C---------------------------------------------------------------------- C-- Fortran interpolation code for MSTW PDFs, building on existing C-- MRST Fortran code and Jeppe Andersen's C++ code. C-- Three user interfaces: C-- call GetAllPDFs(prefix,ih,x,q,upv,dnv,usea,dsea, C-- str,sbar,chm,cbar,bot,bbar,glu,phot) C-- call GetAllPDFsAlt(prefix,ih,x,q,xpdf,xphoton) C-- xf = GetOnePDF(prefix,ih,x,q,f) C-- See enclosed example.f for usage. C-- Comments to Graeme Watt . C---------------------------------------------------------------------- C---------------------------------------------------------------------- C-- Traditional MRST-like interface: return all flavours. C-- (Note the additional "sbar", "cbar", "bbar" and "phot" C-- compared to previous MRST releases.) subroutine GetAllPDFs(prefix,ih,x,q, & upv,dnv,usea,dsea,str,sbar,chm,cbar,bot,bbar,glu,phot) implicit none integer ih double precision x,q,upv,dnv,usea,dsea,str,sbar,chm,cbar, & bot,bbar,glu,phot,GetOnePDF,up,dn,sv,cv,bv character*(*) prefix C-- Quarks. dn = GetOnePDF(prefix,ih,x,q,1) up = GetOnePDF(prefix,ih,x,q,2) str = GetOnePDF(prefix,ih,x,q,3) chm = GetOnePDF(prefix,ih,x,q,4) bot = GetOnePDF(prefix,ih,x,q,5) C-- Valence quarks. dnv = GetOnePDF(prefix,ih,x,q,7) upv = GetOnePDF(prefix,ih,x,q,8) sv = GetOnePDF(prefix,ih,x,q,9) cv = GetOnePDF(prefix,ih,x,q,10) bv = GetOnePDF(prefix,ih,x,q,11) C-- Antiquarks = quarks - valence quarks. dsea = dn - dnv usea = up - upv sbar = str - sv cbar = chm - cv bbar = bot - bv C-- Gluon. glu = GetOnePDF(prefix,ih,x,q,0) C-- Photon (= zero unless considering QED contributions). phot = GetOnePDF(prefix,ih,x,q,13) return end C---------------------------------------------------------------------- C-- Alternative LHAPDF-like interface: return PDFs in an array. subroutine GetAllPDFsAlt(prefix,ih,x,q,xpdf,xphoton) implicit none integer ih,f double precision x,q,xpdf(-6:6),xphoton,xvalence,GetOnePDF character*(*) prefix do f = 1, 6 xpdf(f) = GetOnePDF(prefix,ih,x,q,f) ! quarks xvalence = GetOnePDF(prefix,ih,x,q,f+6) ! valence quarks xpdf(-f) = xpdf(f) - xvalence ! antiquarks end do xpdf(0) = GetOnePDF(prefix,ih,x,q,0) ! gluon xphoton = GetOnePDF(prefix,ih,x,q,13) ! photon return end C---------------------------------------------------------------------- C-- Get only one parton flavour 'f', using PDG notation: C-- f = -6, -5, -4, -3, -2, -1,0,1,2,3,4,5,6 C-- = tbar,bbar,cbar,sbar,ubar,dbar,g,d,u,s,c,b,t. C-- Can also get valence quarks directly: C-- f = 7, 8, 9,10,11,12. C-- = dv,uv,sv,cv,bv,tv. C-- Photon: f = 13. double precision function GetOnePDF(prefix,ih,x,q,f) implicit none logical warn,fatal parameter(warn=.false.,fatal=.true.) C-- Set warn=.true. to turn on warnings when