspace) then call gen_vgamj(vector,p,pswt,*999) else call gen_Vphotons_jets(vector,1,1,p,pswt,*999) endif c--- special treatment for Z+gamma+gamma elseif (case .eq. 'Z_2gam') then npart=5 if (ipsgen .eq. 1) then call gen_Vphotons_jets(vector,2,1,p,pswt,*999) !AA+AB elseif (ipsgen .eq. 2) then call gen_Vphotons_jets_dkrad2(vector,2,1,p,pswt,*999) !BB+BC elseif (ipsgen .eq. 3) then call gen_Vphotons_jets_dkrad(vector,2,1,p,pswt,*999) !CC+AC+CD elseif (ipsgen .eq. 4) then call gen_Vphotons_jets_dkrad(vector,2,1,p,pswt,*999) !DD+AD+BD do ii=1,4 ptmp=p(5,ii) p(5,ii)=p(6,ii) p(6,ii)=ptmp enddo else write(6,*) 'Parameter ipsgen should be 1 or 2 or 3 or 4' write(6,*) 'ipsgen = ',ipsgen stop endif elseif((case.eq.'dm_jet').or.(case.eq.'dm_gam')) then m3=xmass m4=xmass npart=4 call gen4m(vector,p,m3,m4,0d0,0d0,pswt,*999) c--- special treatment for Z+gamma+jet elseif (case .eq. 'Zgajet') then npart=5 if (ipsgen .eq. 1) then call gen_Vphotons_jets(vector,1,2,p,pswt,*999) elseif (ipsgen .eq. 2) then call gen_Vphotons_jets_dkrad(vector,1,2,p,pswt,*999) else write(6,*) 'Parameter ipsgen should be 1 or 2' write(6,*) 'ipsgen = ',ipsgen stop endif c--- processes that use "gen_stop" with an argument of "1" elseif ( (case .eq. 'ttdkay') . .or. (case .eq. 'tdecay') ) then npart=5 call gen_stop(vector,1,p,pswt,*999) c--- processes that use "gen_stop" with an argument of "2" elseif (case .eq. 'bq_tpq') then npart=5 call gen_stop(vector,2,p,pswt,*999) c--- processes that use "gen_stop" with an argument of "2" elseif (case .eq. 't_bbar') then npart=5 call gen_stop(vector,2,p,pswt,*999) c--- DEFAULT: processes that use "gen5" else npart=5 if (new_pspace) then call gen5a(vector,p,pswt,*999) else call gen5(vector,p,pswt,*999) endif endif endif ! end of clumsy commenting-out !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! c-- note: new_pspace now signifies multi-channel integration if (new_pspace) then call gen_lops(vector,plo,pswt,*999) ! call writeout(plo) npart=npart+1 call multichan(vector(ndim-2),vector(ndim-1),vector(ndim), & plo,p,pswtdip,*999) ! call writeout(p) ! pause pswt=pswt*pswtdip else call gen_realps(vector,p,pswt,*999) endif nvec=npart+2 call dotem(nvec,p,s) c----calculate the x's for the incoming partons from generated momenta xx1=two*(p(1,4)*p2ext(4)-p(1,3)*p2ext(3))/W xx2=two*(p(2,4)*p1ext(4)-p(2,3)*p1ext(3))/W if (debug) write(*,*) 'Reconstructed x1,x2 ',xx1,xx2 if ((xx1 .gt. 1d0) .or. (xx2 .gt. 1d0) &.or.(xx1 .lt. xmin) .or. (xx2 .lt. xmin)) then goto 999 endif c--- (moved to includedipole) impose cuts on final state c call masscuts(p,*999) c----reject event if any s(i,j) is too small call smalls(s,npart,*999) c--- extra cut to divide WQj/ZQj regions if ( (nproc .eq. 312) .or. (nproc .eq. 317) . .or.(nproc .eq. 322) .or. (nproc .eq. 327) . .or.(nproc .eq. 342) .or. (nproc .eq. 352)) then if (R(p,5,6) .lt. Rbbmin) goto 999 endif c--- see whether this point will pass cuts - if it will not, do not c--- bother calculating the matrix elements for it, instead set to zero includereal=includedipole(0,p) incldip(0)=includereal if (includereal .eqv. .false.) then do j=-nf,nf do k=-nf,nf msq(j,k)=0d0 msqLH(j,k)=0d0 ! for stop+b process msqHL(j,k)=0d0 ! for stop+b process enddo enddo endif do j=1,mxpart do k=1,4 realeventp(j,k)=p(j,k) enddo enddo c--- test to see whether we need Gflag and Qflag together if ( ((case .eq. 'W_2jet') .or. (case .eq. 