c--- Combinations of bubble integrals, 0704.3914v3 Eq. (3.21) c--- The hatted versions of these functions are further defined c--- by Eqs. (3.25), (3.26) and (3.27) double complex function BGRL1(s,t) implicit none double complex lnrat double precision s,t BGRL1=lnrat(-s,-t)/dcmplx(s-t) return end double complex function BGRL2(s,t) implicit none double complex lnrat double precision s,t BGRL2=lnrat(-s,-t)/dcmplx(s-t)**2 return end double complex function BGRL2hat(s,t) implicit none double complex lnrat double precision s,t BGRL2hat=lnrat(-s,-t)/dcmplx(s-t)**2 . -dcmplx(0.5d0*(s+t)/((s-t)*s*t)) return end double complex function BGRL3(s,t) implicit none double complex lnrat double precision s,t BGRL3=lnrat(-s,-t)/dcmplx(s-t)**3 return end double complex function BGRL3hat(s,t) implicit none double complex lnrat double precision s,t BGRL3hat=lnrat(-s,-t)/dcmplx(s-t)**3 . -dcmplx(0.5d0*(s+t)/((s-t)**2*s*t)) return end