extrapolating. C-- Set fatal=.false. to return zero instead of terminating when C-- invalid input values of x and q are used. integer ih,f,nhess,nx,nq,np,nqc0,nqb0,nqc,nqb,n,m,ip,io, & alphaSorder,nExtraFlavours double precision x,q,xmin,xmax,qsqmin,qsqmax,mc2,mb2,eps, & dummy,qsq,xlog,qsqlog,res,res1,anom,ExtrapolatePDF, & InterpolatePDF,distance,tolerance, & mCharm,mBottom,alphaSQ0,alphaSMZ parameter(nx=64,nq=48,np=12,nqc0=4,nqb0=14, & nqc=nq-nqc0,nqb=nq-nqb0) parameter(xmin=1d-6,xmax=1d0,qsqmin=1d0,qsqmax=1d9,eps=1d-6) parameter(nhess=2*20) character set*2,prefix*(*),filename*60,oldprefix(0:nhess)*50 character dummyChar,dummyWord*50 double precision ff(np,nx,nq) double precision qq(nq),xx(nx),cc(np,0:nhess,nx,nq,4,4) double precision xxl(nx),qql(nq) C-- Store distance along each eigenvector, tolerance, C-- heavy quark masses and alphaS parameters in COMMON block. common/mstwCommon/distance,tolerance, & mCharm,mBottom,alphaSQ0,alphaSMZ,alphaSorder save data xx/1d-6,2d-6,4d-6,6d-6,8d-6, & 1d-5,2d-5,4d-5,6d-5,8d-5, & 1d-4,2d-4,4d-4,6d-4,8d-4, & 1d-3,2d-3,4d-3,6d-3,8d-3, & 1d-2,1.4d-2,2d-2,3d-2,4d-2,6d-2,8d-2, & .1d0,.125d0,.15d0,.175d0,.2d0,.225d0,.25d0,.275d0, & .3d0,.325d0,.35d0,.375d0,.4d0,.425d0,.45d0,.475d0, & .5d0,.525d0,.55d0,.575d0,.6d0,.625d0,.65d0,.675d0, & .7d0,.725d0,.75d0,.775d0,.8d0,.825d0,.85d0,.875d0, & .9d0,.925d0,.95d0,.975d0,1d0/ data qq/1.d0, & 1.25d0,1.5d0,0.d0,0.d0,2.5d0,3.2d0,4d0,5d0,6.4d0,8d0, & 1d1,1.2d1,0.d0,0.d0,2.6d1,4d1,6.4d1,1d2, & 1.6d2,2.4d2,4d2,6.4d2,1d3,1.8d3,3.2d3,5.6d3,1d4, & 1.8d4,3.2d4,5.6d4,1d5,1.8d5,3.2d5,5.6d5,1d6, & 1.8d6,3.2d6,5.6d6,1d7,1.8d7,3.2d7,5.6d7,1d8, & 1.8d8,3.2d8,5.6d8,1d9/ if (f.lt.-6.or.f.gt.13) then print *,"Error: invalid parton flavour = ",f stop end if if (ih.lt.0.or.ih.gt.nhess) then print *,"Error: invalid eigenvector number = ",ih stop end if C-- Check if the requested parton set is already in memory. if (oldprefix(ih).ne.prefix) then C-- Start of initialisation for eigenvector set "i" ... C-- Do this only the first time the set "i" is called, C-- OR if the prefix has changed from the last time. C-- Check that the character arrays "oldprefix" and "filename" C-- are large enough. if (len_trim(prefix).gt.len(oldprefix(ih))) then print *,"Error in GetOnePDF: increase size of oldprefix" stop else if (len_trim(prefix)+7.gt.len(filename)) then print *,"Error in GetOnePDF: increase size of filename" stop end if write(set,'(I2.2)') ih ! convert integer to string C-- Remove trailing blanks from prefix before assigning filename. filename = prefix(1:len_trim(prefix))//'.'