'Z_2jet')) &.and. (Qflag) .and. (Gflag) ) then QandGflag=.true. QandGint=0d0 c--- first pass: Gflag Gflag=.true. Qflag=.false. endif c--- restart from here when calculating with Qflag and Gflag c--- (W+2 jet and Z+2 jet processes only) 44 continue if (dynamicscale) then call scaleset(rscalestart,fscalestart,p) dipscale(0)=facscale endif c---- generate collinear points that satisfy the jet cuts (for checking) c call singgen(p,s,*998) c--- Calculate the required matrix elements if (case .eq. 'W_only') then c call singcheck(qqb_w_g,qqb_w_gs,p) ! Checked 11/30/01 if (includereal) call qqb_w_g(p,msq) call qqb_w_gs(p,msqc) elseif (case .eq. 'W_1jet') then c call singcheck(qqb_w2jet,qqb_w1jet_gs,p) ! Checked 11/16/01 if (includereal) call qqb_w2jet(p,msq) call qqb_w1jet_gs(p,msqc) elseif (case .eq. 'Wgamma') then ! if(includereal) call singcheck(qqb_wgam_g,qqb_wgam_gs,p) ! Checked 08/27/02 if (includereal) call qqb_wgam_g(p,msq) call qqb_wgam_gs(p,msqc) elseif (case .eq. 'Wbfrmc') then if (includereal) call qqb_wbfromc_g(p,msq) call qqb_wbfromc_gs(p,msqc) elseif (case .eq. 'W_cjet') then c call singcheck(qqb_w_cjet_g,qqb_w_cjet_gs,p) ! Checked 15/05/07 if (includereal) call qqb_w_cjet_g(p,msq) call qqb_w_cjet_gs(p,msqc) elseif (case .eq. 'Zgamma') then ! if(includereal) call singcheck(qqb_zgam_g,qqb_zgam_gs,p) ! Checked 01/04/11 if (includereal) call qqb_zgam_g(p,msq) call qqb_zgam_gs(p,msqc) elseif (case .eq. 'Z_2gam') then c if(includereal) call singcheck(qqb_zaa_g,qqb_zaa_gs,p) if (includereal) call qqb_zaa_g(p,msq) call qqb_zaa_gs(p,msqc) elseif (case .eq. 'W_2gam') then c if(includereal) call singcheck(qqb_waa_g,qqb_waa_gs,p) c call compare_madgraph(p,qqb_waa_g,qqb_waa_g_mad) stop c if (includereal) call qqb_waa_g(p,msq) c call qqb_waa_gs(p,msqc) elseif (case .eq. 'Zgajet') then ! if(includereal) call singcheck(qqb_zaj_g,qqb_zaj_gs,p) ! Checked 10/21/10 if (includereal) call qqb_zaj_g(p,msq) call qqb_zaj_gs(p,msqc) elseif (case .eq. 'Wbbmas') then c call singcheck(qqb_wbbm_g,qqb_wbbm_gs,p) ! Checked 10/21/10 if (includereal) call qqb_wbbm_g(p,msq) call qqb_wbbm_gs(p,msqc) elseif (case .eq. 'Wttmas') then c call singcheck(qqb_wbbm_g,qqb_wbbm_gs,p) ! Checked 10/21/10 if (includereal) call qqb_wbbm_g(p,msq) call qqb_wbbm_gs(p,msqc) elseif (case .eq. 'Wbbbar') then c call singcheck(qqb_wbb_g,qqb_wbb_gs,p) ! Checked 11/30/01 if (includereal) call qqb_wbb_g(p,msq) call qqb_wbb_gs(p,msqc) elseif (case .eq. 'W_2jet') then c call singcheck(qqb_w2jet_g,qqb_w2jet_gs,p) ! Re-checked June 09 if (includereal) call qqb_w2jet_g(p,msq) call qqb_w2jet_gs(p,msqc) elseif (case .eq. 'Z_only') then c call singcheck(qqb_z1jet,qqb_z_gs,p) ! Checked 11/30/01 if (includereal) call qqb_z1jet(p,msq) call qqb_z_gs(p,msqc) elseif (case .eq. 'Z_1jet') then c call singcheck(qqb_z2jet,qqb_z1jet_gs,p) ! Checked 11/16/01 if (includereal) call qqb_z2jet(p,msq) call qqb_z1jet_gs(p,msqc) elseif (case .eq. 'Z_2jet') then c call singcheck(qqb_z2jet_g,qqb_z2jet_gs,p) ! Re-checked June 09 if (includereal) call qqb_z2jet_g(p,msq) call qqb_z2jet_gs(p,msqc) elseif (case .eq. 'Zbbbar') then c call singcheck(qqb_zbb_g,qqb_zbb_gs,p) ! Checked 11/30/01 if (includereal) call qqb_zbb_g(p,msq) call qqb_zbb_gs(p,msqc) elseif (case .eq. 'WWqqbr') then c call singcheck(qqb_ww_g,qqb_ww_gs,p) ! Checked 11/30/01 if (includereal) call qqb_ww_g(p,msq) call qqb_ww_gs(p,msqc) elseif (case .eq. 