double precision function fragint(r,wgt) implicit none include 'constants.f' include 'debug.f' include 'vegas_common.f' include 'frag.f' include 'npart.f' include 'scale.f' include 'facscale.f' include 'dynamicscale.f' include 'sprods_com.f' include 'process.f' include 'efficiency.f' include 'noglue.f' include 'maxwt.f' include 'PDFerrors.f' include 'wts_bypart.f' include 'nflav.f' include 'ipsgen.f' include 'dm_params.f' include 'outputflags.f' include 'lastphot.f' integer ih1,ih2,j,k,sgnj,sgnk,nvec,pflav,pbarflav double precision r(mxdim),wgt,pswt,rscalestart,fscalestart, & p(mxpart,4),xx(2),flux,sqrts,xmsq_bypart(-1:1,-1:1), & lord_bypart(-1:1,-1:1),BrnRat,pjet(mxpart,4),val,val2, & xmsq,xmsqjk,W,msq(-nf:nf,-nf:nf),fx1(-nf:nf),fx2(-nf:nf), & ran2,msqdips(-nf:nf,-nf:nf),p_phys(mxpart,4) double precision m3,m4,m5 logical bin,first,includedipole,vetow_2gam external qqb_w_g,qqb_z1jet,qqb_dirgam,qqb_2j_t,qqb_2j_s, & qqb_z2jetx,qqb_zaj,qqb_dm_monojet,qqb_gmgmjt,qqb_dirgam_g common/density/ih1,ih2 common/energy/sqrts common/bin/bin common/x1x2/xx common/BrnRat/BrnRat common/bypart/lord_bypart data first/.true./ save first,rscalestart,fscalestart if (first) then first=.false. rscalestart=scale fscalestart=facscale endif ntotshot=ntotshot+1 fragint=0d0 W=sqrts**2 c----------------------------- GENERATE PHASE SPACE --------------------------- c--- need to do something special for W_2gam and Z_2gam due to ipsgen if ((case .eq. 'W_2gam') .or. (case .eq. 'Z_2gam')) then npart=4 if (ipsgen .eq. 1) then call gen_Vphotons_jets(r,2,0,p,pswt,*999) elseif (((ipsgen .eq. 2) .and. (case .eq. 'Z_2gam')) .or. & ((ipsgen .eq. 3) .and. (case .eq. 'W_2gam'))) then call gen_Vphotons_jets_dkrad(r,2,0,p,pswt,*999) else write(6,*) 'Parameter ipsgen not allowed' write(6,*) 'ipsgen = ',ipsgen stop endif if (case .eq. 'W_2gam') then if (vetow_2gam(p)) goto 999 ! partition PS according to ipsgen endif else c--- otherwise, use same PS generation as at LO call gen_lops(r,p,pswt,*999) endif z_frag=r(ndim) frag=.true. c--------------------------------- PHASE SPACE CUTS --------------------------- nvec=npart+2 call dotem(nvec,p,s) c----reject event if any s(i,j) is too small call smalls(s,npart,*999) c--- the generated phase space point is the one that should be used c--- in the calculation of the matrix elements; c--- the physical momenta (p_phys) correspond to rescaling one of the photons c--- "lastphot" by z_frag; this array should be used for cuts, plotting, etc. p_phys(:,:)=p(:,:) p_phys(lastphot,:)=z_frag*p(lastphot,:) c--- see whether this point will pass cuts - if it will not, do not c--- bother calculating the matrix elements for it, instead bail out if (includedipole(0,p_phys) .eqv. .false.) then goto 999 endif c--- cut on z_frag if((z_frag .lt. 0.0001d0) .or. (z_frag .gt. 1d0)) goto 999 if (dynamicscale) then call scaleset(rscalestart,fscalestart,p_phys) endif xx(1)=-2d0*p(1,4)/sqrts xx(2)=-2d0*p(2,4)/sqrts if (debug) write(*,*) 'Reconstructed x1,x2 ',xx(1),xx(2) c-------------------------- CALCULATE MATRIX ELEMENTS --------------------------- c-------------------------------------------------------- c------------ NEED TO PASS P, P_PHYS TO ALL FRAGDIPS ROUTINES NOW c--------------------------------------------------------- c----------------------------------------------------------- if (case .eq. 'Wgamma') then call qqb_wgam_frag(p,msq) call qqb_wgam_fragdips(p,p_phys,qqb_w_g,msqdips) elseif (case .eq. 'Zgamma') then call qqb_zgam_frag(p,msq) call qqb_zgam_fragdips(p,p_phys,qqb_z1jet,msqdips) elseif (case .eq. 'dirgam') then ! call qqb_dirgam_frag(p,msq) ! call qqb_dirgam_fragdips(p,qqb_2j_t,qqb_2j_s,msqdips) msqdips(:,:)=0d0 !======== new format call qqb_dirgam_frag_combo(p,p_phys,msq) elseif (case .eq. 'gamgam') then call qqb_gamgam_frag(p,msq) call qqb_gamgam_fragdips(p,p_phys,qqb_dirgam,msqdips) elseif (case .eq. 