//set//'.dat' C-- Line below can be commented out if you don't want this message. print *,"Reading PDF grid from ",filename(1:len_trim(filename)) open(unit=33,file=filename,iostat=io,status='old') if (io.ne.0) then print *,"Error in GetOnePDF: can't open ", & filename(1:len_trim(filename)) stop end if C-- Read header containing heavy quark masses and alphaS values. read(33,*) read(33,*) read(33,*) dummyChar,dummyWord,dummyWord,dummyChar, & distance,tolerance read(33,*) dummyChar,dummyWord,dummyChar,mCharm read(33,*) dummyChar,dummyWord,dummyChar,mBottom read(33,*) dummyChar,dummyWord,dummyChar,alphaSQ0 read(33,*) dummyChar,dummyWord,dummyChar,alphaSMZ read(33,*) dummyChar,dummyWord,dummyChar,alphaSorder read(33,*) dummyChar,dummyWord,dummyChar,nExtraFlavours read(33,*) read(33,*) mc2=mCharm**2 mb2=mBottom**2 qq(4)=mc2 qq(5)=mc2+eps qq(14)=mb2 qq(15)=mb2+eps C-- Check that the heavy quark masses are sensible. if (mc2.lt.qq(3).or.mc2.gt.qq(6)) then print *,"Error in GetOnePDF: invalid mCharm = ",mCharm stop end if if (mb2.lt.qq(13).or.mb2.gt.qq(16)) then print *,"Error in GetOnePDF: invalid mBottom = ",mBottom stop end if C-- The nExtraFlavours variable is provided to aid compatibility C-- with future grids where, for example, a photon distribution C-- might be provided (cf. the MRST2004QED PDFs). if (nExtraFlavours.lt.0.or.nExtraFlavours.gt.1) then print *,"Error in GetOnePDF: invalid nExtraFlavours = ", & nExtraFlavours stop end if C-- Now read in the grids from the grid file. do n=1,nx-1 do m=1,nq if (nExtraFlavours.gt.0) then if (alphaSorder.eq.2) then ! NNLO read(33,'(12(1pe12.4))',iostat=io) & (ff(ip,n,m),ip=1,12) else ! LO or NLO ff(10,n,m) = 0.d0 ! = chm-cbar ff(11,n,m) = 0.d0 ! = bot-bbar read(33,'(10(1pe12.4))',iostat=io) & (ff(ip,n,m),ip=1,9),ff(12,n,m) end if else ! nExtraFlavours = 0 if (alphaSorder.eq.2) then ! NNLO ff(12,n,m) = 0.d0 ! = photon read(33,'(11(1pe12.4))',iostat=io) & (ff(ip,n,m),ip=1,11) else ! LO or NLO ff(10,n,m) = 0.d0 ! = chm-cbar ff(11,n,m) = 0.d0 ! = bot-bbar ff(12,n,m) = 0.d0 ! = photon read(33,'(9(1pe12.4))',iostat=io) & (ff(ip,n,m),ip=1,9) end if end if if (io.ne.0) then print *,"Error in GetOnePDF reading ",filename stop end if enddo enddo C-- Check that ALL the file contents have been read in. read(33,*,iostat=io) dummy if (io.eq.0) then print *,"Error in GetOnePDF: not at end of ",filename stop end if close(unit=33) C-- PDFs are identically zero at x = 1. do m=1,nq do ip=1,np ff(ip,nx,m)=0d0 enddo enddo do n=1,nx xxl(n)=log10(xx(n)) enddo do m=1,nq qql(m)=log10(qq(m)) enddo C-- Initialise all parton flavours. do ip=1,np call InitialisePDF(ip,np,ih,nhess,nx,nq,nqc0,nqb0, & xxl,qql,ff,cc) enddo oldprefix(ih) = prefix C-- ... End of initialisation for eigenvector set "ih". end if ! oldprefix(ih).ne.prefix C---------------------------------------------------------------------- qsq=q*q C-- If mc2 < qsq < mc2+eps, then qsq = mc2+eps. if (qsq.gt.qq(nqc0).and.qsq.lt.qq(nqc0+1)) qsq = qq(nqc0+1) C-- If mb2 < qsq < mb2+eps, then qsq = mb2+eps. if (qsq.gt.qq(nqb0).and.qsq.lt.qq(nqb0+1)) qsq = qq(nqb0+1) xlog=log10(x) qsqlog=log10(qsq) res = 0.d0 if (f.eq.0) then ! gluon ip = 1 else if (f.ge.1.and.f.le.5) then ! quarks ip = f+1 else if (f.le.