'WWqqdk') then if (includereal) call dkqqb_ww_g(p,msq) call dkqqb_ww_gs(p,msqc) elseif (case .eq. 'WZbbar') then c call singcheck(qqb_wz_g,qqb_wz_gs,p) ! Checked 12/05/01 if (includereal) call qqb_wz_g(p,msq) call qqb_wz_gs(p,msqc) elseif (case .eq. 'ZZlept') then c call singcheck(qqb_zz_g,qqb_zz_gs,p) ! Checked 12/05/01 if (includereal) call qqb_zz_g(p,msq) call qqb_zz_gs(p,msqc) elseif (case .eq. 'WHbbar') then c call singcheck(qqb_wh_g,qqb_wh_gs,p) if (includereal) call qqb_wh_g(p,msq) call qqb_wh_gs(p,msqc) elseif (case .eq. 'WH__WW') then c call singcheck(qqb_wh_ww_g,qqb_wh_ww_gs,p) if (includereal) call qqb_wh_ww_g(p,msq) call qqb_wh_ww_gs(p,msqc) elseif (case .eq. 'WH__ZZ') then c call singcheck(qqb_wh_zz_g,qqb_wh_zz_gs,p) if (includereal) call qqb_wh_zz_g(p,msq) call qqb_wh_zz_gs(p,msqc) elseif (case .eq. 'WHgaga') then c call singcheck(qqb_wh_gaga_g,qqb_wh_gaga_gs,p) if (includereal) call qqb_wh_gaga_g(p,msq) call qqb_wh_gaga_gs(p,msqc) elseif (case .eq. 'ZHbbar') then c call singcheck(qqb_zh_g,qqb_zh_gs,p) if (includereal) call qqb_zh_g(p,msq) call qqb_zh_gs(p,msqc) elseif (case .eq. 'ZHgaga') then c call singcheck(qqb_zh_gaga_g,qqb_zh_gaga_gs,p) if (includereal) call qqb_zh_gaga_g(p,msq) call qqb_zh_gaga_gs(p,msqc) elseif (case .eq. 'ZH__WW') then c call singcheck(qqb_zh_ww_g,qqb_zh_ww_gs,p) if (includereal) call qqb_zh_ww_g(p,msq) call qqb_zh_ww_gs(p,msqc) elseif (case .eq. 'ZH__ZZ') then c call singcheck(qqb_zh_zz_g,qqb_zh_zz_gs,p) if (includereal) call qqb_zh_zz_g(p,msq) call qqb_zh_zz_gs(p,msqc) elseif (case .eq. 'dirgam') then ! if (includereal) call singcheck(qqb_dirgam_g,qqb_dirgam_gs,p) if (includereal) call qqb_dirgam_g(p,msq) call qqb_dirgam_gs(p,msqc) elseif (case .eq. 'hflgam') then c if (includereal) call singcheck(qqb_hflgam_g,qqb_hflgam_gs,p) if (includereal) call qqb_hflgam_g(p,msq) call qqb_hflgam_gs(p,msqc) elseif (case .eq. 'gamgam') then c if (includereal) call singcheck(qqb_gamgam_g,qqb_gamgam_gs,p) if (includereal) call qqb_gamgam_g(p,msq) call qqb_gamgam_gs(p,msqc) elseif (case .eq. 'gmgmjt') then c if (includereal) call singcheck(qqb_gmgmjt_g,qqb_gmgmjt_gs,p) if (includereal) call qqb_gmgmjt_g(p,msq) call qqb_gmgmjt_gs(p,msqc) elseif (case .eq. 'trigam') then c if (includereal) call singcheck(qqb_trigam_g,qqb_trigam_gs,p) if (includereal) call qqb_trigam_g(p,msq) call qqb_trigam_gs(p,msqc) elseif (case .eq. 'ggfus0') then c call singcheck(gg_hg,gg_h_gs,p) ! Checked 28/02/03 if (includereal) call gg_hg(p,msq) call gg_h_gs(p,msqc) elseif (case .eq. 'Higaga') then c call singcheck(gg_hgamgamg,gg_hgamgam_gs,p) if (includereal) call gg_hgamgamg(p,msq) call gg_hgamgam_gs(p,msqc) elseif (case .eq. 'Hi_Zga') then c call singcheck(gg_hzgamg,gg_hzgam_gs,p) if (includereal) call gg_hzgamg(p,msq) call gg_hzgam_gs(p,msqc) elseif ((case .eq. 'HWW_4l') .or. (case .eq. 'HWW2lq')) then c call singcheck(qqb_hww_g,qqb_hww_gs,p) if (includereal) call qqb_hww_g(p,msq) call qqb_hww_gs(p,msqc) elseif (case .eq. 'HWWdkW') then if (includereal) call dkqqb_hww_g(p,msq) call dkqqb_hww_gs(p,msqc) elseif (case .eq. 'HWWdkW') then if (includereal) call dkqqb_hww_g(p,msq) call dkqqb_hww_gs(p,msqc) elseif (case .eq. 'HZZ_4l') then c call singcheck(qqb_hzz_g,qqb_hzz_gs,p) if (includereal) call qqb_hzz_g(p,msq) call qqb_hzz_gs(p,msqc) elseif (case .eq. 'H_1jet') then c call singcheck(qqb_Hg_g,qqb_Hg_gs,p) ! Checked 19/02/02 if (includereal) call qqb_Hg_g(p,msq) call qqb_Hg_gs(p,msqc) elseif ((case .eq. 