'6.8' [file version number] [Flags to specify the mode in which MCFM is run] -1 [nevtrequested] .false. [creatent] .false. [skipnt] .false. [dswhisto] .false. [creategrid] .true. [writetop] .false. [writedat] .false. [writegnu] .true. [writeroot] .false. [writepwg] [General options to specify the process and execution] 161 [nproc] 1611 [exptid] 'lord' [part 'lord','real' or 'virt','tota'] 'test' ['runstring'] 8000d0 [sqrts in GeV] +1 [ih1 =1 for proton and -1 for antiproton] +1 [ih2 =1 for proton and -1 for antiproton] 126d0 [hmass] 80d0 [scale:QCD scale choice] 80d0 [facscale:QCD fac_scale choice] 'no' [dynamicscale] .false. [zerowidth] .false. [removebr] 4 [itmx1, number of iterations for pre-conditioning] 100000 [ncall1] 10 [itmx2, number of iterations for final run] 100000 [ncall2] 1089 [ij] .false. [dryrun] .true. [Qflag] .true. [Gflag] [Heavy quark masses] 173.2d0 [top mass] 4.75d0 [bottom mass] 1.5d0 [charm mass] [Pdf selection] 'CT14nnlo' [pdlabel] 4 [NGROUP, see PDFLIB] 46 [NSET - see PDFLIB] CT14nnlo [LHAPDF group] 0 [LHAPDF set] [Jet definition and event cuts] 40d0 [m34min] 14000d0 [m34max] 0d0 [m56min] 14000d0 [m56max] .true. [inclusive] 'ankt' [algorithm] 15d0 [ptjet_min] 0d0 [|etajet|_min] 5d0 [|etajet|_max] 0.5d0 [Rcut_jet] .false. [makecuts] 0d0 [ptlepton_min] 99d0 [|etalepton|_max] 0d0,0d0 [|etalepton|_veto] 0d0 [ptmin_missing] 0d0 [ptlepton(2nd+)_min] 99d0 [|etalepton(2nd+)|_max] 0d0,0d0 [|etalepton(2nd+)|_veto] 0d0 [minimum (3,4) transverse mass] 0d0 [R(jet,lept)_min] 0d0 [R(lept,lept)_min] 0d0 [Delta_eta(jet,jet)_min] .false. [jets_opphem] 0 [lepbtwnjets_scheme] 0d0 [ptmin_bjet] 99d0 [etamax_bjet] [Settings for photon processes] .false. [fragmentation included] 'GdRG__LO' [fragmentation set] 80d0 [fragmentation scale] 20d0 [ptmin_photon] 2.5d0 [etamax_photon] 20d0 [ptmin_photon(2nd)] 20d0 [ptmin_photon(3rd)] 0d0 [R(photon,lept)_min] 0.4d0 [R(photon,photon)_min] 0.4d0 [R(photon,jet)_min] 0.4d0 [cone size for isolation] 0.5d0 [epsilon_h, energy fraction for isolation] [Anomalous couplings of the W and Z] 0.0d0 [Delta_g1(Z)] 0.0d0 [Delta_K(Z)] 0.0d0 [Delta_K(gamma)] 0.0d0 [Lambda(Z)] 0.0d0 [Lambda(gamma)] 0.0d0 [h1(Z)] 0.0d0 [h1(gamma)] 0.0d0 [h2(Z)] 0.0d0 [h2(gamma)] 0.0d0 [h3(Z)] 0.0d0 [h3(gamma)] 0.0d0 [h4(Z)] 0.0d0 [h4(gamma)] 2.0d0 [Form-factor scale, in TeV] [Anomalous width of the Higgs] 1d0 [Gamma_H/Gamma_H(SM)] [How to resume/save a run] .false. [readin] .false. [writeout] '' [ingridfile] '' [outgridfile] [Technical parameters that should not normally be changed] .false. [debug] .true. [verbose] .false. [new_pspace] .false. [virtonly] .false. [realonly] .true. [spira] .false. [noglue] .false. [ggonly] .false. [gqonly] .false. [omitgg] .false. [vanillafiles] 1 [nmin] 2 [nmax] .true. [clustering] .false. [realwt] 0 [colourchoice] 1d-2 [rtsmin] 1d-4 [cutoff] 0.1d0 [aii] 0.1d0 [aif] 0.1d0 [afi] 1d0 [aff] 1d0 [bfi] 1d0 [bff]