-1.and.f.ge.-5) then ! antiquarks ip = -f+1 else if (f.ge.7.and.f.le.11) then ! valence quarks ip = f else if (f.eq.13) then ! photon ip = 12 else if (abs(f).ne.6.and.f.ne.12) then if (warn.or.fatal) print *,"Error in GetOnePDF: f = ",f if (fatal) stop end if if (x.le.0.d0.or.x.gt.xmax.or.q.le.0.d0) then if (warn.or.fatal) print *,"Error in GetOnePDF: x,qsq = ", & x,qsq if (fatal) stop else if (abs(f).eq.6.or.f.eq.12) then ! set top quarks to zero res = 0.d0 else if (qsq.lt.qsqmin) then ! extrapolate to low Q^2 if (warn) then print *, "Warning in GetOnePDF, extrapolating: f = ",f, & ", x = ",x,", q = ",q end if if (x.lt.xmin) then ! extrapolate to low x res = ExtrapolatePDF(ip,np,ih,nhess,xlog, & log10(qsqmin),nx,nq,xxl,qql,cc) res1 = ExtrapolatePDF(ip,np,ih,nhess,xlog, & log10(1.01D0*qsqmin),nx,nq,xxl,qql,cc) if (f.le.-1.and.f.ge.-5) then ! antiquark = quark - valence res = res - ExtrapolatePDF(ip+5,np,ih,nhess,xlog, & log10(qsqmin),nx,nq,xxl,qql,cc) res1 = res1 - ExtrapolatePDF(ip+5,np,ih,nhess,xlog, & log10(1.01D0*qsqmin),nx,nq,xxl,qql,cc) end if else ! do usual interpolation res = InterpolatePDF(ip,np,ih,nhess,xlog, & log10(qsqmin),nx,nq,xxl,qql,cc) res1 = InterpolatePDF(ip,np,ih,nhess,xlog, & log10(1.01D0*qsqmin),nx,nq,xxl,qql,cc) if (f.le.-1.and.f.ge.-5) then ! antiquark = quark - valence res = res - InterpolatePDF(ip+5,np,ih,nhess,xlog, & log10(qsqmin),nx,nq,xxl,qql,cc) res1 = res1 - InterpolatePDF(ip+5,np,ih,nhess,xlog, & log10(1.01D0*qsqmin),nx,nq,xxl,qql,cc) end if end if C-- Calculate the anomalous dimension, dlog(xf)/dlog(qsq), C-- evaluated at qsqmin. Then extrapolate the PDFs to low C-- qsq < qsqmin by interpolating the anomalous dimenion between C-- the value at qsqmin and a value of 1 for qsq << qsqmin. C-- If value of PDF at qsqmin is very small, just set C-- anomalous dimension to 1 to prevent rounding errors. if (abs(res).ge.1.D-5) then anom = (res1-res)/res/0.01D0 else anom = 1.D0 end if res = res*(qsq/qsqmin)**(anom*qsq/qsqmin+1.D0-qsq/qsqmin) else if (x.lt.xmin.or.qsq.gt.qsqmax) then ! extrapolate if (warn) then print *, "Warning in GetOnePDF, extrapolating: f = ",f, & ", x = ",x,", q = ",q end if res = ExtrapolatePDF(ip,np,ih,nhess,xlog, & qsqlog,nx,nq,xxl,qql,cc) if (f.le.-1.and.f.ge.-5) then ! antiquark = quark - valence res = res - ExtrapolatePDF(ip+5,np,ih,nhess,xlog, & qsqlog,nx,nq,xxl,qql,cc) end if else ! do usual interpolation res = InterpolatePDF(ip,np,ih,nhess,xlog, & qsqlog,nx,nq,xxl,qql,cc) if (f.le.