'tt_bbl') .or. (case .eq. 'tt_bbh')) then c call singcheck(qqb_QQbdk_g,qqb_QQbdk_gs,p) ! Checked 15/8/08 if (includereal) call qqb_QQbdk_g(p,msq) call qqb_QQbdk_gs(p,msqc) elseif ((case .eq. 'tt_ldk') .or. (case .eq. 'tt_hdk')) then if (decay1q2a .eq. 1) then c------ radiation in the decay of the top quark if (includereal) call dk1qqb_QQb_g(p,msq) call dk1qqb_QQb_gs(p,msqc) elseif (decay1q2a .eq. 2) then c------ radiation in the decay of the anti-top quark if (includereal) call dk2qqb_QQb_g(p,msq) call dk2qqb_QQb_gs(p,msqc) else write(6,*) 'Problem generating PS, decay1q2a=',decay1q2a stop endif elseif (case .eq. 'tt_udk') then if (decay1q2a .eq. 1) then c------ radiation in the decay of the top quark if (includereal) call dk1uqqb_QQb_g(p,msq) call dk1uqqb_QQb_gs(p,msqc) elseif (decay1q2a .eq. 2) then c------ radiation in the decay of the anti-top quark if (includereal) call dk2uqqb_QQb_g(p,msq) call dk2uqqb_QQb_gs(p,msqc) else write(6,*) 'Problem generating PS, decay1q2a=',decay1q2a stop endif elseif (case .eq. 'tthWdk') then if (decay1q2a .eq. 1) then c------ radiation in the decay of the top quark if (includereal) call dkW1qqb_QQb_g(p,msq) call dkW1qqb_QQb_gs(p,msqc) elseif (decay1q2a .eq. 2) then c------ radiation in the decay of the anti-top quark if (includereal) call dkW2qqb_QQb_g(p,msq) call dkW2qqb_QQb_gs(p,msqc) else write(6,*) 'Problem generating PS, decay1q2a=',decay1q2a stop endif elseif (case .eq. 'tt_bbu') then c call singcheck(qqb_QQbdku_g,qqb_QQbdku_gs,p) ! c pause if (includereal) call qqb_QQbdku_g(p,msq) call qqb_QQbdku_gs(p,msqc) elseif ((case .eq. 'tt_tot') .or. (case .eq. 'cc_tot') . .or. (case .eq. 'bb_tot')) then c call singcheck(qqb_QQb_g,qqb_QQb_gs,p) if (includereal) call qqb_QQb_g(p,msq) call qqb_QQb_gs(p,msqc) elseif (case .eq. 'bq_tpq') then c call singcheck(qqb_tbb_g,qqb_tbb_gs,p) if (includereal) call qqb_tbb_g(p,msq) call qqb_tbb_gs(p,msqc) elseif (case .eq. 't_bbar') then c call singcheck(qqb_tbb_g,qqb_tbb_gs,p) if (includereal) call qqb_tbbdk_g(p,msq) call qqb_tbbdk_gs(p,msqc) elseif (case .eq. 'ttdkay') then c call singcheck(qqb_tbb_g_new,qqb_tbb_gs,p) if (includereal) call bq_tpq_gdk(p,msq) call bq_tpq_gsdk(p,msqc) elseif (case .eq. 'tdecay') then c call singcheck(qqb_tbb_g_new,qqb_tbb_gs,p) if (includereal) call dkqqb_tbbdk_g(p,msq) call dkqqb_tbbdk_gs(p,msqc) elseif (case .eq. 'W_tndk') then c call singcheck(qqb_w_tndk_g,qqb_w_tndk_gs,p) ! Checked 12/3/04 if (includereal) call qqb_w_tndk_g(p,msq) call qqb_w_tndk_gs(p,msqc) elseif (case .eq. 'W_twdk') then c call singcheck(qqb_w_twdk_g,qqb_w_twdk_gs,p) ! Checked 2/4/05 if (includereal) call qqb_w_twdk_g(p,msq) call qqb_w_twdk_gs(p,msqc) elseif (case .eq. 'Wtdkay') then if (includereal) call dkqqb_w_twdk_g(p,msq) call dkqqb_w_twdk_gs(p,msqc) elseif ( (case .eq. 'qq_ttw')) then if (includereal) call qqb_ttw_g(p,msq) call qqb_ttw_gs(p,msqc) elseif ( (case .eq. 'ttwldk')) then if (decay1q2a .eq. 1) then c------ radiation in the decay of the top quark if (includereal) call dk1qqb_ttw_g(p,msq) call dk1qqb_ttw_gs(p,msqc) elseif (decay1q2a .eq. 2) then c------ radiation in the decay of the anti-top quark if (includereal) call dk2qqb_ttw_g(p,msq) call dk2qqb_ttw_gs(p,msqc) else write(6,*) 'Problem generating PS, decay1q2a=',decay1q2a stop endif elseif (case .eq. 'ggfus1') then c call singcheck(gg_hgg,gg_hg_gs,p) if (includereal) call gg_hgg(p,msq) call gg_hg_gs(p,msqc) elseif (case .eq. 