subroutine scaleset_MTtbar(p,mu0) c--- subroutine to calculate dynamic scale equal to c--- partonic MT (i.e. scalar sum of particle pt's, whether or not they pass cuts) implicit none include 'constants.f' include 'npart.f' include 'process.f' integer j double precision p(mxpart,4),mu0,pt double precision HT3, HT4 mu0=0d0 do j=3,npart+2 mu0=mu0+dsqrt(p(j,4)**2-p(j,3)**2) enddo if (case .eq. 'tt_tot') then HT3=dsqrt(p(3,4)**2-p(3,3)**2) HT4=dsqrt(p(4,4)**2-p(4,3)**2) mu0=HT4 endif return end