-1.and.f.ge.-5) then ! antiquark = quark - valence res = res - InterpolatePDF(ip+5,np,ih,nhess,xlog, & qsqlog,nx,nq,xxl,qql,cc) end if end if GetOnePDF = res return end C---------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine InitialisePDF(ip,np,ih,nhess,nx,my,myc0,myb0, & xx,yy,ff,cc) implicit none integer nhess,ih,nx,my,myc0,myb0,j,k,l,m,n,ip,np double precision xx(nx),yy(my),ff(np,nx,my), & ff1(nx,my),ff2(nx,my),ff12(nx,my),ff21(nx,my), & yy0(4),yy1(4),yy2(4),yy12(4),z(16), & cl(16),cc(np,0:nhess,nx,my,4,4),iwt(16,16), & polderiv1,polderiv2,polderiv3,d1,d2,d1d2,xxd data iwt/1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, & 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, & -3,0,0,3,0,0,0,0,-2,0,0,-1,0,0,0,0, & 2,0,0,-2,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0, & 0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, & 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0, & 0,0,0,0,-3,0,0,3,0,0,0,0,-2,0,0,-1, & 0,0,0,0,2,0,0,-2,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,1, & -3,3,0,0,-2,-1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, & 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,-3,3,0,0,-2,-1,0,0, & 9,-9,9,-9,6,3,-3,-6,6,-6,-3,3,4,2,1,2, & -6,6,-6,6,-4,-2,2,4,-3,3,3,-3,-2,-1,-1,-2, & 2,-2,0,0,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, & 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,2,-2,0,0,1,1,0,0, & -6,6,-6,6,-3,-3,3,3,-4,4,2,-2,-2,-2,-1,-1, & 4,-4,4,-4,2,2,-2,-2,2,-2,-2,2,1,1,1,1/ do m=1,my ff1(1,m)=polderiv1(xx(1),xx(2),xx(3), & ff(ip,1,m),ff(ip,2,m),ff(ip,3,m)) ff1(nx,m)=polderiv3(xx(nx-2),xx(nx-1),xx(nx), & ff(ip,nx-2,m),ff(ip,nx-1,m),ff(ip,nx,m)) do n=2,nx-1 ff1(n,m)=polderiv2(xx(n-1),xx(n),xx(n+1), & ff(ip,n-1,m),ff(ip,n,m),ff(ip,n+1,m)) enddo enddo C-- Calculate the derivatives at qsq=mc2,mc2+eps,mb2,mb2+eps C-- in a similar way as at the endpoints qsqmin and qsqmax. do n=1,nx do m=1,my if (m.eq.1.or.m.eq.myc0+1.or.m.eq.myb0+1) then ff2(n,m)=polderiv1(yy(m),yy(m+1),yy(m+2), & ff(ip,n,m),ff(ip,n,m+1),ff(ip,n,m+2)) else if (m.eq.my.or.m.eq.myc0.or.m.eq.myb0) then ff2(n,m)=polderiv3(yy(m-2),yy(m-1),yy(m), & ff(ip,n,m-2),ff(ip,n,m-1),ff(ip,n,m)) else ff2(n,m)=polderiv2(yy(m-1),yy(m),yy(m+1), & ff(ip,n,m-1),ff(ip,n,m),ff(ip,n,m+1)) end if end do end do C-- Calculate the cross derivatives (d/dx)(d/dy). do m=1,my ff12(1,m)=polderiv1(xx(1),xx(2),xx(3), & ff2(1,m),ff2(2,m),ff2(3,m)) ff12(nx,m)=polderiv3(xx(nx-2),xx(nx-1),xx(nx), & ff2(nx-2,m),ff2(nx-1,m),ff2(nx,m)) do n=2,nx-1 ff12(n,m)=polderiv2(xx(n-1),xx(n),xx(n+1), & ff2(n-1,m),ff2(n,m),ff2(n+1,m)) enddo enddo C-- Calculate