'Hgagaj') then c call singcheck(gg_hgagagg,gg_hgagag_gs,p) if (includereal) call gg_hgagagg(p,msq) call gg_hgagag_gs(p,msqc) elseif (case .eq. 'HWWjet') then c call singcheck(gg_hWWgg,gg_hWWg_gs,p) if (includereal) call gg_hWWgg(p,msq) call gg_hWWg_gs(p,msqc) elseif (case .eq. 'HWW2jt') then c call singcheck(gg_hWWgg,gg_hWWg_gs,p) if (includereal) call gg_hWWggg(p,msq) call gg_hWWgg_gs(p,msqc) elseif (case .eq. 'HZZjet') then c call singcheck(gg_hZZgg,gg_hZZg_gs,p) if (includereal) call gg_hZZgg(p,msq) call gg_hZZg_gs(p,msqc) elseif (case .eq. 'HZZ2jt') then c call singcheck(gg_hZZgg,gg_hZZg_gs,p) if (includereal) call gg_hZZggg(p,msq) call gg_hZZgg_gs(p,msqc) c write(6,*) msq c pause elseif (case .eq. 'qq_Hqq') then c call singcheck(VV_Hqq_g,VV_Hqq_gs,p) if (includereal) call VV_Hqq_g(p,msq) call VV_Hqq_gs(p,msqc) elseif (case .eq. 'qq_Hgg') then c call singcheck(VV_Hgaga_g,VV_Hgaga_gs,p) if (includereal) call VV_Hgaga_g(p,msq) call VV_Hgaga_gs(p,msqc) elseif (case .eq. 'qq_HWW') then c call singcheck(VV_HWW_g,VV_HWW_gs,p) if (includereal) call VV_HWW_g(p,msq) call VV_HWW_gs(p,msqc) elseif (case .eq. 'qq_HZZ') then c call singcheck(VV_HZZ_g,VV_HZZ_gs,p) if (includereal) call VV_HZZ_g(p,msq) call VV_HZZ_gs(p,msqc) elseif (case .eq. 'ggfus2') then c call singcheck(gg_hggg,gg_hgg_gs,p) ! Checked 10/29/09 if (includereal) call gg_hggg(p,msq) call gg_hgg_gs(p,msqc) elseif (case .eq. 'gagajj') then c call singcheck(gg_hggg,gg_hgg_gs,p) if (includereal) call gg_hggg(p,msq) call gg_hgg_gs(p,msqc) elseif (case .eq. 'qg_tbq') then c call singcheck(qg_tbq_g,qg_tbq_gs,p) ! Checked 2/4/08 if (includereal) call qg_tbq_g(p,msq) call qg_tbq_gs(p,msqc) elseif (case .eq. '4ftwdk') then c call singcheck(qg_tbq_g,qg_tbq_gs,p) if (includereal) call qg_tbqdk_g(p,msq) call qg_tbqdk_gs(p,msqc) elseif (case .eq. 'dk_4ft') then c if (includereal) call dkqg_tbqdk_g_old(p,msq) if (includereal) call dkqg_tbqdk_g(p,msq) call dkqg_tbqdk_gs(p,msqc) elseif (case .eq. 'qq_tbg') then c call singcheck(qq_tbg_g,qq_tbg_gs,p) ! Checked 8/9/08 if (includereal) call qq_tbg_g(p,msq) call qq_tbg_gs(p,msqc) elseif (case .eq. 'epem3j') then c call singcheck(epem3j_g,epem3j_gs,p) ! Checked 17/11/08 if (includereal) call epem3j_g(p,msq) call epem3j_gs(p,msqc) elseif (case .eq. 'gQ__ZQ') then c call singcheck(gQ_zQ_g,gQ_zQ_gs,p) if (includereal) call gQ_zQ_g(p,msq) call gQ_zQ_gs(p,msqc) elseif (case .eq. 'Z_bjet') then c call singcheck(qqb_zbjet_g,qqb_zbjet_gs,p) ! Checked 07/18/05 if (includereal) call qqb_zbjet_g(p,msq) call qqb_zbjet_gs(p,msqc) elseif (case .eq. 'W_bjet') then c call singcheck(qqb_wbjet_g,qqb_wbjet_gs,p) ! Rechecked 14/3/08 if (includereal) call qqb_wbjet_g(p,msq) call qqb_wbjet_gs(p,msqc) elseif (case .eq. 'Wcsbar') then c call singcheck(qqb_w_g,qqb_w_gs,p) ! Checked 11/30/01 if (includereal) call qqb_w_g(p,msq) call qqb_w_gs(p,msqc) elseif (case .eq. 'Wcs_ms') then if (includereal) call qqb_w_cjet(p,msq) ndmax=0 elseif (case .eq. 'Z_tjet') then c if (includereal) call singcheck(qq_tchan_ztqg,qq_tchan_ztq_gs,p) if (includereal) call qq_tchan_ztqg(p,msq) call qq_tchan_ztq_gs(p,msqc) elseif (case .eq. 'Z_tdkj') then c if (includereal) call singcheck(qq_tchan_ztqg_dk, c & qq_tchan_ztq_dk_gs,p) if (includereal) call qq_tchan_ztqg_dk(p,msq) call qq_tchan_ztq_dk_gs(p,msqc) elseif (case .eq. 