subroutine runCP_0000i(i1,Gr,S0000i,N0) implicit none include 'TRconstants.f' include 'pvCnames.f' include 'pvCv.f' include 'Carraydef.f' include 'Carrays.f' integer ep,N0,i1,m,n,np parameter(np=2) double precision Gr(np,np) double complex S0000i(np,-2:0),bit,pole do ep=-2,0 bit=czip do n=1,np do m=1,np bit=bit+Gr(n,m)*Cv(czziii(z3(n,m,i1))+N0,ep) enddo enddo pole=czip if (ep .gt. -2) pole=4d0*Cv(czzzzi(i1)+N0,ep-1) c--- note: we have simplified the recursion relation by using DD (5.9) c--- so that S0000i = 2B00i(0)+2*m0sq*C00i Cv(czzzzi(i1)+N0,ep)= . (pole . +S0000i(i1,ep) . -bit)/16d0 enddo return end