the cross derivatives (d/dy)(d/dx). do n=1,nx do m = 1, my if (m.eq.1.or.m.eq.myc0+1.or.m.eq.myb0+1) then ff21(n,m)=polderiv1(yy(m),yy(m+1),yy(m+2), & ff1(n,m),ff1(n,m+1),ff1(n,m+2)) else if (m.eq.my.or.m.eq.myc0.or.m.eq.myb0) then ff21(n,m)=polderiv3(yy(m-2),yy(m-1),yy(m), & ff1(n,m-2),ff1(n,m-1),ff1(n,m)) else ff21(n,m)=polderiv2(yy(m-1),yy(m),yy(m+1), & ff1(n,m-1),ff1(n,m),ff1(n,m+1)) end if end do end do C-- Take the average of (d/dx)(d/dy) and (d/dy)(d/dx). do n=1,nx do m = 1, my ff12(n,m)=0.5*(ff12(n,m)+ff21(n,m)) end do end do do n=1,nx-1 do m=1,my-1 d1=xx(n+1)-xx(n) d2=yy(m+1)-yy(m) d1d2=d1*d2 yy0(1)=ff(ip,n,m) yy0(2)=ff(ip,n+1,m) yy0(3)=ff(ip,n+1,m+1) yy0(4)=ff(ip,n,m+1) yy1(1)=ff1(n,m) yy1(2)=ff1(n+1,m) yy1(3)=ff1(n+1,m+1) yy1(4)=ff1(n,m+1) yy2(1)=ff2(n,m) yy2(2)=ff2(n+1,m) yy2(3)=ff2(n+1,m+1) yy2(4)=ff2(n,m+1) yy12(1)=ff12(n,m) yy12(2)=ff12(n+1,m) yy12(3)=ff12(n+1,m+1) yy12(4)=ff12(n,m+1) do k=1,4 z(k)=yy0(k) z(k+4)=yy1(k)*d1 z(k+8)=yy2(k)*d2 z(k+12)=yy12(k)*d1d2 enddo do l=1,16 xxd=0.d0 do k=1,16 xxd=xxd+iwt(k,l)*z(k) enddo cl(l)=xxd enddo l=0 do k=1,4 do j=1,4 l=l+1 cc(ip,ih,n,m,k,j)=cl(l) enddo enddo enddo enddo return end C---------------------------------------------------------------------- double precision function InterpolatePDF(ip,np,ih,nhess,x,y, & nx,my,xx,yy,cc) implicit none integer ih,nx,my,nhess,locx_mstw,l,m,n,ip,np double precision xx(nx),yy(my),cc(np,0:nhess,nx,my,4,4), & x,y,z,t,u n=locx_mstw(xx,nx,x) m=locx_mstw(yy,my,y) t=(x-xx(n))/(xx(n+1)-xx(n)) u=(y-yy(m))/(yy(m+1)-yy(m)) z=0.d0 do l=4,1,-1 z=t*z+((cc(ip,ih,n,m,l,4)*u+cc(ip,ih,n,m,l,3))*u . +cc(ip,ih,n,m,l,2))*u+cc(ip,ih,n,m,l,1) enddo InterpolatePDF = z return end C---------------------------------------------------------------------- double precision function ExtrapolatePDF(ip,np,ih,nhess,x,y, & nx,my,xx,yy,cc) implicit none integer ih,nx,my,nhess,locx_mstw,n,m,ip,np double precision xx(nx),yy(my),cc(np,0:nhess,nx,my,4,4), & x,y,z,f0,f1,z0,z1,InterpolatePDF n=locx_mstw(xx,nx,x) ! 0: below xmin, nx: above xmax m=locx_mstw(yy,my,y) ! 0: below qsqmin, my: above qsqmax C-- If extrapolation in small x only: if (n.eq.0.and.m.gt.0.and.m.lt.my) then f0 = InterpolatePDF(ip,np,ih,nhess,xx(1),y,nx,my,xx,yy,cc) f1 = InterpolatePDF(ip,np,ih,nhess,xx(2),y,nx,my,xx,yy,cc) if (f0.gt.0.d0.and.f1.gt.0.d0) then z = exp(log(f0)+(log(f1)-log(f0))/(xx(2)-xx(1))*(x-xx(1))) else z = f0+(f1-f0)/(xx(2)-xx(1))*(x-xx(1)) end if C-- If extrapolation into large q only: else if (n.gt.0.and.m.eq.my) then f0 = InterpolatePDF(ip,np,ih,nhess,x,yy(my),nx,my,xx,yy,cc) f1 = InterpolatePDF(ip,np,ih,nhess,x,yy(my-1),nx,my,xx,yy,cc) if (f0.gt.0.d0.and.f1.gt.0.d0) then z = exp(log(f0)+(log(f0)-log(f1))/(yy(my)-yy(my-1))* & (y-yy(my))) else