'H_tjet') then c if (includereal) call singcheck(qq_tchan_htqg,qq_tchan_htq_gs,p) if (includereal) call qq_tchan_htqg(p,msq) call qq_tchan_htq_gs(p,msqc) elseif (case .eq. 'H_tdkj') then if (includereal) call qq_tchan_htqg_dk(p,msq) call qq_tchan_htq_dk_gs(p,msqc) elseif (case .eq. 'tottth') then c if (includereal) call qqb_tottth_g(p,msq) c call qqb_tottth_gs(p,msqsc) c call singcheck(qqb_tottth_g,qqb_tottth_gs,p) c call compare_madgraph(p,qqb_tottth_g,qqb_tottth_g_mad) elseif (case .eq. 'dm_jet') then if(includereal) call qqb_dm_monojet_g(p,msq) call qqb_dm_monojet_gs(p,msqc) elseif (case.eq.'dm_gam') then ! if(includereal) call singcheck(qqb_dm_monophot_g ! & ,qqb_dm_monophot_gs,p) if(includereal) call qqb_dm_monophot_g(p,msq) call qqb_dm_monophot_gs(p,msqc) endif do nd=0,ndmax xmsq(nd)=0d0 cz msqtmp(nd)=0d0 bwgttmp(nd)=0d0 cz // do j=-1,1 do k=-1,1 xmsq_bypart(nd,j,k)=0d0 enddo enddo c--- APPLgrid - initialize array if (creategrid.and.bin) then do j=-nf,nf do k=-nf,nf weightr(nd,j,k) = 0d0 enddo enddo weightfactor = 1d0 endif c--- APPLgrid - end enddo currentPDF=0 flux=fbGeV2/(two*xx1*xx2*W) c--- for mlm study, divide by (Ecm)**2=W c if (runstring(1:3) .eq. 'mlm') then c flux=flux/W c endif c--- initialize a PDF set here, if calculating errors 777 continue do nd=0,ndmax xmsq(nd)=0d0 cz msqtmp(nd)=0d0 bwgttmp(nd)=0d0 cz // enddo if (PDFerrors) then call InitPDF(currentPDF) endif c--- calculate PDF's if (dynamicscale) then do nd=ndmax,0,-1 ! so that fx1,fx2 correct for real kinematics if (dipscale(nd) .lt. 1d-8) then c--- in case dipole is not used, set up dummy value of scale for safety c--- and set all PDF entries to zero dipscale(nd)=dipscale(0) do j=-nf,nf fx1(j)=0d0 fx2(j)=0d0 enddo else call fdist(ih1,xx1,dipscale(nd),fx1) call fdist(ih2,xx2,dipscale(nd),fx2) do j=-nf,nf dipfx1(nd,j)=fx1(j) dipfx2(nd,j)=fx2(j) enddo endif enddo if ((case .eq. 'qg_tbq') .or. (case .eq. '4ftwdk')) then do j=-nf,nf fx1_H(j)=fx1(j) fx1_L(j)=fx1(j) fx2_H(j)=fx2(j) fx2_L(j)=fx2(j) enddo endif else if ((case .eq. 'qg_tbq') .or. (case .eq. '4ftwdk')) then c--- for single top + b, make sure to use two different scales call fdist(ih1,xx1,facscale_H,fx1_H) call fdist(ih2,xx2,facscale_H,fx2_H) call fdist(ih1,xx1,facscale_L,fx1_L) call fdist(ih2,xx2,facscale_L,fx2_L) do j=-nf,nf if (j .eq. 0) then ! heavy quark line has gluon init. state fx1(j)=fx1_H(j) fx2(j)=fx2_H(j) else fx1(j)=fx1_L(j) fx2(j)=fx2_L(j) endif enddo else c--- for comparison with C. Oleari's e+e- --> QQbg calculation c if (runstring(1:5) .eq. 'carlo') then c flux=1d0/2d0/W/(as/twopi)**2 c--- divide out by (ason2pi) and then the "LO" massless DY process c flux=flux/(aveqq*xn*fourpi*(gwsq/fourpi)**2/3d0/sqrts**2) c flux=flux/(xn/8d0) c do j=-nf,nf c fx1(j)=0d0 c fx2(j)=0d0 c enddo c fx1(0)=1d0 c fx1(1)=1d0 c fx2(0)=1d0 c fx2(1)=1d0 c else c--- usual case call fdist(ih1,xx1,facscale,fx1) call fdist(ih2,xx2,facscale,fx2) c endif endif endif do j=-nflav,nflav do k=-nflav,nflav if (ggonly) then if (( .or. ( goto 20 endif if (gqonly) then if (((j.eq.0).and.(k.eq.0)) .or. (( goto 20 endif if (noglue) then if ((j.eq.0) .or. (k.eq.0)) goto 20 endif if (omitgg) then if ((j.eq.0) .and. (k.eq.0)) goto 20 endif if ((case .eq. 'Wcsbar').and.(j .ne. 4).and.