'trigam') then call qqb_trigam_frag(p,msq) call qqb_trigam_fragdips(p,p_phys,qqb_gmgmjt,msqdips) elseif (case .eq. 'gmgmjt') then msqdips(:,:)=0d0 !====== new format call qqb_gmgmjt_frag_combo(p,p_phys,msq) ! call qqb_gmgmjt_fragdips(p,p_phys,msq,qqb_dirgam_g) elseif(case.eq.'Z_2gam') then call qqb_zaa_frag(p,msq) call qqb_zaa_fragdips(p,p_phys,qqb_zaj,msqdips) elseif(case.eq.'Zgajet') then call qqb_zaj_frag(p,msq) call qqb_zaj_fragdips(p,p_phys,qqb_z2jetx,msqdips) elseif(case.eq.'dm_gam') then call qqb_dm_monophot_frag(p,msq) call qqb_dm_monophot_fragdips(p,p_phys,qqb_dm_monojet,msqdips) elseif(case.eq.'W_2gam') then stop c call qqb_waa_frag_combo(p,p_phys,msq) msqdips(:,:)=0d0 else write(6,*) 'Fragmentation MEs not available for this process.' write(6,*) 'case = ',case stop endif do j=-1,1 do k=-1,1 xmsq_bypart(j,k)=0d0 enddo enddo c--------------------------------------- INCLUDE PDF --------------------------- currentPDF=0 c--- do not calculate the flux if we're only checking the volume flux=fbGeV2/(2d0*xx(1)*xx(2)*W) c--- initialize a PDF set here, if calculating errors 777 continue xmsq=0d0 if (PDFerrors) then call InitPDF(currentPDF) endif c--- calculate PDF's call fdist(ih1,xx(1),facscale,fx1) call fdist(ih2,xx(2),facscale,fx2) do j=-nflav,nflav do k=-nflav,nflav if (ggonly) then if (( .or. ( goto 20 endif if (gqonly) then if (((j.eq.0).and.(k.eq.0)) .or. (( goto 20 endif if (noglue) then if ((j.eq.0) .or. (k.eq.0)) goto 20 endif if (omitgg) then if ((j.eq.0) .and. (k.eq.0)) goto 20 endif c--- sum of fragmentation contribution and integrated fragmentation dipoles xmsqjk=fx1(j)*fx2(k)*(msq(j,k)+msqdips(j,k)) xmsq=xmsq+xmsqjk if (j .gt. 0) then sgnj=+1 elseif (j .lt. 0) then sgnj=-1 else sgnj=0 endif if (k .gt. 0) then sgnk=+1 elseif (k .lt. 0) then sgnk=-1 else sgnk=0 endif if (currentPDF .eq. 0) then xmsq_bypart(sgnj,sgnk)=xmsq_bypart(sgnj,sgnk)+xmsqjk endif 20 continue enddo enddo if (currentPDF .eq. 0) then fragint=flux*pswt*xmsq/BrnRat endif c--- loop over all PDF error sets, if necessary if (PDFerrors) then PDFwgt(currentPDF)=flux*pswt*xmsq/BrnRat*wgt/itmx PDFxsec(currentPDF)=PDFxsec(currentPDF) . +PDFwgt(currentPDF) currentPDF=currentPDF+1 if (currentPDF .le. maxPDFsets) goto 777 endif c if (creatent) then wt_gg=xmsq_bypart(0,0)*wgt*flux*pswt/BrnRat/dfloat(itmx) wt_gq=(xmsq_bypart(+1,0)+xmsq_bypart(-1,0) . +xmsq_bypart(0,+1)+xmsq_bypart(0,-1) . )*wgt*flux*pswt/BrnRat/dfloat(itmx) wt_qq=(xmsq_bypart(+1,+1)+xmsq_bypart(-1,-1) . )*wgt*flux*pswt/BrnRat/dfloat(itmx) wt_qqb=(xmsq_bypart(+1,-1)+xmsq_bypart(-1,+1) . )*wgt*flux*pswt/BrnRat/dfloat(itmx) c endif call getptildejet(0,pjet) call dotem(nvec,pjet,s) do j=-1,1 do k=-1,1 lord_bypart(j,k)=lord_bypart(j,k)+ . wgt*flux*pswt*xmsq_bypart(j,k)/BrnRat enddo enddo val=fragint*wgt val2=val**2 c--- update the maximum weight so far, if necessary c--- but not if we are already unweighting ... if ((.not.unweight) .and. (dabs(val) .gt. wtmax)) then wtmax=dabs(val) endif if (bin) then c --- DSW. If the user has not selected to generate c --- events, still call nplotter here in order to c --- fill histograms/ntuples with weighted events : if (.not.evtgen) then call nplotter(pjet,val,val2,0) endif endif c --- Check weights : if (unweight) then c write(6,*) 'Test weight ',val,' against max ',wtmax wtabs = dabs(val) if (ran2() .lt. (wtabs/wtmax)) then c write(6,*) 'Keep event with weight',val if ( then newwt = 1d0 else newwt = wtabs/wtmax endif if (newwt .gt. 1.0d0) then write(6,*) 'WARNING : fragint : event with |weight| > 1.', + ' |weight| = ',newwt endif c --- just in case the weight was negative : newwt = newwt*dsign(1d0,val) call nplotter(pjet,newwt,newwt,0) c --- DSW. If I'm storing the event, I need to make a decision c --- about the flavours : call decide_flavour(pflav,pbarflav) call storeevent(pjet,newwt,pflav,pbarflav) endif endif return 999 continue return end