z = f0+(f0-f1)/(yy(my)-yy(my-1))*(y-yy(my)) end if C-- If extrapolation into large q AND small x: else if (n.eq.0.and.m.eq.my) then f0 = InterpolatePDF(ip,np,ih,nhess,xx(1),yy(my),nx,my,xx,yy,cc) f1 = InterpolatePDF(ip,np,ih,nhess,xx(1),yy(my-1),nx,my,xx,yy, & cc) if (f0.gt.0.d0.and.f1.gt.0.d0) then z0 = exp(log(f0)+(log(f0)-log(f1))/(yy(my)-yy(my-1))* & (y-yy(my))) else z0 = f0+(f0-f1)/(yy(my)-yy(my-1))*(y-yy(my)) end if f0 = InterpolatePDF(ip,np,ih,nhess,xx(2),yy(my),nx,my,xx,yy,cc) f1 = InterpolatePDF(ip,np,ih,nhess,xx(2),yy(my-1),nx,my,xx,yy, & cc) if (f0.gt.0.d0.and.f1.gt.0.d0) then z1 = exp(log(f0)+(log(f0)-log(f1))/(yy(my)-yy(my-1))* & (y-yy(my))) else z1 = f0+(f0-f1)/(yy(my)-yy(my-1))*(y-yy(my)) end if if (z0.gt.0.d0.and.z1.gt.0.d0) then z = exp(log(z0)+(log(z1)-log(z0))/(xx(2)-xx(1))*(x-xx(1))) else z = z0+(z1-z0)/(xx(2)-xx(1))*(x-xx(1)) end if else print *,"Error in ExtrapolatePDF" stop end if ExtrapolatePDF = z return end C---------------------------------------------------------------------- integer function locx_mstw(xx,nx,x) C-- returns an integer j such that x lies inbetween xx(j) and xx(j+1). C-- nx is the length of the array with xx(nx) the highest element. implicit none integer nx,jl,ju,jm double precision x,xx(nx) if(x.eq.xx(1)) then locx_mstw=1 return endif if(x.eq.xx(nx)) then locx_mstw=nx-1 return endif ju=nx+1 jl=0 1 if((ju-jl).le.1) go to 2 jm=(ju+jl)/2 if(x.ge.xx(jm)) then jl=jm else ju=jm endif go to 1 2 locx_mstw=jl return end C---------------------------------------------------------------------- double precision function polderiv1(x1,x2,x3,y1,y2,y3) C-- returns the estimate of the derivative at x1 obtained by a C-- polynomial interpolation using the three points (x_i,y_i). implicit none double precision x1,x2,x3,y1,y2,y3 polderiv1=(x3*x3*(y1-y2)+2.d0*x1*(x3*(-y1+y2)+x2*(y1-y3)) & +x2*x2*(-y1+y3)+x1*x1*(-y2+y3))/((x1-x2)*(x1-x3)*(x2-x3)) return end double precision function polderiv2(x1,x2,x3,y1,y2,y3) C-- returns the estimate of the derivative at x2 obtained by a C-- polynomial interpolation using the three points (x_i,y_i). implicit none double precision x1,x2,x3,y1,y2,y3 polderiv2=(x3*x3*(y1-y2)-2.d0*x2*(x3*(y1-y2)+x1*(y2-y3)) & +x2*x2*(y1-y3)+x1*x1*(y2-y3))/((x1-x2)*(x1-x3)*(x2-x3)) return end double precision function polderiv3(x1,x2,x3,y1,y2,y3) C-- returns the estimate of the derivative at x3 obtained by a C-- polynomial interpolation using the three points (x_i,y_i). implicit none double precision x1,x2,x3,y1,y2,y3 polderiv3=(x3*x3*(-y1+y2)+2.d0*x2*x3*(y1-y3)+x1*x1*(y2-y3) & +x2*x2*(-y1+y3)+2.d0*x1*x3*(-y2+y3))/ & ((x1-x2)*(x1-x3)*(x2-x3)) return end C----------------------------------------------------------------------