(k .ne. 4)) goto 20 if (realonly) then xmsq(0)=xmsq(0)+fx1(j)*fx2(k)*msq(j,k) do nd=1,ndmax xmsq(nd)=0d0 enddo elseif (virtonly) then xmsq(0)=0d0 do nd=1,ndmax if (dynamicscale) then xmsq(nd)=xmsq(nd)+dipfx1(nd,j)*dipfx2(nd,k)*(-msqc(nd,j,k)) else xmsq(nd)=xmsq(nd)+fx1(j)*fx2(k)*(-msqc(nd,j,k)) endif enddo else if (j .gt. 0) then sgnj=+1 elseif (j .lt. 0) then sgnj=-1 else sgnj=0 endif if (k .gt. 0) then sgnk=+1 elseif (k .lt. 0) then sgnk=-1 else sgnk=0 endif c--- for single top + b, make sure to use two different scales if ((case .eq. 'qg_tbq') .or. (case .eq. '4ftwdk')) then xmsqjk=fx1_L(j)*fx2_H(k)*msqLH(j,k) . +fx1_H(j)*fx2_L(k)*msqHL(j,k) else c--- usual case xmsqjk=fx1(j)*fx2(k)*msq(j,k) endif xmsq(0)=xmsq(0)+xmsqjk cz cz Extract fraction with b in final state, store in common cz c nproc=161 then t-channel: t c isub = 1, nwz = 1 if (nproc.eq.161) then ! t msqtmp(0)=msqtmp(0)+xmsqjk if ((j.eq.0).and.(( & ( then bwgttmp(0)=bwgttmp(0)+xmsqjk endif if ((k.eq.0).and.(( & ( then bwgttmp(0)=bwgttmp(0)+xmsqjk endif endif c nproc=166 then t-channel: t~ if (nproc.eq.166) then ! t msqtmp(0)=msqtmp(0)+xmsqjk if ((j.eq.0).and.(( & ( then bwgttmp(0)=bwgttmp(0)+xmsqjk endif if ((k.eq.0).and.(( & ( then bwgttmp(0)=bwgttmp(0)+xmsqjk endif endif cz // end fill index 0 if (currentPDF .eq. 0) then xmsq_bypart(0,sgnj,sgnk)=xmsq_bypart(0,sgnj,sgnk)+xmsqjk c--- APPLgrid - save weight nd = 0 if (creategrid.and.bin) then weightr(0,j,k) = weightr(0,j,k) + msq(j,k) endif c--- APPLgrid - end endif do nd=1,ndmax if (dynamicscale) then xmsqjk=dipfx1(nd,j)*dipfx2(nd,k)*(-msqc(nd,j,k)) else xmsqjk=fx1(j)*fx2(k)*(-msqc(nd,j,k)) endif xmsq(nd)=xmsq(nd)+xmsqjk if (currentPDF .eq. 0) then xmsq_bypart(nd,sgnj,sgnk)=xmsq_bypart(nd,sgnj,sgnk)+xmsqjk c--- APPLgrid - save weight nd = 1,ndmax if (creategrid.and.bin) then weightr(nd,j,k) = weightr(nd,j,k) + (-msqc(nd,j,k)) endif c--- APPLgrid - end endif enddo endif 20 continue enddo enddo c--- loop over all PDF error sets, if necessary if (PDFerrors) then do nd=0,ndmax PDFxsec_nd(currentPDF,nd)=xmsq(nd) enddo currentPDF=currentPDF+1 if (currentPDF .le. maxPDFsets) goto 777 c--- reset xmsq to the central PDF values do nd=0,ndmax xmsq(nd)=PDFxsec_nd(0,nd) enddo endif realint=0d0 xint=0d0 cz bwgt=0d0 cz // valsum=0d0 ! running total of weights at this point c--- zero out temporary histograms if (bin) call zerorealhistos c---trial with weight of real alone c---first set up all dipole contributions c---this is the value of integral including subtractions do nd=0,ndmax xmsq(nd)=xmsq(nd)*flux*pswt/BrnRat c if (creatent) then wt_gg=xmsq_bypart(nd,0,0)*wgt*flux*pswt/BrnRat/dfloat(itmx) wt_gq=(xmsq_bypart(nd,+1,0)+xmsq_bypart(nd,-1,0) . +xmsq_bypart(nd,0,+1)+xmsq_bypart(nd,0,-1) . )*wgt*flux*pswt/BrnRat/dfloat(itmx) wt_qq=(xmsq_bypart(nd,+1,+1)+xmsq_bypart(nd,-1,-1) . )*wgt*flux*pswt/BrnRat/dfloat(itmx) wt_qqb=(xmsq_bypart(nd,+1,-1)+xmsq_bypart(nd,-1,+1) . )*wgt*flux*pswt/BrnRat/dfloat(itmx) c endif failed=.false. if (nd .eq. 0) then c---if there's no real contribution, record the event as failing to pass cuts if (xmsq(nd) .eq. 0d0) then failed=.true. goto 996 endif else c--- if this dipole has no contribution, go to end of loop if (xmsq(nd) .eq. 0d0) goto 997 c---check whether each counter-event passes the cuts do j=1,mxpart do k=1,4 q(j,k)=ptilde(nd,j,k) enddo enddo if (incldip(nd)) incldip(nd)=includedipole(nd,q) if (incldip(nd) .eqv. .false.) failed=.true. endif 996 if (failed) then if (nd .eq. 0) then ncutzero=ncutzero+1 ntotzero=ntotzero+1 endif call dotem(nvec,p,s) xmsq(nd)=0d0 goto 997 endif c---if it does, add to total ! xint=xint+xmsq(nd) c--- SSbegin ! xint=xint+xmsq(nd)*reweight c--- SSend do j=-1,1 do k=-1,1 lord_bypart(j,k)=lord_bypart(j,k)+ . wgt*flux*pswt*xmsq_bypart(nd,j,k)/BrnRat enddo enddo val=xmsq(nd)*wgt val2=val**2 valsum=valsum+val cz Fill bwgt if needed if(dabs(msqtmp(nd)).gt.0d0) bwgt=bwgttmp(nd)/msqtmp(nd) cz // c--- update PDF errors if (PDFerrors) then do currentPDF=0,maxPDFsets PDFwgt(currentPDF)= . flux*pswt*PDFxsec_nd(currentPDF,nd)/BrnRat*wgt/itmx PDFxsec(currentPDF)=PDFxsec(currentPDF) . +PDFwgt(currentPDF) enddo endif c---if we're binning, add to histo too if (bin) then c--- APPLgrid - writing out the common block if (creategrid) then if (dynamicscale) then currason2pi = alphas(dipscale(nd),amz,nlooprun)/twopi else currason2pi = ason2pi endif psCR = (1d0/currason2pi) if ( (case .eq. 'tt_tot') & .or. (case .eq. 'bb_tot') & .or. (case .eq. 'cc_tot') & .or. (case .eq. 'tt_bbl') & .or. (case .eq. 'tt_ldk') & .or. (case .eq. 'tt_bbu') & .or. (case .eq. 'tt_udk') & .or. (case .eq. 'tt_bbh') & .or. (case .eq. 'tt_hdk') & .or. (case .eq. 'tthWdk') & .or. (case .eq. 'qq_ttg') ) then psCR = (1d0/currason2pi)**3 elseif ( (case .eq. 'W_cjet') & .or. (case .eq. 'Z_1jet') & .or. (case .eq. 'W_1jet') ) then psCR = (1d0/currason2pi)**2 endif do j=-nflav,nflav do k=-nflav,nflav weightr(nd,j,k)=weightr(nd,j,k)*psCR enddo enddo contrib = 200 dipole = nd weightfactor = wgt*flux*pswt/BrnRat/dfloat(itmx) c weightfactor = weightfactor * eight*pisq/gsq ag_xx1 = xx1 ag_xx2 = xx2 if (dynamicscale) then ag_scale = dipscale(nd) else ag_scale = facscale endif refwt = val/dfloat(itmx) refwt2 = val2/dfloat(itmx) C print*,"*************************************************" C print*, "meWeightFactor = ", weightfactor," D = ",dipole, C * " me(0, 2,-1) = " , weightr(0, 2 ,-1) ," ", msq(2,-1), C * " me(0, -1,2) = " , weightr(0, -1 ,2) ," ", msq(-1,2), C * " me(1, 2,-1) = " , weightr(1, 2 ,-1) ," ", -msqc(1,2,-1), C * " me(1, -1,2) = " , weightr(1, -1 ,2) ," ", -msqc(1,-1,2) C print*, " x1 = ",xx1," x2 = ",xx2," sca = ",facscale C print *, "rewt = ", refwt C print*,"*************************************************" C flush(6) endif c--- APPLgrid - end call getptildejet(nd,pjet) call dotem(nvec,pjet,s) call nplotter(pjet,val,val2,nd) c--- POWHEG-style output if requested if (writepwg) then if (nd .eq. 0) then call pwhgplotter(p,pjet,val,nd) else do j=1,mxpart do k=1,4 q(j,k)=ptilde(nd,j,k) enddo enddo call pwhgplotter(q,pjet,val,nd) endif endif endif c---otherwise, skip contribution 997 continue enddo c 998 continue c--- add temporary histograms to cumulative totals if (bin) call addrealhistos(wgt) c--- update the maximum weight so far, if necessary if (dabs(valsum) .gt. wtmax) then wtmax=dabs(valsum) endif if (realwt) then realint=xmsq(0) else realint=xint endif xreal=xreal+xint*wgt/dfloat(itmx) xreal2=xreal2+(xint*wgt)**2/dfloat(itmx) c--- handle special case of Qflag and Gflag if (QandGflag) then QandGint=QandGint+realint if ((Gflag) .and. (.not.(Qflag))) then c--- go back for second pass (Qflag), calling includedipole first to reset c--- the values of "jets" and "jetlabel" includereal=includedipole(0,p) Qflag=.true. Gflag=.false. goto 44 else c--- return both to .true. and assign value to realint (to return to VEGAS) Qflag=.true. Gflag=.true. realint=QandGint endif endif return 999 realint=0d0 ntotzero=ntotzero+1 c--- safety catch if (QandGflag) then Qflag=.true. Gflag=.true. endif return end